Alexander McOn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



This actor has extensive filmography and many roles played in the theater. The charming artist from the first roles conquered the public with his skill of the workshop to reincarnate in the proposed image. Alexander is glad that he did not host one amplua: among his work there are many positive and negative characters with interesting characters.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Sergeevich McOn was born in February 1973 in Donetsk. The boy's family did not have anyone from the world of the theater and movies. Yes, and with other types of art, parents were not connected.

However, the son was creative and dreamed of the scene, since it was there that he felt "in his plate." The young artist was heard by an activist of school amateur. Without Sasha, not a single event was done, so in high school he already knew who would become.

At the end of the school in 1990, the Donetsk guy went to Moscow and, as planned, submitted documents to the famous guitis. As the actor told him in an interview, he did not even suspect that in one city there may be several theatrical universities.

Nevertheless, Gitis Alexander Grezil has long and, having crossed the threshold of the educational institution, immediately penetrated its atmosphere. According to the artist, in his youth he was a self-confident and freedom guy, which helped him upon receipt and in further study.

When Macogon left his native home, his parents were confident that her son would soon return home, would become a student of the Polytechnic Institute or go to the army.

Suddenly, Alexander came from the first attempt for them and was accepted in the workshop of Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov, who for several years he has known the acts of acting craft for several years. His fellow students were Daniel Spivakovsky, Dmitry Prokofiev, Nikita Tinyn.

Personal life

Personal happiness Alexander McOn found when he met with the current wife Alexandra Mikheyeva. Before that, the actor had two marriages.

In his youth Sasha was married to actress Olga Kuzina. She gave the wife of Paul's Son. The significant event occurred in 1996. When the boy turned 4 years old, the spouses broke up. The troubles in the Macogon family experienced painfully.

At that period in 1999, Alexander's colleague on the Teatna named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, Actress Tatyana Augshkp, created his own theater agency. The first performance set by him was the children's production "The Mystery of the Old Cabinet". Alexandra invited Tatyana's romantic young man. A romance broke out between the artists, who led a couple to ride life. After seven years of civil marriage, the relationship ended.

The personal life of Alexander McOnn has improved when he met an assistant on actors Alexander Mikheev. With this woman, the artist found out what happiness is. Sasha is much younger than her husband, but the difference at the age of the couple does not feel. Spouses will grow up two children. In 2011, the son of Stepan was born, and in 2013, the daughter of Masha appeared.

Together with the children and his wife, the artist loves to relax in Thailand. In winter, the McOn households are often sent to a warm country without the head of the family, but Alexander supports communication with them every day with Skype.

Alexander leads a personal page in "Instagram", where the photo of his wife and children often appear. On behalf of the artist there is an unofficial site where information about the upcoming theatrical and filmmakers is placed.


In practice, theoretical knowledge received from experienced teachers, Alexander McOn, began on the 1st year of Gitis. High growth of the young man (183 cm with a weight of 80 kg) with a sports figure debuted on the stage of the Moscow theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, playing George Metchima - the younger in the formulation of the university mentor.

The performance was called "Victoria". Successful debut and an excellent game in the graduation performance "How do you like it" opened the novice actor of the door to the theater named after the VL. Mayakovsky, where Macogon took immediately after receiving a diploma.

Soon theaterly saw a young artist in performances "How you love it", "Kin IV", "People and Mice", "Victim of the Century".

The cinematic biography of Alexander Makogon began in 1992. At that time, the actor studied on the 2nd course. He debuted on the screen in the Multiserful melodrama Isaac Friedberg "Azbuka Love".

This series, published in the early 1990s, was notable for the fact that it turned out to be one of the first domestic projects that were published during the Zasilius of Russian television Brazilian melodramas.

After a considerable break, which was filled with work in the theater, Alexander McOn appeared again on the screens.

In 2000, a multi-sieuled melodrama "Simple truths" was released, where the actor reincarnated in an episodic character - a photographer. A year later, Alexander lit in the series "Marsh Turkish" as an employee of the DPS service.

After a number of secondary images in the "DRONGO" tapes, the "Code of honor", the audience saw the artist in the comedy TV series "Tourists", which was broadcast in 2005. Alexander appeared in the film in the acting ensemble with Olga Fadeeva and Sergey Astakhov. After this major role, the director began to offer him new, no less noticeable. So Mcogon starred in popular multiserial projects "Russian Translation", "Airport".

In 2006, the artist was approved on the main role of Sergey's hero in the series "My General". In a detective, it went about the young teacher of Marina (Love Tolkalina), which, being on vacation, discovered a drowned man, but, unlike guards, the order considered it by murder, and not an accident. The fellow fellow fellow Fedor (Sergey Zhigunov), the FSB agent, became partner of the girl and beloved.

Then the role of the translator appeared in the film "Russian translation" filmography of Macogon on the participation of Russian troops in special operation in the Republic of Yemen. In 2007, the audience saw a favorite artist in a comedy image. Alexander starred in Tatiana Augshkp tape called "Beggages".

The most popular actor brought work in the rating military series "Aleksandrovsky Garden" about the three-day stripping of Odessa from criminal gangs, which the city overwhelmed after the war. The artist participated in the creation of the two subsequent seasons of the project.

In the second half of the 2000s, Alexander also appeared in Multiserry Films "Třekachi", "Blue Nights", "Kotovsky". A significant project for him was the comedy Skocket "Women's League", where Olga Mednichn, Anna Ardova, Olga Tumaykina acted as a partner of the actor. It is noteworthy that the roles played in these ribbons were rather diverse. Macogon demonstrated that she easily knows how to reincarnate into heroes and villains.

Alexander McOn was successful in full-length cinema. In the dismanting picture "S.S.D." And the melodrama "Night of the closed doors" he played central characters. In the comedy "Flight of Fantasy", the actor reincarnated in the main hero of Viktor Buzova, who comes up with a confused legend for a spouse, justifying trips to another city, where in fact meets his mistress.

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In 2008, Macogon tried the image of the Main Hero of Alexey in the Roma Melodrame about the fate of Olga's sisters and Sasha (Nadezhda Bakhtina, Olga Fadeeva), which in the difficult post-war time it is possible to escape from the camp system and become the artists of the Roman theater.

In 2009, the artist was approved for the role of Robert Kennedy in the spy film "In one step from the third world", where we were talking about the Caribbean crisis. And in the adventure drama "Kotovsky" he appeared in the form of the criminal Olesya Cheansky.

The character of Macogon Sawa Barinov was especially loved by the audience from the TV line. Here the actor was involved throughout 2011-2016. The life of the hero Alexander is subordinate to the family - his wife and daughter.

According to the theory of friends of a young man on the road of life, the red light burns, while Edika (Dmitry Miller), preferring short-term connections, is green, and the third friend of Pasha (Jamal Tetrouashvili), founding with a girl, was stuck on yellow.

The fans of the artist noted that he managed to organically look and the bastard (in the series "Blue Nights" he played an employee of Oblvi Artem Bolshakova), and a comic (Vasya from "Men in my head"), and hero (geologist Gleb Krzanov from the painting "Snake Lair "). An artist appeared in the melodrame "oh, ma-urine!", The shielding of the "Kuprin", the series "Love an unexpected gifted", the comedy "Three in Komi".

The actor's repertoire was also replenished with a "executioner" detective, in which Alexander appeared in the episodic role of a lawyer. A film about a woman, a criminal of the Times of the Great Patriotic War, was shown on the air of the First Channel. The main heroes presented the stars of Screen Andrei Smolyakov, Victoria Tolstoganova, Julia Peresilde, Marina Aleksandrov, Alexey Bardukov.

In the extensive filmography of Alexander Makogon, there are many main characters. Star role actor plays increasingly. In 2015, four pictures came out, where the star of the screen played the main characters.

In a series of ironic detectives, "Murder on Troy", "chase in three hares" Alexander executed the role of a private detective, and in the adaptation of the "theory of incredibility" appeared in the form of Victor, the spouse of the main character of Irina (Maria Kulikova). In the melodrama "Where does Nadezhda live?" Macogon appeared in the acting ensemble together with Evgenia Dmitrie and Larisa Udovichenko.

Despite employment on the set of new TV projects, Alexander continues to go to theatrical scene. The game of the artist can still be observed in the theater named VL. Mayakovsky, where it is involved in the performances of "Karamazov", "Illusion" and "live-love."

In 2016, the paintings "Woman with Lilii", "Three Lans on the Diamond Trope", with the participation of a man. A year later, the showrooms of the TV series "Mousetrap for three persons", "Okusherka", "Three in the elevator, not counting the dog" started. Most films played the main characters.

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In the work of the artist prefers not to look back and rarely chops the released material. As he claims, for him interest is cooperation on the stage platform with interesting people, rather than the result itself.

For example, David Tkebuchaw, who creates an amazing atmosphere around himself, who creates an amazing atmosphere around himself a favorite director for himself. The director Alexander worked on the project "Blue Nights". And in 2018, the shooting of the series "Prospectics" began, in which Alexander McOn will appear together with Agataya Motation, Paulil, in addition, Zoe Berber.

The actor is removed only in interesting projects for himself. One of the multi-nickered popular works in the repertoire of the artist was the detective series "Irckka", the premiere of which took place in 2015.

In 2018, the following two seasons of the series were released on the screens, in which the artist reappeared in the main male role Boris Nesashev. Anna Banchikov, Andrei Kazakov, Denis Burgazliev, Dmitry Miller also shone in the acting ensemble.

In the melodrama "extra" about the struggle of relatives for the head of the family of the head of the family, the inheritance of Alexander Makogon appeared in the key image of Philip's character. Also, the actor appeared in the 2nd season of the series "Oh, Ma-Urum!".

Together with an equal to Kurkova, Sergey Chonishvili, Jamal Tetruashvili, Alexander Konstantinov, the artist played in the melodrama "Cruel World of Men". Macogon also appeared in the family express family film and the Rainbow reflection thriller.

Alexander McOn now

Now the screen of the screen remains in demand in projects that show high ratings of the views. In 2019, the collection of artist's images was replenished with the main roles in melodramas "the only joy" and "forgetting about everything."

The main premiere of 2020 was the show of the 4th season "Irckaki". The news of the continuation of the series the audience was waiting with impatience within two years. In the new series, we were talking about the life of those who loved the heroes of Alexander McOn, Anna Bashchikova and others. And at the beginning of the 2021th started the 5th season of this TV project.

At the end of 2019, the film crew of the director of the project Andrei Golovkov, who replaced the late Dmitry Brusnikna, began to create the 5th season. According to the director, the plot included a lot of scenes associated with chase and persecution.

The heroes had to overcome more obstacles than in the first seasons of the film. The history also appears new characters who will surprise the audience no less than the already loved cast.


  • 1992-1994 - "ABC of Love"
  • 2000 - "Simple truths"
  • 2004 - "Moscow. Central District - 2 "
  • 2006 - "My General"
  • 2007 - "Aleksandrovsky Garden - 2"
  • 2008 - "S.S.D."
  • 2009 - "In one step from the third world"
  • 2011-2014 - "Traffic light"
  • 2015-2020 - "Irckka"
  • 2015 - "Theory of Incredibility"
  • 2016 - "Woman with lilies"
  • 2017 - "Three in the elevator, not counting the dogs"
  • 2018 - "Excess"
  • 2019 - "The only joy"
  • 2019 - "Forgetting about everything"

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