Anna Kendrick - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs, Filmography 2021



Anna Kendrik is an American actress and singer, who first became the star Broadway, and then conquered the cinema. Movie lovers around the world know her by participating in such paintings as "I would be in the sky", "Twilight", "perfect voice", "my killer guy", "If your Girl is a zombie" and many others.

Anna was born in New England - the town of Portland, located in the north of the United States. Her mother Jenis Cook was an accountant, Father William Kendrick taught a story in school, and later engaged in financial activities. The family also brought up an older brother Anna, Michael Cook Kendrick, who also became an actor.

Actress Anna Kendrick

When the girl was only 10 years old, the parents first took her to New York on audition. On Casting, she found out which of her talents need to be limited, and after two years Anna Kendrick began to go to the scene of the most famous theaters in Broadway musicals, including those famous as "Higher Society" and "Little Night Music".

The Kendrick's child was completely nominated for the receipt of three prestigious theater awards - the Drama Desq, the World Award and Tony, becoming one of the most young actresses in the history of these awards. Anna was five years old on Broadway, after which it was completely focused on cinema.


The debut year in the biographies of film actresses was 2003. She starred in the Youth Music TV series "Summer Camp". Then there were musical "Viva Laflin" and light melodrama "Granite science." And the first fame, Anna Kendrick brought 2008. At first, she appeared in the Romantic Vampire Saga "Twilight", where he performed the role of a girlfriend of Heroine Kristen Stewart, and then received the first major role in the musical tragicomedy "Meet Mark".

Even more about the actress spoke after entering the screens of the drama "I would be in the sky," where Kendrick's partners were George Clooney and Vera Farmig. A miniature actress (girl's growth of 157 cm) was waiting for a major success. The role brought an actress nomination for the Oscar awards, "Golden Globe", Screen Actors Guild Awards and BAFTA. Also for this work, Anna was named "ascending star of the year" at the 21st Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival festival. And her career, indeed, rapidly went up.

All new and new projects with the participation of a young actress began to appear. In 2012, the actress played the main female role in the criminal militant "Patrol". Annend Anna Kendrick brought a music comedy "Perfect Voice", the screening of the novel "Sing the ideal: chase for the glory of vocalista a chapel" Mickey Rapkin. Anna fulfilled the role of a new student Becks, which joins the youth group The Bellas ("Bordeel Bella"). With a new participant, the Group is part of the student competition and challenges the male opponent's team. The main roles in the film also played Brittany Snow and Rabels Wilson.

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In 2013, the actress showed its own musical talent and out of the film. Anna Kendrick recorded a video clip on the own song "CUPS" (WHEN I'm Gone).

In 2014, a British parody horror film was released on the screens with elements of melodrama "if your zombie girl." Here Anna Kendrick also appeared in a key role.

In the same year, Anna Kendrick appeared in the lead role in another film: American romantic melodrame "For the last five years". The film has become an empty of the popular musical, originally supplied to Broadway. The main character is a beginner actress Katie, whose role and performed Anna Kendrick, married to the famous writer. The film tells about the ambitions and the envy of the actresses that the marriage of young people rushes.

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A year later, Anna returned to the role of Becks in the Sixel "Perfect Voice 2", in which the "Bardlage Bella" file an application for participation in the International Competition. The American team never won in this competition, but Bella do not despair.

Personal life

Anna Kendrick is a workaholic, it does not represent his life without daily work on scenarios, without rehearsals and discuss the details of the upcoming filming. Perhaps therefore her personal life has not yet developed.

Edgar Wright and Anna Kendrick

The longest novel Anna lasted 4 years. On the set of the film "Scott Pilgrim against All", she met the British director and screenwriter Edgar Write, which was met until 2013. But their feelings could not withstand long separation and a long distance, because the ocean divided lovers.

The fact is that Wright continued to work in London, and Kendrick was not ready to quit the Hollywood career. However, the couple retained friendly relationships and after parting.

Also, fans tied the name Anna Kendrick with actors Jake Gillanhol and Robert Pattinson, but the girl denied that she had romantic relationships with these partners in films.

The actress does not hide his own personal life. The girl leads a confirmed account in "Instagram", which regularly downloads both photos from the filming and footage with friendly meetings. The actress is not shy of both home photos or selfie, but at the same time it constantly remains stylish and does not put very home and natural photos.

Anna Kendrick now

2016 gave actress a large number of major roles in comedy paintings. From among these films Anna Kendrick worth noting a fighter with elements of comedy "My boyfriend - Killer". The actress performed the role of Martha, the girl who became a romantic companion of the hired killer.

Also in the same year, the actress performed the major role of Gillian Stewart in the humorous film "HUNTING". Another work with Anna in the lead role was the comedy "Wedding Ear", in which Kendrick performed the role of Alice. The film tells about two friends who were invited to the wedding, but remained without a pair. Podries decide to get acquainted with future companions via the Internet, but the announcement of acquaintance becomes viral and causes an unexpected effect.

The actress is in demand not only in the comedy role. Also in 2016, Anna Kendrich played the role of the main character of Dana in the criminal drama "Payback". The plot of the film is associated with financial operations and fraud. Autic genius of mathematics (Ben Affleck) conducts an audit of the black accounting of famous criminals. To secure a law-abiding employee, mathematician begins to work on a legal company with white turnover, but the main problems begin on this, fully official work.

Another bright role actress in the same year was the appearance of Anna Kendrick in a music video on the song "CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! FIRST LISTEN »Justin Timberlake.

In 2017, the actress again tried out the role of Musican Beci Mitchell in the third part of the Music film "Perfect Voice."


  • 2008 - "Acquaintance with Mark"
  • 2008 - "Twilight"
  • 2009 - "I would be in the sky"
  • 2009 - "Twilight. Saga. New moon"
  • 2010 - "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2010 - "Scott Pilgrim against all"
  • 2011 - "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - Part 1 "
  • 2012 - "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - Part 2 "
  • 2012 - "Patrol"
  • 2012 - "Perfect Voice"
  • 2014 - "For the last five years"
  • 2014 - "If your zombie girl"
  • 2016 - "My boyfriend -Killer"
  • 2016 - "HUNTING"
  • 2016 - "Wedding Ugra"

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