Nurgul Eshilla - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Nurgul Eshilla is one of the highest paid stars of modern Turkish cinema, the most famous for Russian audiences on the television series "Love and Punishment", "smaring", "a magnificent century. Keshem Empire and Movie "Red Love".

Nurgul was born in the agricultural city of Afion-Karahisar, but her childhood passed in Izmir. Last name Eshilla is translated from Turkish as "green tea", so parents gave daughters the name of Nurgul, which means "fragrant" or "fragrant".

Actress Nurgul Eshilla

Unlike other Turkish actors and actresses, whose way to the cinema lay through the model business, the echilty received a special education. The girl learned in the theater studio in Antalya, and then at the Faculty of Acting in the Eskisehirsky University.

After the university, the best theatrical teams of the country opened before the girl's doors. Nurgul began a creative biography with leading roles in the theater. The actress played a lot on stage, including in the famous performances "Hamlet", where she appeared in the role of Ophelia, and the "desire" tram ", which reincarnated to the main heroine of Blanche Dubua. Leaving the theater Nurgul Shashilla was left solely because of the rapidly developing career of film actresses.


First, Nurgul Eshilla made his debut on television. The actress was invited to the light comedy "everything will be very good", which appeared on the screens in 1998. For three years, Nurgul played in the family TV series "The Second Spring". Eshilla embodied in the frame the image of heroine Gulsum. In the comedy melodraman, we went about the elder the artisan, whose wife once disappears, leaving for three daughters to raise the father. Nurgul was lucky on one stage platform along with a star of Turkish cinema - Turkan Shoray and with his handsome by Zaman Guven.

Nurgul Eshilla

In 2001, the Turkish actress fulfilled the role of the "Waterfall" drama on the military coup of the 60s in Turkey. At the same time, Nurgul received an invitation from the creators of the melodrama about the life of the models - "90-60-90". Intrigue, gossip, dates, ambitions - all this had to survive the heroine of Eshilla - Beauty Deniz.

On the big screen, the actress first appeared in the adventure militant "Mummy in the run." In a fascinating trip to the company of criminals who kidnapped mummia from the Egypt Museum, the beauty of Fatima performed by Nurgul is also sent.

Actress Nurgul Eshilla

Did not wait to wait for the first major role that the actress received in the family drama "Mansion with grapes". The girl appeared in the role of heroine Bahar, which becomes the bride of the rich young men of the SUYUMIN (Ludzhan Deniz). The meeting of young people takes place in New York, but in the homeland - in Istanbul - lovers awaits disappointment. The family of the young men opposed the girl, whose relatives were not included in the Higher Society. In 2004, another successful appearance on the screen - the role of sleeping beauty to modern Lad - Saliha in the Kovalmannamachi "Tell, Istanbul!".

For the sake of the melodrama "Angels Island", where the actress received the main role of Sherbet, Nurgul made a short haircut that he did not prevent Eshilla in the frame of the TV series "Temporary Bride" in the role of a dazzling beauty with a luxurious empathy hair. Parents of the young Ali (Onour UNCAL) hire the young man to the Emineu teacher who should teach a young man to believe in itself. But unexpectedly, both participants in the experiment fall in love with each other.

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In the mid-2000, Nurgul is reincarnated in an unexpected guest in the comedy "Problem Cland", which two relatives - Farouk and Dick - constantly build a goat.

In the melodrama "Bride Ezo" Nurgul was transformed into the main heroine. The groom heroine Omer (Ercan North) once disappears after car accident, but the bride Ezo believes that the young man is alive. In 2007, the actress was waiting for a new interesting project - the drama "Train of Adam". In the film, Nurgul performed the role of Spouse Imam, who arrives in the Turkish village, where he begins to tell young children about Islam.

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Another major project is the drama "On the edge of Paradise" of joint Turkish-German production. The actress was to embody on the screen the image of the Bunki Students, the daughter of a prostitute operating in Germany. The film was appreciated by European film critics, received the Prize of the Cannes Festival and the European Film Academy for the best scenario.

By 2008, Nurgul Eshilla was already demanded by the actress from the directors and took place among the favorites of Movie Turkey, and the comedy "7 husbands for Hurmus", the psychological drama "conscience" and the ironic picture of "Chinara" even more strengthened the popularity of Nurgul.

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In 2010, in Turkish television, there was a show of the dismanting melodrama "Love and Punishment", where Nurgul Eshilla interacted with Murat Yyldyrym. This multi-sieuled film made an actress known abroad, as many countries, including Russia, bought the rights to demonstrate the series.

After such success, Eshilla became a highly paid actress of Turkey. The artist continued to remove a lot: the melodrama "Sultan", the fighter "Red Love", the criminal film "Galip Dervish". The shock was released for Nurgul 2014 - at once four full-fledged projects caused interest from fans of cinema. This is a thriller "murder", comedy Sitka "Soon", the Drama "Night" and a melodrama about the love of "smithereens", in which Ercan Petekkaya became a partner in the working platform of Nurgul Eshilla.

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In 2016, the actress received an invitation from the creators of the rating project "The Magnificent Century. Empire Keshe ". In the second season, the film that received international recognition, Nurgul played the main character - Keshem-Sultan, the abducted daughter of the Venetian merchant Anastasia, which was destined to become a spouse Sultan Ahmedi I and the great woman-Turkish politician, the mother of the three Sultans of the Ottoman Empire. The actress replaced Bern Sat, who played Keshe in the first season. The film has become a continuation of another popular project - the "magnificent century", which went through four seasons and broadcast in 50 countries of the world.

Over the years, the actress has repeatedly conquered the most prestigious filmmakers and several times was called the best executive of women's roles at the end of the year.

Personal life

Nurgul Eshilla said that relations with a married man are unacceptable for her, since the actress does not want to be the cause of family destruction. Nevertheless, the husband's husband, actor Jam Ezir, for the sake of Nurgul threw the previous wife Celine Delman.

Nurgul Shashilla with Son

The spouse was 17 years old older. Beloved got married in 2004, lived together for six years and managed to give life to Son Osman to Nazatu. But even the appearance of the kid could not strengthen the marriage of two such different people. The spouse was jealous by Nurgul to professional success, he wanted to leave work. As a result, in 2010, Eshilla and Yizir divorced.

However, the actress did not remain lonely. In privacy soon there were changes. The actress has a new beloved - the director of the Tag Karachelik. But Nurgul Eshilla is in no hurry to legitimize these relationships, since he already burned in the first marriage. Lovers spend a lot of time together, prefer a quiet relaxing rest to secular parties. The actress itself calls this union by "guest marriage", as Karachelik and Eshilla live separately.

Nurgul Eshilla and Tag Karachelik

Another curious fact about Nurgul: Eshilla - a talented artist and has already managed to win his own paintings recognition in the world of painting. The loved holders of the public have their own "instagram", in which the actress pleases the fans of personal photos, especially Eshilla like to do Selfie.

Nurgul Eshilla now

Now a time-out actress has arrived in the film. In 2017, Nurgul completed the project "Magnificent Century. Empire Keshem ", whose final series came out at the end of June.


  • 2002 - "Mansion with grape vines"
  • 2006 - "Ezo Bride"
  • 2007 - "Trains Adam"
  • 2007 - "On the edge of Paradise"
  • 2008 - "Conscience"
  • 2009 - "7 husbands for hurmus"
  • 2010 - "Love and Punishment"
  • 2011 - "Chinara"
  • 2012 - "Sultan"
  • 2013 - "Red Love"
  • 2014 - "Murder"
  • 2014-2016 - "Smrear"
  • 2016 - "Second Chance"
  • 2016-2017 - "Magnificent Century. Empire Keshe

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