Tatyana Fedorovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, news, filmography 2021



Tatyana Fedorovskaya - Russian actress and model, but these two creative professions, the talents of the girl are not limited. Tatyana Fedorovskaya is also known to fans and as an artist, and today the girl develops in a new direction, increasingly participating in the creation of paintings as director-screenwriter.

Tatyana Josephovna Fedorovskaya was born on September 23, 1979 in Magnitogorsk. Childhood and youth of the girl passed in this city, left a lot of pleasant memories that Tatiana occasionally shared with readers.

Actress Tatyana Fedorovskaya

Girl's parents were not related to art. Mom worked in the hospital, brought a dropper from there, of whom the devil's devils her. But the grandfather served as an actor and acquired his granddaughter to the profession.

At first it was theatrical circle in the house of creativity, then studying in the studio at the city drearyatre. By 17 years, Tatiana Fedorov has already experienced work on stage and diploma on the end of the theater studio. But she did not stop at this - continued to develop in the Art Master studio.

When she turned 20 years old, she realized that it was ready to conquer the metropolitan scene. Without pondering, the girl moved to Moscow: it was in 2006. Fate won young tissue.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya

Education at the Higher Actress - MHP (2002), higher scriptwriters and directors (2016) - V. V. Meshshov's workshop. During his studies, 4 short films were removed in VKSR: "Charisma", "Mendel's Focuses", "Heppi Paradise" and "Vera", who received several prizes at Russian and international film festivals. Plasticine film "Offenbacher" received a prize for the best student animation film.


In the same year, Tatiana came to the samples of the series "Medical Mystery". She was approved by Olga. In 2008, the film went to the screens. Fedorovskaya played a small role, but this was enough for the directors to pay attention to a beautiful actress.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya on filming

In the TV series "Hijak", Tatiana got a more significant role of the second plan - she played Simon. The hit of the Russian televiser "Hyd" did not, but Fedorovskaya became more likely to be invited to shoot. For two years she starred in five paintings, however, the roles were small.

The main role did not make himself wait. In 2009, the "True Love" film was released on the screens, in which she played Nina. Tatiana Fedorovskaya herself initiated the shooting when he read the story of the Magnitogorsk writer "Chromonozha".

She appealed to all familiar directors and is not in vain. To screen the history of a disabled girl, who remained without a father and conflicting with his mother, agreed Director Stanislav Mareev, who shot the famous "Gangster Petersburg". Vladimir Turchinsky and Igor Lifanov became partners of Tatiana on the set. After the premiere of "real love", the actress woke up famous.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, news, filmography 2021 19652_4

Then there were shooting in the series "How I Met Your Mother," where she played a journalist Katya. But the audience and critics called the film by Plagiatat, soon the project was closed. Tatyana Fedorovskaya was not worn without work.

In 2010, she starred in the films "Who am I?" and "Riddle for Faith", and in 2012 - in the TV series "Mistress Taiga-2".

In the following years, the creative biography of the actresses also did not stop replenishing. In 2013, the actress received a major role in the melodraman of the bride of my groom. Heroine Actress Julia, a young and successful careerist, refused a man in love due to the fact that the wedding with him assumed to moving to the Siberian outback and the loss of monetary work.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, news, filmography 2021 19652_5

After a couple of years, the girl revised priorities and wanted to make a family. The problem of Julia is only that the former boyfriend has already found a new bride and is preparing for the wedding. But the heroine is not used to surrender and rides in Siberia to return the man of his dreams.

In the same year, Tatyana Fedorovskaya played another major role - in the youth mystical thriller "Angel and Demon". The series is based on biblical motifs and tells about the angels and demons that appear in the world of people and are struggling for human souls. At the same time, the demons are seduced and lured the angels to their side, and the only way of angels to replenish their own strength is the search for "earth angels", people with crystal clear souls.

In 2015, fans learned the actress in the new role. As director Tatyana Fedorovskaya released the debut short film "Charisma" based on the story of Valery Zelenogorsk. Then another series of short paintings of the authorship of Tatiana followed.

Also in 2015, the picture "Focuses Mendel" was published, after a year of the film "Offenbacher" and "Heppi Paradise". The film "Offenbacher" became the winner of Himpff 2016 (Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival). Another a year later, the actress presented the picture "Vera".

Personal life

About the personal life of Fedorovskaya does not say anything. In an interview, she bypasses this topic by the party. "Instagram" actresses also do not give information about it. It is known that Tatyana is not married, she does not have children.

Actress Tatyana Fedorovskaya

In parallel with acting activities (the main roles in 10 films) studied painting at the Academician Rakh V. I. Kozlovsky. In his free time, Tatiana is engaged in painting, and it makes it professionally. Her paintings are permeated by mysticism, she herself calls this genre "Mystical Surrealism." In 2008-2017 participated in various exhibitions in Russia, Austria, Germany, Spain, in Malta.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya is also a sought-after model, although the growth of the girl is only 167 cm. Her pictures became popular, the girl began to invite to fashion shows and offer contracts as fashion model.

Tatiana - Esten, loves everything beautiful. It creates stained glass windows and jewelry on their own sketches. Someone will seem that for one person it is a lot. But only not Tatiana Fedorovskaya, who says that he loves and knows how to reincarnate.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya

For inspiration, Tatiana goes to France, Spain, Germany, in Malta. She adores visiting museums and exhibitions of impressionists, believes Vrubel, Monet, a cow in the gods and an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Tatyana Fedorovskaya now

In January 2016, Tatiana Fedorovskaya appeared on Kazakhstani television in the comedy melodrama "I or not I". The actress played the main female role of the wife of a businessman-Scherist, who deceived his own customers and escaped with money from the country, leaving a woman to respond to these frauds. Former fraudster clients are besieged by his wife, bringing to despair when a woman finds a sudden way out of the situation. The heroine meets the unemployed actor, an accurate copy of the escaped scammer, who hires that a fake man replaced the escaped, reassured customers and helped a woman solve this problem.

On Russian television, the show of this melodramatic mini-series was held in June 2017.

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Fresh project 2017 for Tatiana Fedorovskaya became the criminal series "Unknown", in which the actress played the secondary role of Veronica Larina. The plot of detective is built around a brilliant man (Eugene Pronin), which processes information with an incredible speed and remembers everything that he saw and heard after a certain point. That was before that moment, the hero is unknown, a man does not know his own name or origin, so the Chagin chooses randomly.

Initially, the hero show the viewers as a suspect in a crime, but soon Chagin falls into the investigative group, where hopes to find traces of his past.

Actress Tatyana Fedorovskaya

Also in 2017, Tatiana Fedorovskaya showed himself as a producer. Tatyana Fedorovskaya presented a short-term mystical art house "8". The main role in the picture was played by Dmitry Pervishin. The character of the actor falls into the distorted world and is forced to constantly look for ways to go back home. Gradually, the hero notes that the strange world gives tips to the exhausted skeleton.



  • 2015 - "Charisma"
  • 2015 - "Mendel Focuses"
  • 2016 - "Offenbacher"
  • 2016 - "Heppi Paradise"
  • 2017 - "Vera"


  • 2006 - "Hijan"
  • 2006 - "Medical Mystery"
  • 2007 - "Urgently in the room"
  • 2007 - "Trust Service"
  • 2007 - "Cosmonaut's grandson"
  • 2008 - "Traffic police, etc."
  • 2009 - "flock"
  • 2009 - "True Love"
  • 2010 - "Who am I?"
  • 2010 - "How I Met Your Mother"
  • 2011 - "Riddle for Faith"
  • 2012 - "Mistress Taiga 2"
  • 2012 - "Bride of my groom"
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"
  • 2013 - "While I live, love"
  • 2014 - "Year in Tuscany"
  • 2016 - "I am or not me"

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