Yana Grivkovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, book, rumors and last news 2021



Yana Grivkovskaya - Russian Soskaya Lioness, having a fashionable and writing experience by the shoulders.

Yana was born and grew up in Moscow. The girl hides its age, so there is no exact official confirmed date about the date of birth. Although two digits are known among the public. We are talking about the date on August 16, but some talk about 1983, others - about the 1987. There is also little information and the parents of Yana. According to social networks, her mother is Victoria Grivkovskaya, the owner of the car dealers' network "Laki Kar".

Yana Grivkovskaya

In childhood, the girl besides the secondary school went to the musical studio, where she was taught to play the piano. After the graduation ball, Yana did not bind a further life with music, and he entered the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, where journalism was studying at the Faculty of Faculty. In addition, she has a second education in the specialty "Clinical Psychology".


Yana Grivkovskaya has extensive experience as a fashion model. She appeared on the covers of glossy magazines around the world.

Model Yana Grivkovskaya

It should be noted that the girl is an activist charitable organizations. She took under the personal guardianship of the pupils of the Children's House "Sunny", located in the Moscow region, and also takes part in the activities of the Fund, advocating the preservation of the environment. For his charitable activities, Yana Grivkovskaya from Stephen's hands, Prince Macedonia and Montenegro, received the title of Countess in 2013.

In 2014, the girl took the post of vice-president of the Business School "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" and was engaged in an invitation to the events of this educational institution of the most famous guests.

Yana Grivkovskaya and Prince Stephen

In the same year, Grivkovskaya surprised the public in that he published his first writing work. Her book, which is called "beads", is completely artistic, but clearly based on real events. In his novel, Yana tells about a secured girl who forced for a career to rotate in circles not the most decent people.

Personal life

The legends are made about the romantic adventures of Yana Gryivkovskaya. She is attributed to novels with the most famous men. Among her fans, according to the public and the press, the prince of Monaco Alber second, the former Italian minister Silvio Berlusconi, the famous Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, Arabic Sheikh Mansur Al-Nahayan, the capital plastic surgeon, Sergey Levin, through whose hands were held both domestic and Foreign stars.

Yana Grivkovskaya and Tim Bric

In addition, the model connects the most intimate relationship with the popular Moscow stylist Tim Brick. The young people were to be married, but in February 2016 the beloved Yana died tragically.

In the late spring of that year, it has spread information that Grivkovskaya began to meet with the outrageous singer Prokhor Chaliapin, a finalist of the "Star Factory", which recently violently broke up with his girlfriend Anna Kalashnikova. Jan and Prokhorov have long been familiar, but once every single, decided to try to build a shared happiness.

Jan Grivkovskaya and Prokhor Chaliapin

In 2001, John became the mother Grivkovskaya. She has a son Daniel, but who is the father of the child, she hides until now.

It is impossible not to say that the name of Yana Grivkovskoy associated with a number of scandalous incidents. On the property of the writer and model attempted several times. She was robbed of her apartment on the ruble, where values ​​have disappeared to a very large sum. Two car exclusive models «Ferrari» and «Porsche», also belonging to the girl, were set on fire by unknown people. Another car Grivkovskoy after some time has been stolen from its parking space.

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