Svetlana Neolar - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Svetlana Nevolyaeva - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR, Winner of the National Theater Prize "Golden Mask" and the Award of the Spectator Sympathies "Theater Star". The most famous films with the participation of the actress are the paintings by the director Eldar Ryazanov - "Garage", "about the poor hussar, they will silence the word", "Service Roman".

Svetlana Nevolyaeva in youth

Svetlana Vladimirovna Nevolyaeva was born in Moscow in the family of intellectuals, who were directly related to the theater and cinema. Vladimir Nevoliev, Dad Svetlana, was a film director. Valentina Ladygin, mother of a future celebrity, worked as a sound operator. There were in the family and actors, for example, Uncle Svetlana in the father's line Konstantin Nevolyaev. Tied life with the movie and the younger brother Nicholas, who picked up the camera and became a film operator.

Childhood Girls passed on the spindle, with the exception of heavy military years in evacuation. According to Svetlana Nevolyaeva, she still fell in love with the theater, went to the performances in which the uncle was played, often attended other productions. So at the age when most children still do not think about the future path, Svetlana was already sure that he would become just an actress. After school, the girl enters the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, and in 1959 he is included in the TRUPUPU Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, who in the mid-50s was considered the most prestigious Moscow theater.

Actress Svetlana Nevolyaeva

The debut Neoloeva took place in the classic role of Ophelia of Shakespearean "Hamlet". The execution of the tragic image of the public perceived with delight, Svetlana 8 years in a row continued to play this role. The work of the artist in the plays of Tennessee Williams "Tram" Desire "" and "Cat on a hot roof" was highly appreciated. For achievements in the development of theatrical art, the actress was awarded a number of state orders.


For the first time on the screens, Neolar appeared at the age of 8. Svetlana starred in the comedy Konstantin Yudina "Gemini". Then many times a small actress performed the role of unnamed girls, for example, in the musical "Happy flight" and the Circus tape "Pencil on Ice". By the way, Mikhail Rumyantseva, the famous clown of a pencil, Svetlana knew from an early age, since he was a family friend.

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The first adult work of the Nelenoye was the film-opera "Eugene Onegin", in which the actress played the role of Olga Larina. He sang the artist is not herself, Aria performed by Opera Diva Larisa Avdeev. Later Svetlana appeared in the frame and on the first, and on the second plans. We enjoyed success with the audience with Svetlana also detective "Circle", the psychological melodrama "Day Train", a family saga "such a short long life."

But the main success in the cinema came to the actress after exploring the director Eldar Ryazanov. At first, the film actress starred in his romantic comedy "Service Roman", then appeared in the satirical tape "Garage" and tragicomedy "Sleep the word about the poor hussar." Later Nevolaeva takes public in the social allegorical drama "Heaven Promised".

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In addition to cooperation with Ryazanov, Svetlana Vladimirovna was filmed from other directors. The actress can be seen in the children's fairy tale "Osreen Skura", a detective "Mystery of Black Drozdov" "on the novel Agatha Christie, tragicomedia" on the main street with the orchestra ", as well as the musical" Rock and Roll for Princesses ".

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In the new century Nevolyaeva, many participated in the filming of popular Russian TV series. The actress played in the films "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur "," Autumn Flowers "and" Zemsky Doctor ". The latest noticeable works were the melodrama "shards of a crystal shoe", as well as television series "Family circumstances".

"Love affair at work"

In the late 70s, the film "Service Roman" came out on the screens. In the famous Comedy of Eldar Ryazanov, the Russian actress performed the role of Sentimental and vane Olga Ryzhova. The film became a 1978 rolled leader in the USSR, and the actors participating in the shooting have gained unprecedented popularity. This film is called the most memorable actress in the cinematic biography.

In addition to Svetlana Nevolyaeva, the legendary Soviet artists played in the picture: Alice Freindlich, Andrei Soft, Leah Ahacedzhakova, George Burkov, Lyudmila Ivanova, Oleg Basilashvili, Peter Shcherbakov and others.

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Svetlana itself calls the Film with a true history of that time, arguing that the "service novel" is the everyday life of Soviet people in the 70s of the twentieth century.

"Olga Ryzhova is a true real sign of time. In those days, everyone was knitted. Men went in sweaters, from which threads stick out, and female blouses were decorated with similar robes, like mine, "- recalls the actress.

Personal life

Beautiful, slender actress, possessing beautiful external and physical data (Svetlana growth - 165 cm), has always been in the center of attention. Personal life of celebrities and today are discussed by representatives of the press and television viewers.

It is known that at the same time another young actor - Alexander Lazarev was adopted at the Svetlane Neloeva in the theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. Svetlana and Alexander immediately arose like a sympathy for each other, and soon this spark turned into a serious feeling. Already in March 1960, Nevolyaeva married Lazarev.

Svetlana Nevolyaeva with her husband Alexander Lazarev, son Alexander Jr. and the granddaughter of Polina

After 7 years, the only son was born in the family, which decided to name in honor of the Father. Alexander Lazarev Jr. continued the acting dynasty, today plays on the stage of the Moscow Theater Lenk. The son presented the mother of two grandchildren - Sergey and Polina.

With Alexander Lazarev, his spouse, actress lived a happy life until his sudden death in 2011. Their union has always been for the public an example of decency and intelligence. Against the background of other acting couples, allowing intrigue outside the family, Svetlana and Alexander remained strong and clean pair.

Svetlana Neolar now

The actress does not cease to delight the public game on stage and today. Svetlana Vladimirovna continues to conquer the audience in unique charm and unsurpassed acting skills. April 18, 2017 Svetlana Nevolyaeva turned 80 years old.

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The legend of the Soviet cinema continues to work at the Mayakovsky Theater. Especially for the anniversary in the theater institution there was a play "Mad money" on the play Alexander Ostrovsky.

We decided to make a gift Svetlana Vladimirovna and the authors of the program "Perfect Repair", broadcast on the first channel. Despite age, the actress works a lot, without paying attention to its dacha, which came to the launch. Experts decided to put the Celebrity Celebrity in order, which the film actrix was very glad.

I did not forget to congratulate the legend of the Soviet cinema and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The head of state sent a congratulatory telegram, which noted that Svetlana Vladimirovna is rightfully considered a talented, multifaceted actress, friendly and sincere person.

"Each of your work is both on the theater scene, and in cinema - bribes the depth, artistic expressiveness and accuracy of characteristics," the text of congratulations stated.


  • 1958 - Evgeny Onegin
  • 1976 - Day Train
  • 1977 - Service Roman
  • 1979 - Garage
  • 1980 - Sleep the word about the poor hussar
  • 1983 - In broad daylight ...
  • 1986 - on the main street with the orchestra
  • 1989 - Lady Visit
  • 1990 - Rock and Roll for Princesses
  • 1991 - Associated Heaven
  • 1992 - 1997 - little things in life
  • 2006 - Blues of fallen leaves
  • 2009 - Autumn Flowers
  • 2015 - Crystal shovels
  • 2016 - family circumstances

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