Sergey Strelnikov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Series 2021



Sergey Strelnikov - Ukrainian actor of the theater and cinema, famous for the role of Vasily Chapayev in the biographical picture of "Passion for Chapay". Today he is in demand not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. His filmography includes main roles in top projects.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on November 13, 1979, on the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. Place of birth - Dmitrievka village, Tambov region. Father was a birth from under Kaluga, mother from Western Ukraine. They met during their studies at the Medical Institute. Parents raised two more children - brother and sister Serezhe.

When the boy was 2 years old, the Father offered the position of a psychiatrist's doctor in the Kiev region, and the family moved to the village, then the neighboring village of Zhuravlyha. After the Chernobyl catastrophe of Strelnikov, again changed the registration and moved to the Rivne region.

In his youth, Sergey planned to go in the footsteps of the Father, but the chemistry was difficult, so the high school student left this venture. After graduating from school in 1996, Strelnikov went to the capital of Ukraine and entered the Kiev Regional School of Culture and Arts, where he studied at the Faculty of Directors of Masscome. After that, the young man became a student of the Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpenko-Karog.

The first theater of the novice actor was Kiev Tyuz, and then Strelnikov entered the troupe of the Youth Theater "Atelier-16", where he played in the performances "Waiting for Godo", "the one who fell from the sky", "three-chic opera". In the formulation of the director of Igor Talalayevsky "Kazanova", which was based on the play of Marina Tsvetaeva "Adventure" and "Phoenix", Sergey Strelnikov was the main role that courageous appearance and high growth contributed (180 cm).


Sergey Strelnikov began to shoot in the cinema began in his youth, being a student. True, the first roles in the well-known multiserial films "Bird Bourgeois - 2", "Poor Nastya", "Diversant" and "European Convoy" cannot be called significant. A more notable actor was in the TV series about the weekdays of the "Return of Mukhtara", in which the artist was returned in each season, and in different roles. And Sergey's first success brought the image of Nikolai Kamenev in the "Guardian Angel" melodrama.

Of the subsequent works, the Melodrama "Thirst for Extreme", the Thriller of Israeli production "Duty", the military picture of the "third is not given", the family Saga "Vera, Nadezhda, Love", the islar series "The case was in Kuban". He was shot by Strelnikov and in the French film "Earth of Obliva".

Star work for the creative biography of Sergey was the role of Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev in Drama about the Hero of the Civil War "Passion according to Chapay", thanks to which the artist became the laureate of the prestigious annual film "Telethrium". To work on the role, he was preparing thoroughly - he studied horseback riding, hold a checker, and also studied the literature on Chapaev. During the dating with the image of the shooters, the sympathy is like a sympathy for his character, which helped truthfully and to recreate the image on the screen. For external similarity daily, the actor had to glue the mustache that by the end of the shooting period led to the strongest irritation. It was not without curiosities. For example, frank scenes in which Sergey Strelnikov and Olga Pavloviec participated, the performer of the role of Anna Shekenko, the actor sometimes had to play without a partner, which was played by the film crew.

Sergey Strelnikov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Series 2021 19574_1

After this painting, the artist was noticed not only by the audience, but also became in demand from the directors who began to offer the main roles in new projects. Over the following years, Strelnikov's filmography has been replenished with dozens of movies and serials. Following the historical drama, the role was followed in the film by "Kubrin" with Mikhail Porechenkov in the lead role. Sergey played Senka in the first movie "Yama". In the criminal series, the "trap" he embodied on the screen the image of a negative hero on his nickname, Assistant Mafios Valuev (Anatoly Hostikoev). In a purely male story about the division of power between criminal groups, Sergey Gazarov, Igor Botvin, Ivan Oganesyan, Maxim Drozd became partners.

The role of the young Gregory Orlova went to Sergey in the series 2014 of the release of Ekaterina. He convincingly fulfilled the role of a brave officer, the beloved young Catherine (Marina Aleksandrov). In parallel with the historical project, the actor starred in the series for the CTC television channel - a mystical detective "Moon", where the hero of Roman Sokolova played.

On the account of the celebrity work in the films "Ambulance", "Paccasters". With the participation of the artist in 2015, the Melodrama "Třekach" was published, where he appeared in the lead role. In the film, we are talking about the life of Cascaders, Mosfilm film studio officers. For work, young guys have to perform inconceivable tricks, and the romance of the profession implies novels with the first beauty of the cinema. Leonid Bichevin, Marina Konyashkin, Julia Galkina, Victor Dobronravov, entered the acting ensemble.

Then, the work in Kiev was followed over the role of the Militiamen on the name of the wild (former participant of ATO, and now the guardianship of the order) in the criminal series "Vladimirskaya, 15".

Sergey Strelnikov is not chasing the number of roles, and chooses only interesting projects for itself. In 2016, the actor appeared in the miracle miracle miracle. His hero, a successful lawyer Andrei, is acquainted on the eve of the wedding with the young girl of Veronica (Ekaterina Molchanova), who gained injury after an accident. There is a mutual feeling between young people changing the life of both.

In 2018, a detective "13 bus" was released, in which the artist appeared in the image of a policeman. In the joint Russian-Ukrainian project "Operation" Muhabbat "" On the fate of lovers, the events of the Afghan war invaded the event, the actor played a major role.

In the drama "Alien Life", Sergey embodied the image of Victor on the screen. The picture tells about the war and post-war years, which put the imprint not only on the country, but also on the fate of people.

At the same time, the series "The Principle of Pleasure" began to go. In the plot in four cities of the post-Soviet space, strange murders occur. Their investigation are engaged in three criminal police officers regardless of each other. But they all come to one conclusion: murders are interconnected. Now they have to combine efforts to find a criminal.

In 2019, the 4-serial series "Companion" with the participation of Sergey. The main heroine of Lisa becomes a companion for the sick daughter of his friend Oleg Orlov. The girl died his mother, and the nightmares are tormented. Once Lisa faces the "ghost" of the dead. She will deal with who and why scares her ward.

Personal life

When Sergey Strelnikov studied at the University of Kiev, he met Galina Cheruck's first-grandmother, which was engaged in the Music Faculty. Young people got married and were happy for several years. But two bright leaders in the end could not build a full-fledged family, since no one wanted to sacrifice the career. Spouses broke up. With the former wife, the artist retained friendly relations and is always happy to see Galina when their ways are randomly intersect.

After the first family experience, Sergey decided not to rush into the ohwow with his head. To personal life, the actor began to approach serious and responsible and first of all limited the access of fans and the press to information about private relations. For this reason, he does not have an account in "Instagram", and in other social networks there are fan groups, where fans are exposed to the photo of the idol and announce films with the participation of Strelnikov.

However, it is known that Sergey is now married to Victoria Litvinenko, which is also engaged in acting. The spouse gave him a son. The boy called Sylvester.

Strelnikov writes poems, pretty bright and tidy, in which can speak and sharply, and gently. The actor feels comfortable in Kiev and is not going to move to Russia, even because of work.

Sergey Strelnikov Now

In 2020, Sergey Strelnikov starred in the mini-series "Almost all of the truth", where Andrei fulfilled the main role. The plot of melodramas is twisted around Anna Sotnikova, which is a famous divorce lawyer. The woman protrudes exclusively on the side of the beautiful floor, as herself a few years ago she was predicted with her husband. Everything in the life of the Sotnikova is going well until the danger hangs over its only daughter.

Now the actor is gripping: in 2021, he is removed immediately in three projects, where he received the main roles. The first is the historical and biographical film "Dovbush", which tells the story of the famous leader of the Ukrainian rebels of Oleks Dovbush.

The second project is the continuation of the serial "serf-3". In the new season, the main characters will continue to fight for their rights and the choice, despite society.

The third is the film "Threat: Trepalov and Wallet". In it, Strelnikov reincarnated into the image of Yakov Koshetkov - Bandit, whose gang kept the whole city in fear. The investigator of Trepalov decided to resist him.


  • 2006-2007 - "Guardian Angel"
  • 2009 - "The third is not given"
  • 2009 - "1941"
  • 2010 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 2012 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "gunpowder and fraction"
  • 2013 - "Trap"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2014 - "Triukach"
  • 2015 - "Vladimirskaya, 15"
  • 2016 - "Threat: Trepalov and Wallet"
  • 2016 - "Miracle on Scheduled"
  • 2018 - "Operation Muhabbat"
  • 2018 - "Alien Life"
  • 2018-2019 - "Pleasure Principle"
  • 2019 - "Companion"
  • 2020 - "Almost the whole truth"

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