Sasha Spielberg - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, instagram 2021



Sasha Spielberg is a popular Russian video clogger and singer, whose voice is well-known fans of a domestic fantasy film "He - Dragon". Sasha turned out to be the first young girl in Russia, who had not yet reached the age of majority, which became the officially confirmed channel owner on the YouTube portal.

Sasha Spielberg, which is truly called Alexander Balkovskaya, was born in Moscow in 1997. It should be noted that the Balogham itself does not distribute information about his real name and does not confirm it. The first years, the girl lived in Russia, but at 7 years old doctors diagnosed with ASTMU. To cure daughter, parents decided to move to the country with a warmer climate, so the family moved to Cyprus.

Video Blogger Sasha Spielberg

There, Alexander felt much better. She became very active, began to engage in large tennis, horse riding, swimming, curly skating, and even played golf. And in the 5th grade, the girl first performed on stage in the composition of the school amateur maiden group and realized that he wanted to devote her future to music. She began to develop their vocals, and this passion did not disappear and after the return of the family to Russia.

But in Moscow, Spielberg collided with another problem - longing for his Cypriot friends. She spent a lot of time at the computer, communicating with them and precisely at that time began to upload their first video in Youtube. These were musical car versions of famous hits. Seeing that the daughter is more and more immersed in virtual reality, parents sent Alexander to American boarding school. But then, the girl continued to sing, write herself and spread the result for the overall review.


The first video Sasha Spielberg addressed the English-speaking audience, but on returning home from the boarding school, she began to take rollers and in Russian. In 2010, the girl created his first channel on YouTube, which contained musical content.

Two years later she needed another channel, which became her personal blog in a video day format. There you can see the impressions of Sasha Spielberg about her travels, cosmetics, clothes, fashion and so on. Also, the blogger advertises the products of famous brands, including the famous "Procter & Gamble".

In fairly short time, Spielberg projects became popular. She even received from the organizers of Youtube the prize "Golden Button". To date, the number of Sasha's video block subscribers much exceeds three million, and its Spielberg VLOG program came out for some time even on television, on TV channel "RU TV".

In 2016, according to Father Sasha, the video clogger earnings exceeded a million rubles per month.

Music and films

Sash Sasha Spielberg loved in a gentle age. At first she tried to write the famous hits of other performers, and later began to write their own hunches. Of the first samples of the pen, the spectacular "Gatsby's Girl", inspired by reading the Great Gatsby novel and the last film release of this book, where Leonardo di Caprio was shone.

A great success was brought to her songs like "Your Shadow", the duet composition "I promise", which she fulfilled together with the singer Alexander Panikeyotov, but especially - the Ballad "Love Scary", which became a sauntecom to Fantasy Kinolent "He - Dragon" in 2015 .

In 2016, Sasha Spielberg presents three new songs at once: the energetic dance hit "Mills", filled with Leonid Rudenko, the Miss Hippie solo song and the composition "I will always be with you", recorded in collaboration with the FRRADA team.

Also, together with DJ Leonid Rudenko Sasha Spielberg starred in Cornetto Ice Cream advertising video from Unilever.

Sasha Spielberg, Marmalato

Sasha Spielberg appears in projects and other musicians. So, for example, a video block manager, together with other invited stars, appeared in the video for the song "Degreus 100" of the Grads Group.

In 2016, the girl opened another edge of his own creativity. Sasha Spielberg released her collection of clothing together with the Marmalato brand.

Also 2016 brought Sasha Spielberg a new turn in a creative biography. The girl received a chance to try their own strength as actresses. This year Sasha Spielberg appeared as Kameo in the popular New Year comedy "Christmas tree 5".

Also, the video block manager played a major role in the film Timur Bekmambetov "Hack of bloggers." The main roles, in addition to Sasha, performed by Ivangai, Mariana Ro, Jan Gordienko, Karina Kasparianz and Julia Pushman. All stars "YouTube" played in the film themselves.

The film got sharply negative reviews and low marks in the rankings of Kinosites. Critics celebrated a weak and banal plot, but they were much stronger than them interested in poor-quality animation. The popular blogger Yevgeny Bazhenov (Badcomedian) in an interview with Rain said that such an animation was done in a couple of thousand rubles, and not for 35 million.

Sasha Spielberg

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky even instructed to check the feasibility of financing the film.

Personal life

When Sasha Spielberg went to study abroad in a closed boarding school in the senior classes in a closed boarding school, she had no tastefully. The only bright spot in that period became the first love of the girl. True, after the return of Alexandra to Russia, they with a boyfriend broke up.

Video Blogger Sasha Spielberg

Today, Sasha does not apply to romantic relationships, although fans regularly attribute to Sasha novels with colleagues. The popular rumor was Sasha Spielberg and the former Guy of Marianana RO Ivan Rudsky, more famous as Ivangay. Later it turned out that these relationships are fiction fans. Then there were rumors about Sasha's relationship with Blogger Yango, but also did not receive confirmation.

In 2017, the girl joked over the fans and took off on the video, how shirt smashes and dances naked. But the figure of the girl hid blurred squares.

Sasha Spielberg now

In addition to the Career's Career Singer and Videoblogger, Alexandra tried himself as a fashion model and even appeared on the cover of the Russian version of the magazine "Elle Girl". In 2017, together with Yulya Pushman, Jan Gordienko and Kasparianz, appeared on the cover of the January number "Elle Girl".

Sasha Spielberg

In 2017, Sasha Spielberg began to be interested in politics and social problems. In March 2017, Sasha participated in a meeting with bloggers on the popularization of education and culture among young people, and in April of the same year, the blog was released with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky. In the video, the Minister advertised the films "Big" and "Time of First", sites "Culture. RF "and" History. RF. "

On May 22, 2017, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma and the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Sergei Neverov invited Sasha Spielberg to participate in parliamentary hearings dedicated to youth policy. Sasha told that she was not a supporter of rallies, negatively responded to Ruslan Sokolovsky and called on the deputies to work on the Internet. The speech of the girl in the State Duma received an ambiguous assessment of journalists, politicians and other video blocks.

Sasha Spielberg in the State Duma

Also in May, a deputy and a representative of the LDPR State Duma party, Andrei Church, offered Sasha Spielberg to become his assistant. After Sasha's speech in parliamentary hearings, the deputy decided that the blogger was smarter and erudite than a number of deputies and was suitable for this position. But, according to Father Sasha, the girl does not plan a political career.

In October 2017, the video unit became the guest of the release of the show "Let them talk." The release of the TV program told about the stars of the Internet playground "Instagram". During the program, Dmitry Borisov asked Sasha to comment on the scandalous video, where the blogger incorrectly answers the school program questions. In response, the girl silently left the studio and did not return even for a forgotten cell phone. TV viewers called Spielberg too vane.

Later, Sasha commented on this act and told the press that he left the studio in protest against the violation of the scenario of the show with the TV presenter.


  • 2013 - "LOVE"
  • 2013 - "Gatsby's Girl"
  • 2014 - "Orange City Skies"
  • 2015 - "Your Shadow"
  • 2015 - "I promise" (FEAT. Alexander Panayotov)
  • 2015 - "Love Scary" (Soundtrack for the film "He - Dragon")
  • 2016 - "Razing Ice" (Feat. Leonid Rudenko)
  • 2016 - "Miss Hippie"
  • 2016 - "I will always be with you" (feat. Friends)
  • 2016 - "Christmas Trees 5"
  • 2016 - "Hack of bloggers"

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