Vitaly Kovalenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vitaly Kovalenko is a talented actor of the Russian Theater and Cinema. In the theater repertoire of the artist - roles in the plays of Russian and foreign authors. No less impressive looks like filmography of the artist. Over the years of work, he managed to embody different images, including historical characters. Now, in addition, Kovalenko is known as a dubling actor.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Kovalenko was born on September 1, 1974 in the usual Pavlodar family in Kazakhstan. Neither mother nor father had nothing to do with actor and cinema. Parents did not share the passion of the son of scenic skills, hoped that after school, the interest would disappear and Vitaly will go to the Polytechnic or Medical Institute.

The young man's theater fell ill as a child when he first came to the studio "debut". At 16, Kovalenko clearly knew what would be to enter the theater university - in the studio there were a strong team and a pedagogy teacher. Surprisingly, even the teacher Vyacheslav Petrov did not want a student to become a professional actor - too complex and ambiguous craft.

Vitaly confessed that he felt uncertainty and could not fully understand if he had to him. And yet, receiving a certificate, Kovalenko in the company of seven buddies went to St. Petersburg. Six fellow travelers immediately failed at the competition, and Kovalenko hoped that he had a chance, and he went for the company with friends to Moscow.

For the entrance exams, comrades were late and decided to try happiness in Yekaterinburg. The first goal was unsuccessful - the applicant failed. The young man spent on visiting performances and participation in the extras.

The next year, the dream came true, and Vitaly became a student of the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute. By that time, the parents accept the choice of a son and began to support him. In 1996, Kovalenko received an actor diploma. Since then, uneasy, but ultimately a successful theater biography of the artist.

Personal life

Personal life Vitaly Kovalenko is taboo for journalists. The actor says that often reporters behave tactlessly and ask arrogance questions, try to "climb into bed." Journalists managed to find out that the artist is married and happy in marriage. The spouse is not related to acting profession. Other details of the Union performer does not open, says that he is a non-public person, does not like to walk in secular events. It is also unknown, whether in the family of the artist, children.

Free time, he prefers to hold at home, in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Vitaly hates gossip, so the doors are open only for chosen people, friendship with which has passed the test time. The photo of the actor, which can be seen on the network, only apply to professional activities in the theater and cinema. There is no own account in the "Instagram" from the artist.


For the first time the taste of the scene Vitaly felt when he studied at the 3rd course. Students have handed over to passages from Russian classics, Kovalenko got the role of astrova from Uncle Vani. At the 4th year, the actor collaborated with the "mask" theater and participated in two productions of the Ekaterinburg Drama Theater.

After graduating from the Institute, Vitaly moved to Novosibirsk, where friends worked, and settled in the "Red Torch" theater. The debut of the artist was the Musical Hello, Dolly. In the future, Kovalenko had many diverse roles. The artist was playing Cheruvim in Zoykina Apartment, Klezlekova in the "Auditor", teachers in the "two in the evenings in a merry house."

In 2002, Kovalenko was engaged in the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The artist accepted an invitation, although the decision was made difficult. Friends, professional and understanding directions remained in the Red Table. The first 7 years the actor regrets about moving. In an interview, Vitaly noted that "Alexandrinka" is a complex theater whose space needs to be conquered.

A free performer felt himself only in the play "Seagull", in which Shamaev played. This role is not important - the hero appears on the stage 4 times and 3 times smoothed. Also in the Alexandrin theater Kovalenko played Albert in the formulation of the "stingy knight", the cynic warrior in the play "Man = Man."

In 2008, Vitaly Kovalenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The actor continued to work in Alexandrin, parallel to cooperating with other Petersburg theaters. In the formulation of the Tyus "Anatole", the performer played a major role.

One of the bright images on the stage "Alexandrinsky" was presented in the play "Happiness", although the Contractor admitted that happiness himself does not feel because he gets tired of role and morally, and physically. The formulation affecting the problem of life and death of children, Kovalenko considered a lot of terrible, because the plot is built on the signs and phobias.

Over the years in the Alexandrinsky Theater, the artist managed to grow professionally. The skill of Vitaly celebrated fans and critics. In 2016, he played the Hero Kulagina in the formulation of Andria Zholdaka "on the other side of the curtain" (on the play Anton Chekhov "Three sisters"). The work brought Kovalenko a "Golden Mask" award in the nomination "For the acting ensemble".


The actor began to act in 2001 - played a chemist in the TV series "NLS Agency". The first major project was the multi-line picture "Adjutants of Love", which the audience saw in 2005. Vitaly Kovalenko played in her Napoleon Bonaparte. During the shooting, the actor managed to relax only a couple of days, because I had to constantly drive from Peter to Moscow and back. But the role was worth it. Vitaly Vladimirovich said that there is an external similarity between him and hero.

At the site, the artist learned Napoleon better, studied archival documents and realized that Bonaparte was an ordinary man with his weaknesses and disadvantages. The image of the French emperor actor re-embodied in 2013 in the series "Vasilisa", and for the third time - in the tragicomedy "What the French are silent", which came out in 2016.

Later, Vitaly Kovalenko appeared in the projects "Sea Devils", "Schedule", "Palm Sunday", "Gangster Petersburg" (9th season), "Foundry". In 2007, the filmography of the celebrity was replenished with a major role in the criminal series "Attempt to escape." In the same year, the Russian film "Tatiana Day" launched on Russian screens.

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The project has become an adaptation of Colombian melodramatic telenovella "War Roses". In Russia, the painting has gained great popularity. In Ribe Kovalenko played the role of Vadim Gorina, men with difficult fate. The hero is building relations with two women. Galina Rybkin (performed by Darya Volga) loves Vadim, who became the only joy in her life.

Gorina also pulls to a blond romantic beauty, but more courageous and decisive irina (which Ekaterina Novikova played) into action). The acting skills allowed Kovalenko to create a convincing deep image, followed by the audience with interest.

After 3 years, the criminal drama "State Protection" was published with the participation of the artist, and again the Contractor appeared in the favorite exercise of the order of the order. On the account of Kovalenko - work in the Koma thriller, the military picture of "scouts", the historical drama "Battalion", a detective "Inquisitor".

In 2015, the Contractor played a major role in the Military Drama "Satellites", the film to the story of faith Panova. Sergey Ugryumov, Nelli Uvarova, Alexander Sirin and others were partners of the artist on the project. Over the years in the piggy bank, Vitaly Vladimirovich appeared images that require careful study and intense psychological understanding: this is a commander from the Drama "Hunters for Heads", ordinary from the Military film "28 Panfilovtsev", an employee of a jewelry store in a detective "Tikhonov investigator".

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2017 brought Kovalenko a number of significant television and film projects. The artist was starred in the series "Wings of the Empire", where Lenin played, and Trotsky, in which she appeared in the form of Peter Stolypin. The artist also lit up in the criminal series "Excellent" and a detective "Personality is not established."

In the multi-sensing criminal film "Nizhva" Vitaly Vladimirovich fulfilled the role of an urban official. The picture was discussed about the investigation of the suicide of Major Andrei Ryzhov (Andrei Smolyakov), who received an unfair prosecution of a crime. To restore the honest name of the colleague, his friends are taken for the investigation - employees of GUSB MVD. Vladimir Mashkov, Alexander Pal, Denis Swedes, Lucherya Ilyashenko played the main roles.

In the same year, two loud premieres took place: the film "Matilda", in which Kovalenko appeared in the form of the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, and the thriller "Gogol. The beginning, "where the artist played the investigator Kovleysky. In 2019, fans were able to appreciate the game of the actor in the Military Drama "Wait for Me", telling about the front artist brigade.

Vitaly Kovalenko now

In 2020, Vitaly Vladimirovich continues to work in the theater and cinema. So, in the theater of Nations, the actor is engaged in the play "Broken Jug" on the play of the German playwright Heinrich von Kleist. The director of the Timofey Kulyabin project presented the viewers of the audience the original interpretation of the plot resembling the comedy "Auditor" Nikolai Gogol.

In the image of an official coming from Brussels with a check in a village, in front of the public appeared in Geborga Dapkin. Kovalenko himself played the role of the judge.

The film also appeared new works by the artist. The fans saw the artist in the detective TV series "Spasskaya", telling about the investigator of the Sochi criminal investigation.

Vitaly's partners in the film were Karina Andoltenko, who performed the main role, Ilya Soskov, Igor Cucumbers and others. The cooperation of the actor with Alexey Teacher continued. In the new project of the director "Tsoi", associated with the personality of the leader of the Movie Group, Kovalenko played Alexey Cherry, the legendary Leningrad Rock musician and the author of the songs.

In addition, the screens were released by a multi-sized bomb project, in which Victor Dobronravov, Mikhail Hmurov, Alexander Lykov and other artists, became partners of Kovalenko.


  • 2001 - "Agency NLS"
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2009 - "Palm Sunday"
  • 2011 - "Menting Wars"
  • 2013 - "Scouts"
  • 2014 - "Vasilisa"
  • 2015 - "Battalion"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2016 - "Twenty-eight Panfilovtsy"
  • 2017 - "File"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2017 - Matilda
  • 2017 - "Gogol. Start"
  • 2018 - "Major-3"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"
  • 2018 - "Nureyev. White Raven"
  • 2018 - "Holder Equipment-2"
  • 2019 - "Battle"
  • 2019 - "Wait for me"
  • 2019 - "Sea Devils. Road Friendies »
  • 2020 - "Iczka-4"
  • 2020 - "Spasskaya"
  • 2020 - "Tsoi"

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