Sergey Podgorny - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography, "Some old people go to battle," Smallwood, rumors and latest news



It is difficult to find a person who born and grew up in our country who would not love or at least once saw one of the best films about the Great Patriotic War "Some" old men "go into battle." In a smiling, tightened handsome with snaps on the cheeks, famous for the nicknamed Darkovanka, was in love almost every second girl of the Soviet Union.

Sergey Podgorny - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography,

Actor Sergey Aleksandrovich Podgorny, he is a charming military pilot of Darkovanka, born on January 1, 1954 in the village of urban type Bucha (now the city of regional importance) of the Kiev region.

The family in which Sergey appeared was quite prosperous and wealthy. Father Alexander Podgorny was an order officer, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. At one time he worked as director of a brick factory in the city of Irpen near Kiev. Mom Raisa Feodosievna worked with an apparatus at the plant for the manufacture of medical drugs. In addition to Sergey, another son smasted in the family - Senior Vladimir.

In one of the interviews, Mom Rais Feodosievna told that the younger son was a real gift for her. Responsive, very kind and generous, he was always ready to help and relatives, and someone else's people. Seryozha was a master for all hands and could do almost everything in the housework. At the same time, he had a wonderful voice and innate artistry.

In the early 1970s, Sergey Podgorny became a student of a Kiev theater university. He graduated from Karthi in 1976 and immediately was accepted on the Alexander Dovzhenko film studio.


The cinematic biography of Sergey Podgorny began in student years. In 1973 he made his debut in the episode of the film "Applicient". The role was so tiny that the name of the actor did not even fall into the titers. Therefore, it is believed that the first role of Podgorny turned out to be precisely the starry, in the legendary picture of Leonid Bykov, "one" old men "go into battle."

This main role in the life of the artist came across him by chance. Initially, Leonid Bykov planned to give it to Anatoly Mateshko, but he refused due to the lead role in another picture. In the film, his sister Olga Mateshko, who played Zoi, the pilot of the bombarder U-2. The second pilot played Evgeny Simonov.

Sergey Podgorny - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography,

Leonid Bykov got a young man with a burning look and a charming smile in the crowd. This was Sergey Podgorny. He was immediately approved for the role of Lieutenant Viktor Shchedronov on the nicknamed Darkovanka. Later, the Podgorny admitted that he could not come to himself from happiness for several days. He immediately realized that this work would bring him huge glory.

The shooting in the legendary picture under the leadership of the present master was the best period in the life of a novice actor. Sergey Podgorny Berg of memories of talented colleagues, filmed in a picture of a sowing squadron, until death. He often recalled the actress Olga Mateshko and Evgeny Simonov, in which he was secretly in love. However, like all other men shooting in the picture.

The film was released on the screens in 1973 and instantly turned into a hit. Everyone who has taken out in it has become megapopular actors.

But after this, the stunning success of the 19-year-old student of the Kre. Theater Institute named after Karpenko-Karoy Sergey Podgorny did not starred in any role, which at least remotely in its popularity approached the starry.

Although Sergey Podgorny was shot not so little. The total number of his work in the cinema almost approached the mark of 60. He played the heroes of the second plan in the paintings "Road to hell", "ransom", "heavy water", "these are we, Lord!" And the set of others. But it is unlikely that someone noticed the famous swearing in these films.

Sergey Podgorny - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography,

The death of a beloved teacher and director Leonid Bykov in 1979 was the hard psychological blow to the young artist. Probably, it was the first blow that soles Sergey Podgorny and became the starting point in his way down.

In the late 1990s, when the cinema of Ukraine, as well as the entire former USSR, came into decay, Podgorny was not shot at all. To somehow survive, he, the master on all his hands, did repairs in the houses of the fellow villagers, worked in a carpentry workshop, where even the coffins made under the order. And increasingly applied to Chekushka. It is concerned that Sergey Podgorny was addicted to filming at the shooting in a star picture. How he later admitted himself, did not want to be a white crow.

The last attempt to return to the movie took place in 2009. After the appearance in the episode of the picture "Caution! Red mercury! ", Reached on screens in 1995, the actor was no longer shot. After several publications in the newspapers that "Smallwood drinks", to stretch the colleague, the Ukrainian director and screenwriter Oksana Bayrak decided to stretch his help. She suggested Sergey in the subgrade role of the father of the main character in his tape "Cinderella from Djerba Island", putting the condition not to drink during the shooting either a drop of alcohol.

The film went to the screens, but after him the old life came again. Sergey Podgorny seems to not even looked at his last work in the cinema.

Personal life

The first wife of the actor was Beauty Svetlana, with whom Podgorny met in Adler, when he was in the zenith of his fame. They married and came to live in Buch. The son of Vladimir was born here. According to Mother of Artist, Sergey loved Svetlana more than life. But after a year, the wife, grabbing a tiny son, went back to Adler. More neither her nor Son Sergey Podgorny saw. According to one information, Vladimir Podgorny became a sailor, along the other - engineer of the department of operation of cable car.

Sergey Podgorny - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography,

Sergey Podgorny's personal life once again received a chance for happiness when the artist met and loved his countrygram Lydia. They lived in a civil marriage for several years. Alexander's daughter appeared on the world. But this union broke up.

It is rumored that in the life of the artist there was another woman, but again something was not challenged and the pair broke up.

For recent years, Sergey Podgorny lived together with Mom. Father and brother did not yet become. The first died of diseases, the second was tragically died. In recent years, the actor drank and lowered everything below. In addition, he was repulsed by old diseases - the hernia of the spine after injuries received at the shooting. And the Podgorny had disability after he fell under the train and the miracle survived. The family lived in a dilapidated house on a tiny retirement, which lacked anything.


Darkovanka did not work on the night of July 19, 2011. On July 18, the 58-year-old Sergey Podgorny went to the pension to the post office, but home was not returned. He died in the intensive care unit of one of the hospitals Irpen from acute heart failure.

Surgei Podgorny burned in Buchable in Bucha, next to the grave of the father.


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