Alexander Klocein - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor Sounding, Audiobooks, Films 2021



Alexander Klocein - Soviet and Russian actor and movie actor, familiar to the audience as a master of visualing. He is the voice of "Russia-1" and voiced the announcements on the channel "Top Secret." Now audiobook lovers are familiar with the official versions of reading books of a number of popular writers in the execution of the actor.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Vladimirovich was born in the Siberian city of Irkutsk in the family of a serviceman. Because of the profession of his father, who even managed to visit the war in Syria, the parents often changed their place of residence. Family lived in Germany, Belarus, in the Central District of Russia. When Vladimir Klocein was sent to a hot spot, Sasha, together with the younger sister, Maria lived in Moscow at her grandmother. School the future actor ended in the town of Kovrov Vladimir region.

The first idea to devote himself to the theater came to Alexander in school years, when he played the Snake Gorynych in the children's production. Also, the teenager participated in the local KVN team. But after receiving a certificate, Shukvin did not go to the university, but settled on the plant, where he was engaged in assembling motorcycles.

Only next spring, the young man went to Moscow, where he worked as a moutioner of scenery in the Legendary MCAT Theater and was preparing for passing exams. In his youth, Alexander Klocein studied at the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, after the end of which in 1978 he fell into the Taroupe of the Small Theater.


The cinematic biography of the actor began in the Small Theater, where he played since 1978. At first, the TV viewers saw Alexander predominantly in films-performances. It was the filmization of the famous productions "Profitable place", "Smart Things", "Stone Flower", "My Favorite Clown" and others. Directly in the game movie, the artist began to appear in the last years of the existence of the Soviet Union.

Bloquin starred in the family film "Former Dad, the Former Son" and the Biographical Drama "Case of Sukhovo-Koblin". Throughout the 1990s, he worked in the studio, voicing the film stamps, and on the set appeared only once, having participating in the creation of the popular Saga "Petersburg secrets".

But in the XXI century, Alexander Vladimirovich began to be removed very often. The series with the participation of Blocein "Kamenskaya", "Turkish March", the "hunting season" was remembered and loved by the audience. Also on the account of the actor, the adventure comedy "Lonely Sky", the detective "Men don't cry", the criminal drama "I am a detective" and "I am a bodyguard". A wide resonance had a historical drama "Admiral", and the fighter "Building" and the melodrama "Life of the Life" received high ratings of the views.

Alexander Klocein and Dmitry Nazarov are similar

In 2004, Shukvin was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. For three years, the actor appeared in the frame of the historic melodrama "Institute of Noble Maiden", starring in all seasons of the series as a general. An interesting character went to him in the biographical tape "Peter Leshchenko. All that was ... ": The artist played the famous singer Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin.

And the greatest success of Alexander Vladimirovich brought the romantic tape "Efrosinya" and the social drama of "treason". In the melodramatic TV series "Efrosiny", the actor fulfilled the main role, playing Mikhail Martynov, and appeared in all seasons. The plot tells about the confusing relationship of the fluent political prisoner, a lovelist convoir and saved by a geologist, who came to seek a secret field with damned gold. The actions of the love triangle unfold against the background of wild, dangerous, but attractive taiga.

In the melodramatic tragicomedy of "Treason", the actor fulfilled the role of Oleg Ivanovich Salvan, Father of Fame. The series tells about the life of a young woman who had her husband and three lovers. The author of the painting was the American director of Ukrainian origin Vadim Perelman.

The debut film of this director "House from Sand and Tuman" was nominated for three awards of the Cinema "Oscar". The main theme of "change" was the preparation of fates of people who are somehow mixed in Ajulter. Then in the cinematic biography of the actor came a small break.

In 2016, Shukvin did not appear on television screens. During this period, he acted as Dupra in the play "Mysterious Box" of Peter Karatygin on the scene of the Small Theater. Also Alexander Vladimirovich voiced the character of the criminal drama "Night Law" by name Maso Pescator. In 2017, the actor appeared again on the screens - performed the role of an influential man Oleg Ivanovich Losev in the melodrame "Kaleidoscope of Fate."

Oleg Ivanovich's son drunk hit the schoolgirl at a pedestrian crossing. The secured family tried to give the investigator a bribe and to lean the case, but faced with the principle of investigator Vishenestsky (Irina Tarannik). For 3 years before the events of the series, the same drunk "Major" hit the death of her husband Vishnestsky at the transition and left responsibility, and now for the investigator the case of the principle - to plant a criminal. The heir to Losevy threatens to eight years in prison, and Oleg Ivanovich is ready for everyone so that the son is not sat down.

In the same 2017, the Actor played the role of Innokentia Mikhailovich in the Dramatic Saga "Field Coast". The film shows the life of one family who lived in the Urals in the pre-war, military and post-war years. Then the artist reincarnated in Zorin in the military melodrama "on the threshold of love." The action unfolds in 1941 and shows how a classic love triangle changes suddenly the war. Two rival girls are forced to work together to save the beloved person who escaped from captivity.

At the same time, in 2018, the artist appeared in the comedy film project "home arrest", the creator and screenwriter of which Semen Slepakov spoke. The director of the project was Peter Buslov, who received fame after the release of the "Boer". In a multi-sieuled tape, Alexander Vladimirovich appeared as the owner of the Meat Processing Plant of Veniamin Igorevich Ignatiev. Together with him, Paul Derevyanko, Anna Ukolov, Sergey Burunov and other Russian artists starred in the film.

This year replenished the filmography of the actor and the role in the melodrama "Lancet", telling about the difficult path of the cardiac surgeon Ilya Ladianin. The colorful type of artist came to the image of Egor Timofeevich, Deputy Minister. In addition to shooting in the series, Klovin participated as a guest in the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where he shared with the leading and audience with histories from a professional biography.


In the late 70s, having started service in the Small theater, I tried herself into the sounds of movies. In the dubbing, the artist came by chance - Dmitry Nazarov suggested a friend to voice a small role in the children's TV series "Duck stories". From now on, Alexander Vladimirovich has not ceased to be improved in the art of voicing films. The fascinating voice, he presented the heroes of American paintings by Robert de Niro, Al Pacino and other stars.

Among the "voice" roles, Shukvin called his beloved alpha from the television series of the same name. In an interview, the artist confessed that at first the producers did not want to take him to voice this character, but soon they understood: the audience the work of the performer had to do. Alexander Vladimirovich tried himself in the new quality - the reading book. The collection of his projects was replenished with works by Russian and foreign classics - masters of detectives Agatha Christie and Boris Akunin, Julian Semenova.

The public appreciated the best samples of classical literature voiced by artist: "Dead Souls" Nikolai Gogol, "12 chairs" and "Golden Calf" Ilya Ilf and Evgenia Petrova, Roman-epic Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace" and other writings. Bright was the project for the sounding of the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", over which Daria Moroz and Maxim Sukhanov worked together with Klokrug. The sign in the work of the actor was also a record of the Romanov series Joan Rowling about the young wizard, in particular "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix." In 2011, the Group of Independent Experts Alexander Vladimirovich was recognized as one of the best speakers of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

In the personal life of Alexander Vladimirovich there was a place and dramatic conflicts, and a quiet family happiness. He was married three times. The first chosen one was the classmate of the artist. The proximity of interest allowed the pair to live together for 11 years. The second spouse named Elena worked as a professional designer. Together with his wife, Shukvin brought up Padderitsa Anna, Elena's daughter from the first marriage.

As a child, she filed a good hope as an actress, but in the end chose a different way and became a teacher of foreign languages. Union with Elena lasted two decades, after which the spouse broke up. The third wife of celebrities Tamara Shvukin was, as the first associated with theatrical sphere - held the position of Deputy Head of the Directory Department of the Small Theater. At the end of December 2014, the daughter of Antonina was born in the family.

By the way, the younger sister of the actor Maria Shvukin is also filmed in the cinema and engaged in sounding movies, so they can say, there is a family business. Spectators could see her in the melodrama "Aroma of Rogovnik". Alexander Vladimirovich does not lead an "instagram" and other social networks, but the photo of the artist often appear in the accounts of his colleagues and spouses.

Alexander Klocein now

In 2020, the actor continued to be filmed in films. So, two filmmakers with the participation of Alexander Vladimirovich came to the screens. One of them is the "Wolf" detective director Gennady Ostrovsky, who became the screening of Roman Alexander Terekhov "Stone Bridge". The second is the militant "Drive", shot by Anario Mamedov.

Together with Shukvin, Vladimir Epifantsev, Nikolai Fomenko, Olga Lomonosov and other actors appeared in an exciting project. In the same year, the fans saw the artist in the Timur Kizyakov program "When all at home." In 2021, Alexander Vladimirovich continued to work on the shooting in the TV series "Eternal Calls".


  • 2006 - "Lonely Sky"
  • 2007 - "I am a bodyguard"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2008 - "Life loan"
  • 2010 - "Efrosinya"
  • 2010-2013 - "Institute of Noble Maiden"
  • 2013 - "Peter Leshchenko. All that has gone before…"
  • 2014 - "Star Heart"
  • 2014 - "Go away to return"
  • 2015 - "Treason"
  • 2017 - "Kaleidoscope of Fate"
  • 2017 - "Fatherland"
  • 2018 - "Retribution"
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2018 - "Lancet"
  • 2018 - "On the threshold of love"
  • 2020 - "Wolf"
  • 2020 - "Drive"

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