Dmitry Mukhin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Dmitry Mukhin - the Belarusian and Russian actor and film actor, known in their participation in a number of popular TV projects. Among the works of the artist, roles in melodramas, comedies and military dramas are listed. Dmitry's ability to reincarnate in diverse heroes appreciated directors and the public.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Mukhin was born on September 17, 1986 in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk. The parents of the boy were not connected with the theater and the cinema - the father worked as a mechanic at the factory, mother - a storekeeper. As a child, Dima dreamed of becoming a truck driver. Mukhin-the younger seemed that this profession was associated with travel and adventures, so the boy was so manila.

In the school, Dmitry always always for humanitarian disciplines and did not transfer mathematics in the Spirit. Actually, such dislike for accurate sciences and predetermined the choice. The university young man chose a chance: leafing the reference book and poked his finger to the Belarusian Academy of Arts. He immediately found out that for admission there is no need to take the exam in mathematics. Although the choice and was spontaneous, but Mukhin never regretted it.

Dmitry filed documents for the Theater Faculty of the Academy and arrived from the first time in the workshop V. A. Mishcheku. The young man was surprised by such luck because she was not prepared for the entrance exams. Thanks to external data - growth, which is 190 cm with a weight of 85 kg, a sports physique, a charming smile - a young man was in a number of enrolled applicants.

Personal life

Dmitry Mukhin was married to Darya Baranova. With a former wife, a young man does not live together for a long time.

Daria and Dmitry met at the Academy, where both studied. They fell in love, met, decided to get married. The wedding was celebrated in the third year, and soon a couple had a son Paul.

After the end of the Academy, Dmitry and Daria worked in the theater, often took a son with them. Everything went well, the young bought an apartment in Minsk, began to be equipped, dreamed that they would have more children and cozy family holidays. But it did not work out.

The official cause of the divorce couple does not call - the actors do not comment at all. It is known that the son lives with Darya, Dmitry is often seen with the boy. After parting, the spouses managed to maintain normal relationships.

In the summer of 2015, information about the wedding of Dmitry Mukhina appeared in social networks. The second wife of the actor became Inna Mukhina. The new choices of the artist is known only that the girl works by a hairdresser. Judging by the numerous photo published in "Instagram", the spouses sincerely love each other and happy together. Personal life of the actor is awesome.


In 2008, Dmitry Mukhin graduated from the Academy and began working in different theaters of Belarus. At the beginning of the creative biography, the actor was invited to the troupe of the modern art theater, then Dmitry moved to a new dramatic theater. 3 years after the end of the university, Dmitry replenished the troupe of the Minsk Theater-Studio-Studio of the film actor, where he played in the play "Rodna" and "Timon and Pumba".

The first role of Dmitry Mukhina is an episode in the film "In June 41." The picture came out on the screens in 2008, however, the game of the novice actor did not notice critics or the audience. The next time the artist appeared on the screens only in a year, in the "Challenge 4" project, and again in the episode.

Capital heroes of the film are the staff of the ravine department, which are taken for the most hopeless things, sometimes related to the manifestation of mysticism. Continuing the detective topics, the actor simply starred in a number of serials - in the films "Detective Agency" Ivan da Marya "", where Leonid Yarmolnik and Svetlana Antonov played the main roles, and the "court" with the participation of Yaroslav Boyko and Alexander Golubev.

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In 2010, work was followed in the rating detective Karen Oganesyan "Zhurov 2", where Andrei Panin brightened, as well as in the series "Captain Gordeyev" with Prokhorom Dubravin in the lead role.

Despite the fact that Dmitry Mukhin got only the roles of the second plan, the young artist increased professional skills in communicating with experienced actors. In the same year, Mukhin appeared in the melodrame "near the river two shores." Dmitry reincarnated in a negative hero - the former groom's main heroine of Sasha (Polina Filonenko), who changes the girl with her best girlfriend.

But the audience learned Dmitry Mukhin only in 2011, after watching the series "Best Friend Friend", in which Mukhin played the main character - Grisha. Sergey Mukhin and Glakhira Tarkhanov became partners in the workstation in the film. Despite the same names, major roles - Sergey and Dmitry - do not come to each other brothers.

In the same year, Mukhin participates in the shooting of the Melodrama "This woman to me", in which we were talking about the closure of the sewing enterprise in the provincial town. 2011 presented an artist another major role in the detective TV series of Belarusian production "Network threat".

Dmitry Mukhin and Daria Baranova

The fascinating work for Dmitry Mukhina became the role of Mikhail Khodorkovsky in his youth in the adventure comedy Alexander Cotta "The Reverse Side of the Moon", where the actor was lucky to work together with Pavel Derevyanko and Karina Razumovskaya. The role of broker Mukhin got in melodrama "Will it go together?" About three ways to search for happiness, who choose their girlfriends Lena, Julia and Vika (Julia Galkina, Tatiana Lyannik, Maria Bortnik).

In June 2013, the "Slavic Bazaar" festival, held in Vitebsk, held the premiere of the film "Traces of Apostles", where Dmitry Mukhin played the main character. The plot of the film is associated with Nesvizhsky castle, the generic estate of Radziwill. The action unfolds in our time when a student of the Law Faculty comes to visit the grandmother. On the way to the village, the girl meets with a guy Grisha and recognizes the legend about the treasure of the castle. The film has received an ambiguous assessment. The spectators liked the game of young actors, but many called the director who were frankly weak.

The filmography of the artist is also replenished by the role of the son of the main character in the detective "Protasov investigator" and Lieutenant Queen in the adventure criminal series "State Border". On the account of Dmitry Mukhina work in the rating Russian projects "Sea Devils. Tornado 2 "and" Farca ". He is removed in the memorable melodrama "Forbidden Love". The filmography also falls comedy "from March 8, men!", Where Dmitry Mukhin appears in the form of the FSB agent.

For 2017, 5 films with Dmitry Mukhina were completed. The artist is not focused on one genre or role. In the Belarusian picture "It was by the sea" Dmitry is reincarnated in a negative character, the accomplice of the smuggler Paul (Andrei Karako). At the invitation of Ukrainian filmmakers, Dmitry appears in the melodramatic saga "temptation" at once in two seasons.

Dmitry was lit up in the detective adventure TV series about the animals "Mukhtar. New trace, "where played in one creative composition together with Vladimir Feklenko, Svetlana Brukhanovaya, Alexey Moiseev, Alexander Voevodin.

Among the bright works of the artist, the main role in the Ukrainian melodrama "List of desires" is listed. The actor is reincarnated in the President of the Tourist Company, which helps a young employee Masha (Olga Grishin), which suffers from an oncological disease, to carry out her cherished dreams.

Dmitry Mukhin now

Now the actor continues to successfully implement the creative potential. In 2019, on the stage of the Minsk Theater of Filmaker, Dmitry Mukhin took part in the show of the play of the "Women without Borders" on the play of Yuri Polyakova. Together with him, Valery Arlanova, Valentina Gutsueva, Elena Gyrenok and others played.

In the same year, the show of the melodrama "temptation inheritance" started, in which Mukhin fulfilled one of the main roles. Dmitry appeared and in the rating series "Strong weak woman," where she reincarnated in the Uhager Heroine Galina. In the film, Catherine Dvigubsk, a girl went about the girl Nina, who decided to leave the provincial town and go to the capital for the exercise of the dream - to become a fashion designer. The project was attended by Alexander Vlasov, Sergey Porudov, Vladimir Guicelline.

Another melodrama, in which Mukhin appeared, is the film "Blue Lake" about the difficult fate of the main character: her husband is going to pick up their shared child. In 2020, the premiere of the military drama with the participation of Dmitry - "Last Day of War" took place. This is a Ukrainian project, which also starred Maxim Radugin, Alexander Melnik, Alexey Dmitriev. The film was shown on the NTV channel.

Now Dmitry Mukhin is working on the already known manner - Heinrich Stretube - in the second part of the popularity of the spy detective "traces of the Apostles". In the scenario, all the main characters will remain, the action takes place in wartime. In search of Treasures, Napoleon will be thrown by the best forces of intelligence Assaver. Interesting facts Dmitry in his free time is interested in sports. He prefers command species - volleyball, basketball, football.

Mukhin plans to remove his own film, but while the director's work remains a dream.


  • 2008 - "In June 41"
  • 2010 - "Zhurov-2"
  • 2010 - "Captain Gordeev"
  • 2011 - "The best friend of the family"
  • 2011 - "Navigator"
  • 2011 - "Network Threat"
  • 2012 - "Look together?"
  • 2012 - "The reverse side of the moon"
  • 2013 - "Traces of Apostles"
  • 2013-2014 - "State Border"
  • 2014 - "With the Eight of March, Men!"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2015 - "Sea Devils. Tornado -2 "
  • 2016 - "Forbidden Love"
  • 2017 - "Temptation"
  • 2017 - "Mukhtar. New trace »
  • 2017 - "New Year's passenger"
  • 2017 - "List of desires"
  • 2017 - "Four Crisis of Love"
  • 2018 - "Unforeseen circumstances"
  • 2018 - "Your windows of your house"
  • 2018 - "Train of Fate"
  • 2019 - "Temptation inheritance"
  • 2019 - "Strong weak woman"
  • 2019 - "Blue Lake"
  • 2020 - "Last Day of War"

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