Kenan Immirzalyoglu - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Kenan Immirzalyoglu - Turkish actor, model, medalist of national and international model contests. Motherland became famous after the execution of major roles in the series "Ezel" and "Long Story".

Kenan Imirzalyoglu was born in the village of counting near Ankara. The boy became a younger child in the family of rustic residents and the second son. Senior son Dervish and Sister Yasmin were glad to appear the younger brother. Kenan grew surprisingly beautiful, and they celebrated others.

The initial school formation of Kenan Irmirzalyoglu received in his native village. But the medium had to be mined in the metropolitan school, in Ankara. The family moved there when the youngest son turned 12 years old.

Full Cenan Immirzalyoglu

In the metropolitan school, the village guy was not lost - on the contrary, quickly mastered and became his own. Kenan learned well, especially successful markers in mathematics and accurate sciences. Guy's growth - 192 centimeters - opened the way to the basketball team.

After graduating from School, Imirzalyoglu went to the University of Istanbul, where I chose the faculty of mathematics. In the last courses, Kenan on the recommendation of friends began to work as a model. Appearance allowed the young man to advance along this path. Then, during the shows and photo shoots, a status guy came to mind that he could try strength in the acting profession.

Kenan Imirzalyoglu

After graduating from the university in 1998, Kenan Iramzalyoglu went to the university again, but this time the young man was not accurate science, but a course of art lectures. Already then Kenan knew that the future would connect with the scene and work on the set.

The model career of Kenan has developed. In the early 2000th, the young man became the winner of two beauty contests. In the first received the title as the best model of the country, in the second - the world.


After the victory in model contests, Turkish directors turned their goggles to the Person's Person. The actor was counting on it. After all, the cinematographic biography of Kenan Irazyazalyoglu though started (the actor for 4 years starred in the melodrama "Crazy Heart"), but it was difficult to call it successful. The protracted "soap opera" was exhausted by a young actor, and Kenan wanted to switch to another, more interesting project.

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It happened as Kenan wanted. The actor was offered to be held in a new melodrama called "Wild Heart: Hell Boomeranga".

The roles followed one after another. Most of these were work in Turkish TV shows. Every year the actor appeared in a new project. "Twilight", "Pain of Life", "Last Ottoman: Yandim Ali", "Ezel" - all these tapes went on screens from 2011 to 2015. Each of the paintings became more popular than the previous one. Glory and actor fees rapidly grew.

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The rating was the project "Ezel". The film was shown in European countries and brought the world fame to Irazalyoglu. The hero of Kenana is Omer, a simple young man, who fell into prison on a false accusation. Reflecting on what happened, Omer understands that his close people were betrayed. The goal of a young man becomes revenge, and he turns into Ezel - cold-blooded avenger. Since the release of the film, the actor was among the most highly paid artists of Turkey.

Quite soon, the actor was invited to the criminal fighter "The Way of the Dragon" about the serial killer, who chose himself victims from the former prisoners who came to freedom of maniacs.

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In 2012, with the participation of Kenan, the drama "Long History" on the Turk of Bulgarian origin, who returned to his homeland. The point of action of the picture tolerate the audience to Turkey of the 70s. Kenan organically managed to transfer the spirit of that era and the character of a good-natured character. The film was held in the cinemas of Turkey and Germany.

One of the long-playing projects in which the artist was busy, the criminal drama "Uncle Kara" (another name "Karadai"). The plenty tape went to the screens in 2012 and lasted until 2015. Himirzalyoglu got the main role - the Hero of Mahir.

Personal life

At the first handsome Turkey, during the career there was no lack of fans. It seems that the actor is in love with all Turkey and even the audience of other countries in which ribbons were involved with the participation of Iramazalyoglu.

Kenan Immirzalyoglu and Zeenep Beshereller

At one time, the actor had a romantic relationship with the beauty-colleague Zeynept Bezhereller. But this connection, followed by the army of Kenan's fans and Turkish media, was not crowned with marriage.

After parting this beautiful pair of Kenana, models and actresses were often seen in society. But in the end, the star of the Turkish cinema stopped the choice on a colleague - the actress and models of the Cobal model known in Turkey. Wedding took place in 2016.

Kenan Irazyazalyoglu with his wife

Now the personal life of Kenana Irmizalyoglu is a beloved wife blue. A couple waiting for the main event in life - the appearance of a child. Kenan dreams of a big family, as was in his childhood. The actor is happy that the early years spent in the village, where he learned how to care for animals, to understand nature. It is far from modern technologies, therefore indifferent to social networks, including "instagram". Photo artist fans can only be seen on the official website of Kenan.

Free time the artist loves to spend in the forest and the mountains, where he rests from close attention and bustle. And Imirzalyoglu loves to read and listen to music. Kenan hates questions about personal life, protecting the private territory from curious strangers. Kenan religion, so regularly addresses the sacred Qur. The artist from childhood listens to the advice of the mother. According to the actor, the maternal heart has always suggested the woman that the Son will become a special person.

Kenan Immirzalyoglu now

In 2017, Kenan Immirzalyoglu received a major role in the promising project - the criminal comedy "insightful Regga" ("Gingza Regga"). The plot of the paintings was the remake of the Turkish film of 1969, in which the star of the time I, Ajhan Iszyk (Ayhan Oshik) was played.

The hero of Kenan is a modern Robin Hood, committing crimes only against the rich and helping the poor. Reggared an adventure warehouse of thinking, so now the cute is going to rob the house of a wealthy scientist. For relatives, the Senior Commissioner Mehmet Furnished (Haluk Bilginer) is chased, but the main obstacle becomes Beautiful Goeze (Merini Uzerli), in which a feller falls in love with a joke.

Full Cenan Immirzalyoglu

Now the actor is filmed in the biographical series "Mehmed: The Conqueror of the World" about the Ottoman Sultan Fatikh, who presented the Empire city of Constantinople. The film dedicated to this commander, already went to Turkish screens in 2013. In the picture participated Mehmet Akif Alakurt. This time, the main role was given to another brutal handsome - Kenan Iramzalyoglu. For the sake of the role, the artist mastered the horse ride, owning a sword, archery.

Kenan with special attention to the recreation of the historical image: he studied the necessary literature, the history of the culture of that time. The artist was inspired by the talent of the commander, who skillfully managed the army, being a 20-year-old young man.


  • 1999 - "Crazy Heart"
  • 2001 - "Wild Heart: Hell Boomeranga"
  • 2003 - "Twilight"
  • 2004 - "Blow"
  • 2005 - "Pain of Life"
  • 2007 - "Last Ottoman: Yandim Ali"
  • 2007 - "Honor"
  • 2009-2011 - Ezel
  • 2010 - "Dragon Path"
  • 2012 - "Long Story"
  • 2012-2015 - "Karaday"
  • 2017 - Gingsez Reghai

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