Andrei Sviridov - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Andrei Sviridov - Belarusian athlete and actor. The most famous for the role of the guard Gennady Vinogradov in the Sistcom "Univer" and "Sashatany".

Andrei was born in the Belarusian city of Mogilev in the family of intellectuals. The boy's father taught in the school Belarusian language and literature, and the mother served an accountant. The family also brought up the younger sister Andrei, Alena, with which the actor is still friendly.

Actor Andrei Sviridov

In another five years, Sviridov began to engage in various sports, and when it became clear that the growth of the boy would be much higher than that of peers, the guy was invited to the basketball section. At first, Andrew studied at the Mogilev School, and later he got into the Republican School of the Olympic reserve. At 18, the young man has already passed the regulations on the masters of sports, achieved the title of the Belarusian champion, and also twice won the All-Union Championships. In 1994, the young man received the Gold Medal of the European Youth Championship.

Success attracted to the guy of American sports scouts, and Sviridov moved to the United States, where he began to study at the University of George Washington and playing the metropolitan basketball team. The athlete's career developed rapidly, but at the age of 25 Andrei received a serious injury, and the big basketball closed in front of the door athlete.

Andrey Sviridov

At first, Andrei experienced a real shock - hoped and dreams collapsed. But a pretty quickly young man took himself in his hands and moved to Los Angeles, where he was signed up in the studio of acting skills "Beverly Hills Playihaus", and in parallel, he worked as a security guard in the Anentland Amusement Park.

Soon Sviridov was waiting for the first roles in Hollywood paintings. Also, the novice actor was invited to participate in the advertising of the McDonalds network and in video clips of such famous musicians as Robbie Williams and Enrique Iglesias.


Andrei Sviridov debuted in 2004 in the American fantastic picture "History from the other side", and a criminal drama "Theft" was removed in the American fantastic picture of Andrei's own scenario. Then there were films "Fighting Spirit", "Next Dinner", "stuck perfect" and a number of other Hollywood paintings mainly in the militant genre, horror or action. Sviridov did not assume that he could make a brilliant acting career, but the biography of Andrei changed after a meeting with the Russian actor.

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In Russia, Sviridov returned at the invitation of Andrei Krasko and rather quickly thanks to its own dimensions (the growth of Sviridov 212 cm with a weight - 160 kg) stamped the title of the best type for the role of guards and gangsters. In such roles, Andrei began to appear in famous TV shows - "Happy together", "Do not be born beautiful", "Our Russia".

The image of the guard and brought Andrei All-Russian glory, when the actor played the bodyguard Gene in the Youth Sitkom "University", and a little later, the same character depicted in the comedy TV series "Sashahatany". Another famous role of Sviridov fell on a mystical multi-seater film for teenagers "Closed School", however, there is impossible to find out the artist without titles. The Belarusian actor played a genetically worried man hiding from people whom the little heroine called "Gnome", despite the two-meter growth.

The interesting role of fantasy giant was at the actor in the fifth of the fifth of the fifth of the guard. But mostly the actor continues to play guards, for example, in the films "What men are doing!" With the novel Yunusov, the "exchange brothers" with Fedor Dobronravov, "Zolushka" with Christina Asmus.

Andrey Sviridov on the shooting of the series

Andrei Sviridov also plays pumped gangsters. In this image, the actor appeared in the comedy "I am or not me", the historical drama "Lord-comrades", a fantastic detective "Loop of Time", the criminal picture of the "scramble". In total, on account of the 40-year-old actor 68 paintings of the American and Russian production.

Personal life

Andrei Sviridov's first marriage concluded in young years, but the Union was short-lived and fragile. After the divorce, the personal life of the actor remained on the second plan for many years. The first wife left a negative trail in the soul of an athlete, so Sviridov did not even remember the name of the girl.

At the end of 2014, Andrei again went under the crown. The choices became the Apollinarian Bailik from the city of Belgorod. By the profession of the wife of the actor - a mechanical engineer, but tries to find himself in the profession of model and actress. I got acquainted with the young on the set. For Sashahatany Sitkom, a scene of a friendly evening, where it took a mass ame from young people dressed in the evening outfits. Apollinarium was among the actors of the episode. Soon Andrei Sviridov invited the girl to the first date.

Now young people live in the House of Sviridov, where aquarium fish and the owner's cat, named after the beloved Hero of Andrei - the oligarch Sylvester Sergeeva, are also inhabited. The spouses think about the birth of children and the first want to see the Son, which in the future will be a defender of the younger sister.

In addition to sports and acting careers, Andrei Sviridov tried twice in the role of a player in the humorous game KVN. The actor went on stage in 2010 for the team "" at the Open Cup Cup, and after three years he was a member of the collective "Cambridge" in the semifinal game of the highest league.

Andrei Sviridov Now

Every year, the acting skills of Andrei Sviridova is growing, which is confirmed by new projects where stronghold is involved. In 2016, the "Friday" comedy was released on the movie screen, which gathered a star composition. Danilla Kozlovsky, Ekaterina Spitz, Sergey Burunov, Anton Chagin, Pavel Derevyanka played in the film. Andrei Sviridov, who performed the episodic role of the Emergency Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the number of invited actors. The humorous plot involving Andrei was that the rescuers who arrived at the scene of the incident would need help: they could not exit the stuck elevator.

Actor Andrei Sviridov

The episode went to the artist and in the melodrame "double solid-2", the premiere of which was held on the TV channel "home" in early 2017. The actor pleased with the audience to participate in the Kinineomedy "Love in the city of Angelov" about two pragmatists (Natalia Rudova, Mikael Aramyan), who managed to love each other for several meetings.

At the end of November of the same year, the long-awaited show of the historical drama "Legend about Kolovrat" was held on the battle of Vitya Vitya Evpathy Kolovrat (Ilya Malakov) with the troops of the Golden Horde under the leadership of Khan Batya (Alexander Tsoi). Alexey Serebryakov was transformed in Russian warriors, Alexander Ilyin (Jr.), Timofey Tribunesev. Andrei Sviridov also tried medieval armor to participate in the Battle Scene. Photo moments of the shooting process Andrew laid out on a personal page in the Instagram network.

In the comedy role, Andrei appeared in the criminal series "Force Major", shown in the TV channel "NTV". According to the plot of the film, the trouble-free nurse of Vitya (Pavel Priluchny) went on the leader of the gangsters (Vladimir Sychev) and agreed to make that plastic surgery. But during surgery, the patient died. Vite threatens an inevitable death from the accomplices of the gangster, but a friend Artem (Ilya Mlinnikov) invites Vita himself to turn into the deceased criminal.

Now the artist is working on a new way in the Chinese Comedy "Journalists", which the creators plan to be released in 2018.


  • 1992 - "Fight Spirit"
  • 2007 - "NEVALYA"
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2009 - "Jurles"
  • 2011 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "Zolushka"
  • 2013 - "What men do!"
  • 2013-2017 - Sashahatany
  • 2015 - "Stone Jungle Law"
  • 2017 - "Love in the city of Angelov"
  • 2017 - "Legend of Kovrovrat"

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