Valentina Mazunina - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Valentina Masunina burst into television screens in the image of the body girlfriend, and later - the wife of the chief hero of the series "Real Guys". Contrary to expectations, she lacked for every new proposal, which was abused on the success of the success of the comedy. The formation of the filmography is the process of responsible, accompanied by spiritual flour. The actress understands that a certain role has been fixed behind her, but to overlap through itself, play where it does not want, she will not.

Childhood and youth

Valya was born in April 1988 in Veloshgino, which is 100 kilometers from Perm. Father - Railway and Mom - an official of the urban administration at the time of her appearance already raised the elder daughter Eugene. The sister now lives in his hometown, works at ambulance, together with a husband-programmer Grow Sasha's son, his beloved nephew actresses.

Love for the theater of Masunina instilled Mom, not sparing time to go to Perm to the next premiere. For Vali, such trips were a real holiday. The girl fell in love with the scene. From nature, modest and quiet, for the company with a friend, she was written in the drama and what is called, stuck.

After school, Valentine on the first attempt was enrolled in the Perm Institute of Culture on the acting branch. During study, the girl in order not to burden his parents, he managed to repair the packter in the factory, in the confectionery shop.


The creative biography of Mazunina began in the theater of the young spectator. There she saw the screenwriter of "real guys" Zhanna Kadnikov and offered the role of a shavy girlfriend Vovan. Parents, seeing his daughter's work, came to horror, stated that she dismisses his native Perm. But over time, I realized that the picture, albeit hypertrophy, reflects the reality, and the audience will learn in characters themselves, their neighbors familiar.

Sitkom became one of the most rating projects of the TNT channel and opened the actress to directions. Valentina moved to the capital, settled at the "Scene-Hammer" theater, where he soon had to leave because of the big workload on the set.

In 2013, the audience saw the Perm in the comedy "Gorky!". She played Ksyuhu, colorful girl brother's brother in the performance of Alexander Paly. The heroine constantly gnawed seeds. As the Valya later admitted, she had to eat so many seeds as she did not eat in his entire lives.

A convincing confirmation of the success of a young actress can be considered its employment in new TV projects. This is a melodrama "Well, Hello, Oksana Sokolova!", Willing a diploma with a special reference to "for the feeling of genre", the youth tape "Classmates", a comedy "Man from the Future".

In the "Superplanes" Mazunina starred in the company Danil Yakushev, Yana Herbal and Dmitry Nagiyev. In "Vesering case!" About husbands-trains The company of the girl was a former participants in the Kavainov team "Ural Pelmeni" Dmitry Brecotkin and Andrei Rozhkov. On the advice of her heroine, the character of Vladimir Jaglycha dances striptease in the film Marius Weisberg "Night shift".

Valentine lit up in the series "Lights from the next world" with Maria Mashkovka in the lead role. The comedy became a kind of experiment for TNT, since it was removed in a web format, and the audience follows the action through the lens of a special chamber. In 2017, the actress has joined the film crew who has already become the traditional Christmas tree franchise.

A series of cheerful film diluted the drama "arrhythmia" about the life of ambulance workers. For the role of a killer-sniper in the 2nd season "Method", Mazunin was not approved, but they noted that she plays about everything is well.

Personal life

Personal life of Valentina Mazunina while clean page. But the actress admits that he dreams to meet a young man, the main qualities of which will be kindness and strong. And if he will have a good sense of humor, then this is a man's ideal. Future children does not see artists - this work is still hard.

"All the time it seems to you that you do everything wrong, everything does not work, everything is in vain! Invertible self-called. Acting is not the profession in which you can work from 9 to 7 and at the end of the working day to forget about everything. "

Moving to Moscow was given the shaft hard, despite the support of colleagues - "guys" Alexey Bazanov and Vladimir Selivanova. She constantly cried and concealed stress. At one time EE Weight with growth in 160 cm turned the mark of 80 kg.

Mazunina sat on a diet, refused "harm", 3 times a week was dancing, ran and at the premiere of the "Christmas Trees" appeared very thinning, dropping 12 kg. However, at the request of the director of the film "The Best Day", the shaft had to reappear by 5 kg. Now the actress says that for the sake of a decent proposal and will lose another 15, and wakes up, and will make a bunch of everything that would not be solved in ordinary life. And in the dreams to play Kirill Serebrennikov, turn into a city crazy, a woman with severe fate, an alcoholic or with a physical flaw.

In Perm, Valentina has many friends who can call at any time of the day. With the best friend, actress Maria Shucunova, she played on the stage of the Tyus.

Favorite pastime Mazunina - campaigns to theater and travel. Photographs from trips she lay out in "Instagram", but only those that like, and does not understand why so much value attaches activity in social networks. The time taken by the publications of plates with food or selfie can be spent with greater benefit.

Valentina Mazunina now

"I often ask me, I would like to work in some other genre. Of course yes. I want to develop, open something new. But from comedy I will never refuse. I'm wondering there. Apparently, this is my nature. "Valentine's passion was implemented in the next project TNT - the TV series "Togol-Robot", the premiere of which took place in the spring of 2019. On the set, she again met with Alexander Palem, who played a guy without hands and feet. The actress appeared on the screen in the image of a sullen nurse.

In the same year, the 2nd part of the almanac "Happiness is ...", whose creators are looking for an answer to the eternal question. Selection of directors and screenwriters Disney conducted on a competitive basis. The decision took the jury as part of Fyodor Bondarchuk, Sergey Lukyanenko, Vladimir Khotinenko and another row of Russian cinema. At the All-Russian Film Festival "Crystal Source" film received a prime sympathy. Mazunina appeared in a small role secretary.

But in the TV series "Ivanko", the premiere of which also took place in 2019, Valentine got the main role. Angelina Mirimskaya, Victoria Zabolotnaya, Mikhail Tee, became her colleagues.


  • 2013 - "Gorky!"
  • 2010 - 2019 - "Real Guys"
  • 2013 - "Eternal Fairy Tale"
  • 2013 - Ninkina Love
  • 2015 - "The Best Day!"
  • 2016 - "Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova! "
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2016 - "Man from the Future"
  • 2017 - "Arrhythmia"
  • 2017 - "Classmates: New Turn"
  • 2017 - New Christmas Trees
  • 2019 - "Happiness is ... 2"
  • 2019 - Tiona Robot

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