Zhovnel Mox - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, President Haiti, children, wife 2021



Zhovnel Mox - former President Haiti, businessman. Having received power, the man promised to make the country with prosperous and independent in economic terms, but disappointed the nation, for which he paid.

Childhood and youth

Zhovnel Mox was born on June 26, 1968 in Tru du-Nur, the Republic of Haiti, in the family, where they confessed the "strict principles and discipline". According to politics, at a young age he learned how to succeed, watching the profitable Father's Farm Business. Large territories on the island were empty and were not cultivated, and their development could raise the country's economy.

Moiza studied at the National School of Don Dürolena, Lyceum Tussen-Louver, the Cultural Center of the Canada-Aiten College, studied Political Science at the University of Kisskey. She planned to tie a biography with teaching, but in the end chose entrepreneurship.

Business and politics

As a member of the Moiz Chamber of Commerce, promised to create solar and wind energy sources in 10 communities. Zhovnel drove sugar plantation and was a famous exporter of fruit, for which a nickname is a banana person. Subsequently, the prosecutor's office found that the businessman expropriate the land of other farmers without developing them. According to the investigation, he sent only one container with bananas to Germany.

In 2015, a man came to politics and participated in the presidential election. The first round in October was canceled after the mass protests supported by Fanti Lavalas, the party of the first democratically elected President of Haiti Jean-Berran Aristide. The uprising was suppressed by tear gas and bullets.

Re-elections 2016 showed a stagnantly low turnover of voters - 21%. The country suffered from Hurricane Matthew and has not yet fully recovered after the earthquake of 2010.

The basis of its MOIS program has chosen an increase in the number of jobs so that residents do not have to emigrate in the USA or the Dominican Republic. Zhovnel won, but the 2nd place of Jude Selesen filed a complaint, calling the result of the elections by "falsification".

In January 2018, during a four-day visit to Italy, the President met with the Pope Francis and received a promise from Him to visit Haiti. Zhovnel believed the visit of the defense very important, given that the Vatican was the first to recognize the independence of the republic in 1804. With the President of Italy, Sergo Mattarella Moiz discussed the opening of the country's embassy and the creation of the Commission, which will solve issues of tourism, agriculture and energy. Also, the politician met with the local community of his compatriots.

But the homeland began mass protests with the requirements of Mine's resignation. In July 2018, tens of thousands of Haitians went to the streets, outraged by the Government's statement on the abolition of fuel subsidies, which led to the increase in gasoline prices by 38%, and on Kerosene - by 50%. This led to the requirement of the International Monetary Fund to introduce restrictions on exchange for $ 96 million.

The price increase was announced during the World Cup, hoping that the people would not protest at such a time, but the calculation turned out to be incorrect. The uprising lasted 3 days, people attacked shops and robbed luxury hotels. As a result, the government abolished price increases and sent to the resignation of the Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafondan, but called on to the rescue of the US Marine Square, which did not promise anything good in the future.

On November 18, 2018, the people demanded the inspection of the Petrolbarbu Fund's accounts, accusing MYAZ in corruption when mastering loans worth $ 3.8 billion issued by the Government of Venezuela. With a red-black flag in the hands, symbolizing the freedom of blacks, the protesters took the crossroads of roads to the airport, having received support from several divisions of the Haitian National Police. On the Highway, Delmas staged barricades from burning tires, and also threw the office of the notary of Jean-Henri Seunt.

In 2020, Zhovnel was accused of violating the Constitution, as he extended his powers for a year, until February 2022. Politics were called the culprit of mass murders committed by paramilized gangs, which with it entered the police.

In February 2021, when the constitutional presidential period expired, an attempt was made on MYAZ in order to spend a military coup. 23 people were detained, money and weapons were confiscated: two M14 assault rifles, "ultrasound", three pistols of 9 mm caliber and several machete. Among the criminals were a member of the Court of Cassation (he even wrote speech, intending to become a temporary president) and the general inspector of the Haitian National Police.

Personal life

About the personal life of politics is known a little. With his wife Martin Marie Etien Joseph, he met at the university, the spouses brought up three children.


Mox died on July 7, 2021 in Pethonville, the cause of death was the murder. People in Black, who spoke English and in Spanish, were penetrated into the residence of the president and gave themselves to the participants of the US Operations to combat drugs. Martin's fatal wounded and the woman was delivered to the staff of Florida and on the same day died in the hospital.

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Prime Minister Claude Joseph announced a state of emergency and called for calm. He received the right to use the military and prohibit meetings. The condolences to the Haitian people expressed Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Boris Johnson.

On July 8, 2021, 4 people suspected of a crime were killed in a shootout with law enforcement, two others were arrested. With the rest they continued to fight in Port-O-Prince, the Chief of Police Leon Charles promised to take them alive or dead. During the operation, three police officers previously taken hostage were liberated.

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