Tatyana Drubich - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Tatyana Drubich is the Russian actress of theater and cinema. Unlike his colleagues, Tatiana Drubich did not receive special education. Moreover, Tatiana worked in parallel in parallel as a doctor's posts, and then became a business Woman. The Russian viewer is familiar with this actress on the films "Ten Negreat", "Assa", "Anna Karenina" and "Last Fairy Tale Rita."

Tatiana was born and grew up in Moscow. Mom actresses love Vladimirovna was an economist, and Father Lucien Israelich worked by an engineer. The early death of the father greatly shook Tanya, and she could not come to themselves for a long time.

Actress Tatyana Drubic

Despite the fact that in the orphanages of Tatiana played two popular roles in the movie, Drubich after school could not say with confidence that he wanted to be actress. For some kind of internal reasons, the girl enters the medical dental institute named after N. A. Semashko and becomes an endocrinologist.

After graduating from the Institute Tatiana Drubich, he has a doctor in the Moscow clinic, but, nevertheless, continues to be filmed into the cinema, and it hits the cover of the Journal of the Soviet screen, which was placed the most sought-after actresses. Later, a woman was engaged in business: in the early 90s, the actress opened a fashionable nightclub in Moscow "Assembly Hall", and after closing the club organized their own pharmacological company in Germany.


At the age of 12, Tatiana Drubich noted representatives of the Moscow film studio and were invited to participate in Casting. As a result, the girl debuted in the heroic adventure film Inna Tumanyan "Fifteenth Spring". Two years later, the "One hundred days after childhood" melodrama comes to the screens, for which the young actress was awarded the prize "Silver Bear" at the Berlin Film Festival.

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In adolescence, Tatiana was filmed in the youth drama "The confusion of feelings" and in the detective "especially dangerous ...". But after Tatiana began to study at the medical institute, the girl did not stop shooting. The actress appeared in the paintings "Rescuer" and "Heiress in a straight line", which in the plot were the continuation of the "One hundred days after childhood". Then, together with Leonid Filatov, was filmed in the "Favorites" drama and with Oleg Yankovsky in the love triangle "Keep me, my talisman."

The two films of 1987 were incredibly popular - the Detective "Ten Necritty" on the novel Agatha Christie and the criminal drama "ACCA". Assa had a continuation - "Black Rose - the emblem of sadness, the Red Rose - the emblem of love" and the "house under the starry sky".

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For comedy "Hi, foolie!" Tatiana Drubich was nominated for a nickname, but then for several years disappeared from screens, except for the appearance in the video clip on the song Valeria Meladze "Dawn". Actress returned in 2000 with the drama "Moscow", after which the roles in the melodraman "On Love" and the Social Drama "Volunteer" followed.

The most famous work of the actress of recent years has become the screening of the novel of the lion of Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". At the same time, the Drama "2-ACCA-2" was created at the same time, which immediately combined the stories and "assa", and "Anna Karenina". The last film in the creative biography of Drubich for today was fantasy "The Last Fairy Tale Rita".

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If you look at the work of Tatiana Drubich in general, it can be noted that the role of the actress is a classic type of fatal woman who practically absent in Russian cinema since the times of the legendary faith of Cold. Did not prevent Tatiana to take a niche of fatal beauty even a miniature growth - 165 cm.

Personal life

The only official husband of Tatiana Drubich was the famous director Sergey Solovyev, who opened it as an actress for movie actors. They were familiar for a very long time before their wedding, held in 1983.

The family was born daughter Anna, who turned out to be a gifted musician. The girl studied the game for piano in Munich, collaborated with many world-famous orchestras, including with "Moscow vocominates" and "Salzburger Mozarthum". Anna Drubich also performed with the Crimean Symphony Orchestra and Kremlin Chamber Orchestra, but in 2013, the girl moved to America and from that moment he lives in Los Angeles. Anna Drubich practically does not act, but did not throw music, now the musician works by the composer and writes music for films.

Tatyana Drubich and Sergey Solovyov with her daughter

In 1989, Tatiana and Sergey divorced, but they did not interrupt their relationship. As their daughter says, the love between them never disappeared.

After many years, Tatiana Drubich had the second daughter of Mary, who played a half-year-old girl, a small daughter Anna Karenina and Vronsky in the adaptation of "Anna Karenina". The actress does not advertise who the father of this baby, although in the press the rumors went completely different. They said that maybe the father is all the same Sergey Soloviev, and also put forward the version that the child is a reception. Whatever it was, Drubich on all questions about this is only one phrase - "no comment."

Tatyana Drubich now

Today, Drubich is no longer filmed in the cinema. The actress does not comment, whether it is temporary break or final care from the screens. The main work of the artist was charity, and the systematic and conscious.

Tatyana Drubic

Today, Tatiana Drubich is held by the post of co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Charitable Foundation called "Vera", which is located in Moscow and is engaged in helping hospice. This is the first and yet, unfortunately, the only foundation in Russia, the main goal of which began to help hospices, as well as hopelessly sick. The importance of such aid emphasizes the motto of the organization: "If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot help."

In the role of Charity, Tatiana visits secular and specialized events, gives an interview in which it tells about the specifics of the work of charitable funds and the help of adults and children, collects money for projects of its own and other funds. Tatiana Drubich does a lot for the "Vera" Foundation, but does not advertise his own work, even in the "Instagram" of the actress's fund appears not often.

Tatiana Drubich - Co-Charitable Foundation Co-Charitable Council

In 2016, the Faith Foundation, in which the actress works, together with the Foundation "Give Life", which works with oncologically sick children, created the first children's hospice in Russia called "House with Lighthouse". The management of the Fund hopes that the first children's hospice will become a model for new hospices that will appear in other cities.

In 2017, the actress and charity became the guest of the annual Bala, which is held for the collection of funds for children with oncological diseases. The event holds a charitable foundation called "Winter Ball".

This ball was the anniversary - twentieth. Philanthropips from Russia and from other countries came to the charity event, and the evening was held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Traditionally, the ball collected more than 300 benefactors. The Embassy of the Republic of Greek Republic in the Russian Federation, a strategic partner, an Arctic Region, a strategic partner, was the patronage of the event.

Tatyana Drubic

That year, "Winter Ball" gathered 18 million rubles. For this money, the Fund plans to acquire equipment and drugs for children and organizations that do not receive funding from the budget.

In December 2017, the Forest Foundation together with the publishing house "Azbuka-Attikus" presented a new charitable publication - the book of the French writer Erica Emmanuel Schmitt "Children of Noah." The Network of Book Stores "Chitai-city" also joined the project "Life for the rest of my life" and posted a book on the store shelves. Half money with the purchase of each book network lists the Faith Foundation.


  • 1975 - "One hundred days after childhood"
  • 1986 - "Keep me, my talisman"
  • 1987 - "Ten Negreat"
  • 1987 - "ACCA"
  • 1988 - "Black Monk"
  • 1989 - "Black rose - the emblem of sadness, Red Rose - Love emblem"
  • 1996 - "Hi, foolie!"
  • 2000 - "Moscow"
  • 2003 - "On Love"
  • 2009 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2009 - "ACCA-2"
  • 2012 - "Last Fairy Tale Rita"

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