Evgeny Bazhenov (Badcomedian) - biography, personal life, photos, news, Katya Clap, reviews, movies, Youtyub channel 2021



Network users are often joking that some Russian films are removed in order to get into the reviews of Evgeny Bazhenov film critic. Indeed, after all, a guy's videos with a sarcastic pseudonym Badcomedian (Bad - "bad", and the comedian is a favorite character of the Zhenya from the painting "Keepers") in the plot can compete with full-fledged film guards.

Childhood and youth

Information about childhood and youth is extremely small. It is known that the future blogger was born on May 24, 1991, in the city of Sterlitamak, which is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Despite the place of birth, Evgeny by nationality - Russian.

At the age of 12, he, together with his parents and elder brother, moved to the heart of Russia, where he graduated from high school. It is also known that Bazhenov, in childhood, was addicted to computer games, reading and films of unsolicited directors.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man continued to learn, and his choice fell on the Russian State Trade and Economic University: Zhenya was listed by a student at the Faculty of Commerce and Marketing. Perhaps Badcomedian (pseudonym blogger), who defended a diploma on the theme "Viral Videos", would be a successful marketer, but in the specialty the guy did not work for a single day. Perhaps, the sign of the zodiac twins, whose representatives of the Zodiac, whose representatives are taught to creative professions.

Bazhenov decided to try his happiness in the journalistic environment. Initially, the young man worked during the year by the editor on the TV channel "Russia 24", despite the "bad Russian": Zhenya admitted that she loves literature, but often mistaken in words. Then Eugene decided to tie fate with video cells and devote the life of reviews.


Inspired by foreign bloggers Spoony and Nostalgia Critic, Evgeny Bazhenov began his creative biography on the video hosting Youtube on March 28, 2011. In the debut video, Yevgeny told TV viewers about the Indian picture "Mahakal" (1993), which is more reminded by a horror film genre, and an absurd comedy with reference to the classic "nightmare on Elm Street."

It is noteworthy that in the first video on the Yutiub-channel of Bazhenov did not appear in person, so the audience could only be content with the voiceless voice of a young man, and in the video, which was published on June 25, 2011, called "Nevsky Drift [Furious Da Vinci]", Evgeny showed his face.

By the way, the actor and director Alexander Nevsky - a favorite object of ridicule Evgenia Bazhenova. Films "Moscow Heat", "Treasure Hunters", "Murder in Vegas", "Black Rose" and "Disassembling in Manila" came to Opalu. According to Badcomedian, in the films of Alexander there are plagiarism and clichés from classic militants with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and at the Nevsky himself, there is no acting talent.

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Next, Yevgeny Bazhenov touched the work of Nikita Dzhigurda, who directed the film "Superman inevitable, or an erotic mutant," and in 2013, having honed his skills, the guy criticized Nikita Mikhalkov's director's skills by releasing a review of the military paintings "the upcoming" and "sun-tired 2. Citadel".

"If Tarantino removed his" inglorious bastards ", initially showing that he fonders, then Mikhalkov removed the domestic version of the" inglorious bastards "with an absolutely serious expression of the face," said Badcomedian in the review.

Bazhenova's channel enjoys unprecedented popular among users of the network: the loyal fans are waiting for new reviews, and many zhenomena expressions went on quotes and became covered phrases "for important negotiations." Such fame of the blogger is due not only to merciless and argued criticism, but also the charisma of a young man. Zhenya not only writes videos, but also advocated the public offline. In 2013, his first stand-round tour was held in the cities of Russia.

Evgeny is not deprived by a sense of humor, and his videos accompany cutting "in the topic" from famous films. Also, Badcomedian is often reincarnated in funny characters: Gopnik, schoolboy, Jesus, an amateur of alcoholic beverages, a gangster from the 90s and other heroes who have become local memes.

Evgeny Bazhenov in the form of Nikita Mikhalkov

In addition, Eugene has professional installation skills, therefore, according to fans, a young man could well work on the set of Hollywood films. Often on the channel Bazhenova, the works of the directions of Jora Kryzhovnikova, Sarik Andreasyan and Russian film companies Enjoy Movies, which is a record holder in the number of Badcomedian reviews.

But sometimes Zhenya criticizes foreign films: the young man rented reviews on the "divergent" Robert Swentke, "Hungry Games" Gary Ross, "Terminator. Genesis "Alan Taylor and" Alien. Testament »Ridley Scott.

On his channel, Yutyuber expresses discontent with the work of the movie Foundation. The guy is indifferent due to the fact that the government of the culture does not sponsor talented directors (Zhenya often refers to Yuri Bykov and his film "Fool"), but finances, according to him, the fundamentar of the Cineners.

The case is known when Bazhenov has achieved a response from Vladimir Mosdensky after the review of the film Roman Karimov and Timur Bekmambetova "Hack of bloggers", where the stars of the Internet Mariana Ro, Ivangai and Sasha Spielberg played.

In an interview with the Rain TV channel, Eugene said that the film with a budget of 35 million rubles. It looked at 100 thousand, when he himself paid in his own review for the same computer animation, as in the film, just 2 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation instructed to check the feasibility of financing the project to "hack bloggers".

In addition, Zhenya entered into an agreement with the entertainment site carabatv.ru, where at the same time with Maxim Golopolos led the program "Internet heroes", came up with the heading Badtrip and participated in the film Ilya Naisuller "Hardcore", fulfilling the fleeting role of cyborg.

In 2017, he told about Kernocarten Andrei Kravchuk "Viking", which is positioned as the most expensive film in the history of Russian cinema. A scenario, not corresponding to real historical facts, scenery, installation, as well as the acting game of Danil Kozlovsky and Alexandra Bortich, were subjected to criticism of Bazhenova.

In other reviews, Eugene criticized a few more works of Kozlovsky - these are the films "crew" and "Movement up". Among other things, Zhenya appeared in the entertainment program of Sergey friendly "Friendly Show" and judged Battle Oxiron and the Glory of the CPSU.

Badcomedian is engaged in voice acting films and video games. In his repertoire, the projects "Ninja in the case", "I would like to be here", "Timeline", "Full Collapse". In 2020, the blogger participated in the dubbing of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, in which heothed Hero Ted Fox.

According to RBC experts, Bazhenov does not use all the possibilities that "Youtyub" provides. He loses on a non-disconnected advertising in his rollers to several million rubles. per month. At the same time, on the views and donats, it earns up to 400 thousand rubles. per month, and its annual income reaches 3-4 million rubles.


According to rumors, the Badcomedian has repeatedly threatened by lawsuits of the film company ENJOY MOVIES, the director Maxim Voronekov and the actor Mikhail Galustyan, who in his twitter account did not speak out about the works of Bazhenov and stated that Zhenya "insults the personality, violates the copyright and expresses non-constructive criticism."

Alexander Nevsky, in turn, responded to the guy as a "mediocre heyter", and, according to Bazhenova, a friend of one of the directors called him on a mobile phone, threatening physical violence.

Ultimately, at the request of the owners, some reviews where the scenes are used from films that violate the copyrights of the creators were removed, as a result of which Badcomedian created a new BadnotDead channel, where blocked videos reloaded.

But there are cases when media persons have responded positively about Bazhenova's work. His reviews with their own participation praised Basta and Alexey Vorobyov, and the publicist Dmitry Puchkov noted that the Badcomedian was surprisingly deep for his age views on life.

In early 2019, Eugene filed a court. The news of the lawsuit is 1 million rubles. It was lit by Ivan Urgant in his humorous show. The applicant was the KinoDanz film company after reviewing the film film "by the face of reality". According to representatives of the organization, Bazhenov exceeded the citation rate of the film.

Bedcomedian considered the lawsuit for attacks to freedom of speech. Bazhenova was supported by many media personalities: Ksenia Sobchak, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Bortko, Alexander Rodnyansky and Sarik Andreasyan. A petition appeared on the Internet with signatures in defense of the blogger's rights.

The case was considered in the Krasnogorsk district court of the Moscow region. The film company made a petition for the revocation of the claim in full, with which the representatives of the video unit agreed.

Personal life

In the life of Eugene, a cheerful guy who is accustomed to please the subscribers with a sparkling humor. For example, when Badcomedian gave an interview to the Rain TV channel, a journalist, who submitted to Bazhenov to the audience, accidentally made a mistake in the name of the blogger. Thus, a film critic to the heroes in which the film critic is to reincarnate, a new character was added - Evgeny Batikov correspondent.

It is worth saying that Zhenya is open to communicate. He often answers subscribers questions in his group in Vkontakte and on an official page in "Instagram".

Blogger has an attractive appearance: the dark hair color of the hair contrasts with blond eyes. Despite the fact that today, with an increase in 183 cm, its weight was 80 kg, so it was not always. Fans, looking at the youthful photos of the future of the youthuber, for extra kilograms have already dubbed him with "young unacceptable Oleg Taktarov."

As for personal life, Badcomedian does not like to advertise this information, but the blogger fans suspected that the film critic is encountered with a colleague on the shop Katya Clap. The fact is that Katya made himself about a trip to Japan with his young man, while a photo of Bazhenova appeared in the network at the airport when registering a flight to Tokyo.

In addition, Katya and Eugene do not refute the guesses of subscribers, heating the interest of the public to their personnel, and Zhenya puts husky on posts about their novel. When Yuri Dwell asked Bazhenova directly, is it true that Katya Clap is his girl, the blogger answered ambiguously.

It is also known that in his free work, the time of Zhenya gladly reads books, watching films and favorite TV series "Clinic", in which Zac Bruff, Sarah Chek, Donald Fisson and Ken Jenkins played.

At the beginning of 2021, there was news that Eugene made a proposal to his girlfriend. On the nameless finger, Kati appeared Tiffany & Co. Ring. Blogger itself told subscribers about the upcoming wedding. Young people have won the New Year holidays.

Evgeny Bazhenov now

In early April 2020, a video with a sarcastic review of a comedy "(not) is an ideal man" with Egor Creed in the lead role, appeared on the Badcomedian Channel. I wrote my answer to blogger Rapper in the form of a musical track. According to the singer, the Bazhenov simply "cried at watching the film, because it was far from ideal."

Another bright prime minister was criticized - the historical drama "Union of salvation". In his review, Badcomedian questioned the reality of historical facts presented in the film. Directed by Andrei Kravchuk denied the speculation Bazhenova.

Now Evgeny continues to replenish the personal collection on the Yutiub-Channel. In 2020, he released a video with the reviews of the film "Policeman from Rublevka", "Galaxy Goalkeeper".


  • Badcomedian.
  • Badtrip.
  • The heroes of the Internet
  • Evgencomedian

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