Zeus - myths, history, children, movies, gera


Character History

The mythology of ancient Greece, which is closely intertwined with the religion of this people, originated on the way of becoming humanity, but is popular until now, which contributed to the cultural monuments.

Zeus - art.

Eminent directors and talented writers are inspired by titans, Olympians, muses, cyclops and other fictional characters, and legends with the participation of gods and incredibly strong heroes fascinate. Zeus, the head of an ancient Greek Pantheon, who knows the whole world, is quite often found in the ancient texts. The name of this thumbs up, perhaps, is familiar to everyone and everyone.


The person looks very weak against the background of the surrounding world, the representative of the type Homosapiens does not have the same physical force as, for example, at the bear; People cannot run quickly, like lions or cheetahs, and also do not have sharp teeth and strong claws.

But by nature, by nature, his person is trying to explain what he feels and observes. No wonder Isaac Newton opened physical laws, Dmitry Mendeleev came up with a chemical table, and Sigmund Freud wondered by philosophy. But earlier, when scientific knowledge was not so strong, people explained that whether the other phenomenon of nature through the myths and believed that the gods are able to bring well-being in the house, help win the war in the war and protect the harvest from drought.

Sculpture Zeus

According to history, from the first half of the second millennium BC, the world began to reign the third generation of gods led by Zeus, who overthrew titans. The main of the Olympic Gods became the third son of Titan Kronos and his spouse Rei. The fact is that the provincial predicted the Cronos that his own son will take the Father's crown. The lord of time did not want to put up with such fate, so without the reverion of the conscience, he eaten newborn children, just in case, ingesting even his daughters.

Ray did not intend to put up with the arbitrariness of the spouse, so as a wise woman, decided to act a cunning. Pregnant Titanite went to a deep cave in Crete, where he gave birth to the future of the usurper power.

Kronos and Ria - Parents of Zeus

So that the Kronos did not notice the trick, his beloved stood instead of a baby wrapped in a diaper stone by Baitil, who was immediately swallowed. And when a furious titan learned about the tricks of his wife, he went to look for a little zeus. The boy saved the jackets: they were knocking with spears and swords when the baby cried to make the Kronos not guess where his son was located.

The fatal prediction that the Kronos learned was to come true: when Zeus matured, he began the war against his father, having won a crushing victory and sending a parent in the abyss under the kingdom of Aida - Tartar. On another legend, the thumbs up the Kronos honey drink, and when he fell asleep - oskopil. Next, Zeus forced his ancestor with the help of potions to spit brothers and sisters, who made the gods and settled on Olympus. According to other sources, Olympian spells the belly of Titan.

God Zeus

The war between the gods and titans lasted ten years, and cyclops were called to the rescue. But since the forces were equal, the opponents could not determine the winner for a long time. Then Zeus freed out of the abyss of the storuchnikov, who swallowed him in loyalty, and they helped send former rulers to Tartar. Desperate, the goddess of the land of Gay gave rise to the horrible monster with hundreds of dragon heads - Typhon, but he was defeated by Zeus.

When peace reigned, Zeus, together with his brothers, divided power with the help of a zero. Poseidon became the Lord of the Sea, Aid began to head the gloomy and frightening kingdom of the dead, and Zeus had dominance in heaven.

Liam Nison as Zeus

Scientists even made an assumption: it is likely that the owner of the Olympus Greeks presented human sacrifices, but others refute these speculations. Perhaps the murders for the sake of the owner of the sky were engaged only by individual and few tribes to ask for the termination of the eruption of volcanoes. Basically in ancient Greece gave the gods of animals and disasters, arranging holidays.


Thunderstroke, which scares the inhabitants of the Earth with lightning and dark clouds, acts in mythology as a father of gods and people. Zeus tried to make this world the most harmonious, distributing good and evil, and also invested in a man shame and conscience. Mighty God sits on his throne and observes the urban order, protecting the weak and offended and granting the patronage praying.

Zeus with lightning

Zeus, who follows the laws around the world, could not only send the rain and caraate the defeated people with lightning, but also foresaw the future, predicting the future with dreams. But sometimes Zeus and himself depends on the goddesses of Moir - women who are wearing fate threads.

Often, the stume is depicted in paintings and sculptures as a middle-aged man with good features of a person who framed thick curls and a lush beard. In the hands of Zeus - zipper, which is a three-dimensional fork with jarbins. From the legends it is known that one-eyed cyclops manufactured a lightning for God. Also, the deity has a scepter, and sometimes it is depicted with a Labris or a hammer that looks like a torus.

Zeus - art.

God cuts on the chariot, harboring Orlas: As you know, this noble bird is associated with the greatness and power. It was Eagle Kleval Liver of Unfortunate Prometheus - Thus, Zeus punished his cousin for having kidnapped the fire from Hephasta, having passed him to people.

Among other things, Zeus is able to reincarnate into any earthly creature: once the Olympians turned into a bull in order to steal princess. However, the owner of the sky did not differ in constancy. Hundreds of beauties were visited on his beds, whom he seduced in different implications: it will appear to the girl in the form of a cloud, it will appear on a white swan. And in order to master Danay, Zeus turned into a golden rain.


As is known, in ancient Greek mythology, all the gods in a sense of each other relatives who originated from titans. In addition, if judged by legends, some married their sisters. Stublozhets was not an exemplary family man and seduced far from one beautiful; The victims of the Char Zeus were a broad europe, Leda, Antelope, Io and other charming people.

Zeus and hero. Picture of Rubens

But the "official" wives were considered three women. The first is the wise of Metyda, who predicted his spouse that the son of Zeus born from her would surpass his father. The sorry keeper of the lightning followed the example of the Kronos, only swallowed not a newborn baby, but his spouse. After that, the patronizer of an organized war was born from God's head - Athena, and Metid, sitting in the womb, became his adviser.

Zeus with children

The second spouse of Zeus - the goddess of Justice of the Femis - presented the spouse of three daughters: Evanie, Dick and Arenu (for other sources, the Femis is Moir or Prometheus). The last lover of Olympians became the patronage of the marriage of Gera, which is distinguished by cruelty and jealous temper.


Zeus can be seen on the screens of the TV, the stumes appeared in front of the audience in several cinematic works:
  • 1969 - "Hercules in New York"
  • 1981 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2010 - "Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2011 - "War of the Gods: Immortal"
  • 2012 - "Wrath of Titans"


In the adventure film "Hercules in New York", where Arnold Schwarzenegger starred, a little-known actor Ernest Graves appeared in the threshold. Further, in 1981, the adventure film Desmond Davis - "Battle of Titans" came out.

Ernest Gravz in the role of Zeus

This time, the image of the Olympus Lord structured by British Lawrence Olivier, familiar to the audience on the films "Peter Great" (1986), "King Lear" (1983), "Dracula" (1979) and other notable film stakes.

In 2010, the family film "Percy Jackson and a Lightning Thief" came out. Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, played in this picture, and the Ruzhozhtsi's role was performed by the famous actor Sean Bean.

In the same 2010, the Cinema Louis Letterier presented a remake on the film "Battle of Titans". Sam Worthington entered the brilliant cast, Jason Fleming, Nicholas Holt and other representatives of cinematic skills. Briton Liam Nison agreed to the role of Zeus only because of the fact that his children are big fans of ancient Greek mythology.

Luke Evans as Zeus

In 2011, the film "War of the Gods: Immortal" was published, in the main gods reincarnated Luke Evans, dividing the shooting platform with Henry Caville, Mickey Rourke, Frieda Pinto and Stephen Dorff.

Interesting Facts

  • Zeus kidnapped not only the representatives of the weak gender. Turning into the guy of the Giant Eagle, the fate, stole a beautiful young man, the son of the Trojan cable - Ganyada. Thunderls gave the father of this young man with a golden vines, and Gamornad received an eternal youth, becoming "Vinolrypius", who served the gods of nectar and ambrosia.
  • Zeus has a magic cape from goat skins - aegis, which, as if shield, has protective properties. The legends say that the daughter of the Lightning Owner - Athena - wore this skin as a robe, attaching a brooch with the image of the jellyfish gorgon.
Zeus statue in Olympia
  • In the V century BC, the third of the seven wonders of the world was in Olympia - the marble statue of Zeus, which in its size exceeded even temples. The construction of the monument was engaged in the sculptor of fidi, which was picky on materials, especially to ivory. According to rumors, 200 kg of pure gold and precious stones brought to the legs of Zeus. Unfortunately, the gigantic statue of the thumbs up died after wars and robbery.
  • Zeus appears both in cinematic works and on computer screens, for example, in the game Dota2 there is such a hero who wears the name of the son of the Kronos and kills opponents with lightning.
  • Zeus brought up Nymph Fiberuary. After the storms became the ruler of the sky, he as a sign of gratitude placed her among the stars. According to other legends, Sibli Titan raise Melissa, the feed of the boy with honey and goat milk, as well as the shepherd family, putting ultimatum that all sheep will be saved from wolves.

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