Nikolai Chindykin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Nikolai Chindykin - People's Artist of Russia, an actor, replacing in television series of gangsters of all stripes. Fans call him the main mafia of the country, but few guess that the riser heart and the soul of lyrics are hidden behind the steel look and team voice.

Childhood and youth

The parents of the future actor met when the Father on the Great Patriotic War fell into a fascist captivity. During the stay of prisoners of war in Belarus, the Germans traveled off Soviet soldiers on work. Together with them worked and the local population. So Dmitry met Minskhanka Stefanide.

The young after the war met, when Dmitry Chindykin, after the German concentration camp, was in the camp of the Soviet. In 1946, the soldier was transferred to a free settlement. There, in the village of Black Gorky region, and Stefanide arrived. And not alone, but with a little daughter Lena, born from the prisoners of war of Chindykina.

9 months after the meeting of Dmitry and Stephanides, on March 8, 1947, the second child was born - the son of Nikolai, whose childhood, despite the deprivation, was happy.

The nickname Artist Chindykin received in childhood. The boy became interested in theater after moving the family to Ukraine, to the city of Alchevsk. After a quiet rustic life, Nikolai wanted to try everything: the teenager was carried away by tennis, painted, learned to play on the pipe and the accordion, visited two circles - photos and radio. I learned German and even started writing poetry, but the desire to go to the scene won the craving for the rest of hobbies.

At 17 years of age, the health of Kolya suddenly seriously shake: doctors found a severe kidney disease, which threatened to him death. For many years, the actor had to take medicines, observe a strict diet. Having barely enrolled in the theater school, because of the weakness and ailment of Chindykin hardly went on stage, could not fully work, although in those years he felt his vocation. Nevertheless, he managed to declare himself.

Personal life

In the youth of Nikolai experienced a sense of love, being a student of the theater school. His chief became Larisa Fly, Ukrainian by nationality. The girl was very well-read, fond of poetry, but the relationship ended with parting.

Soon, Chindykin drew attention to a classmate Natalia, who subsequently became his first wife. Friendship of students turned into love. The young got married, at 21 Nikolai became his father - a spouse gave him daughter Anastasia.

Marriage lasted 5 years. Natalia with her daughter remained in Rostov, and Nikolay left to Omsk. There, a man met the second love. Tatyana Virginova, a talented actress, on which the theater repertoire was held, was the wife of the artistic director of the team. Lovers hid the novel, but subsequently decided to put all the points over I. Together the couple left Omsk.

These relationships ended the tragedy - in 1989, 15 years after acquaintance with Nikolai, Tatiana died of oncology. From this blow, the fate of Chindykin could not recover for a long time. Alcohol appeared in his life, although never before, nor after the artist experienced problems of this kind.

Fortunately, Nikolai soon could love again. Chindykin met a young talented artist from Vilnius Race Background Tornau. By origin, she baroness brought them closer to tango. In the theater for one performance, artists put to dance together in a couple. First, they talked for a long time, but Nikolai did not take serious steps, believing that after the death of Tatiana never could be happy.

Race even begged the bridegroom on the knees of marriage, but he remained adamant. Only after her departure to Motherland, Chindykin realized that he should not lose her. 2 years after dating, the actors signed.

So the personal life of Nikolai Chindykina again improved. A man admitted that a meeting with race is a miracle, because to meet a loved one, the soul mate is the happiness that happens extremely rarely. There are no common children in the family, but the couple lives the soul into the soul.


For the Rostov Theater of the Young Spectator, Nikolai Chindykin went out for 5 years. Debuted in the production of "City at Zare". Then there were performances "Hey, Hello", "two comrades", "Dog on Seine" and many others, where the central roles trusted the young artist.

A talented actor saw a representative of the Omsk Drama Theater and lured from Rostov to the Siberian city. At these stage, Nikolai received the first recognition and brought to perfection acting skills. And he felt that insurmountably pulls the spectacles himself.

Nikolai decided to enter Gitis, where she easily passed the entrance examinations and chose the directorial faculty. He studied at the famous mentor Anatoly Alexandrovich Vasilyeva.

In 1987, Chindykin received a diploma, but did not return to Omsk. The man was offered the place of director, actor and teacher in the Moscow "School of Dramatic Art", which was headed by Anatoly Vasilyev.

For a long time, Nikolai toured with the theater abroad. Chindykin participated in the international project "Dostoevsky. "Demons". In Germany, together with Vasilyev, I installed the Opera "Peak Lady". And then he was in danger in Italy, where he studied at the famous Jersey Grotovsky. Chindykin turned out to be the only Russian actor who was lucky to work with this master.

In 1993, Nikolai laid the beginning of pedagogical activities. He led the acting director of the workshop of Anatoly Vasilyeva.

Since 2008, he serves in MHT. A. Chekhov. The first role in the legendary stage was the work in the play "Cherry Garden". Today, Chindykin appears in the production "expensive treasure", "Game in" Town "," Master and Margarita "," Mephisto ".


Cinekin's cinematic biography began fairly late, in 1990. Then the artist has already been 43 years old, but the career in the cinema developed rapidly. In total, the filmography of Nikolai Dmitrievich has more than 100 films.

Debut had a role in the adventure drama "Sea Wolf". This is the film by the same name of Jack London, for which the director Igor Apasyan took up. Shooting took place at Odessa film studio. Chindykin, whose height is 172 cm, got the role of Coca Magride.

Thanks to cinema, the artist acquired popularity. After the "sea wolf", the director lined up with proposals. The directorings already knew that this thoughtful and multiple theater actor even an episodic role would play in such a way that would task the tone to all the film.

Nikolai Chindykin in the film

In the mid-90s, noting the first signs of baldness, the man shaved his head and acquired the famous lawn. How later, Nikolai Dmitrievich spoke with a laugh, she became the crumine of the artist. Since then, many specific proposals have passed since. Chindykin played criminal authorities, bandits, generals and officials - just those characters that were in demand in the dashing 90s. In free access on the Internet there are several photos of a young actor with a hair chapel on the head.

In 1998, a comedy "Mom, do not burn!", In which Nikolai played Major, was released on the screens. The film critic Artem Troitsky called this tape the best comedy of the late XX century. He worked in Chindykin in the rating series "Men's work", "Antikiller", "Gangster Petersburg", "Volkova Hour" and "Platinum". The legendary became the project "Truckers", in which the artist appeared together with Vladimir Guest.

Nikolay Dmitrievich is an actor who owns a wide palette. In 2004, Chindykin starred in the series "Guys from Steel" in the role of coach for nicknamed Rog. In the same year, the vestments of the priest under the detective "Icon hunters". Later appeared in the image of the postal service officer in the series "Streetraisers", where Marina Alexandrova performed the main heroine. And in the role of Colonel, he starred in the Drama "Zakhan".

Nikolai Chindykin in the series

The best projects with the participation of Chindyikin, according to the audience, were films "under the Polar star", "Mascot of Love", "Children of Arbat". In 2013, the actor received the main role of General Bondarev in the TV series about the nicknamed Nyukhach (Kirill Kyaro), which is endowed with a special gift - super-sensitive smell. The partner of a private detective, the head of the special designer Lebedev played Ivan Oganesyan. Later, premieres of three more seasons took place.

In addition, the artist appeared in the melodrama "Year in Tuscany". His partner on the project was Elena Korikov. The last bright work of Nikolai Dmitrievich applies to the role in the sports drama "My Life".

Chindykin is known not only as an actor and director. In 2011, he released the book "Do not leave, do not fuck, not ogllow." It consists of diary records of the artist, which he led for three decades. On the TV channel "Star" comes the program "Hidden threats", the leading of which was Nikolai Dmitrievich.

In 2017, Chindykin participated in the creation of the 800th anniversary release of the Evening Urgant program, which reincarnated in Vladimir Posner in a humorous scene on rivalry between Ivan Urgant and the Senior Colleague.

Nikolai Chindykin now

Now the actor is the main time of creative activity pays the theater. Occasionally, telecommunications appear with the participation of Nikolai Dmitrievich, in which he gives an interview. It is partly due to the move of Chindykin to the Kaluga region. Here in the city of Tarusa is the house of the artist, in which he lives with his wife.

A two-storey log mansion is a mini-museum, where various artworks hang on the walls - friends and family photos. The man is so used to the provincial life that I agree to Moscow only in rare cases.


  • 1992 - "See Paris and die"
  • 1998 - "Mom, do not burn!"
  • 2000 - "Gentle age"
  • 2001 - "Cell"
  • 2004 - "Steel Guys"
  • 2005 - "Aleksandrovsky Garden"
  • 2007 - Savva Morozov
  • 2008 - "Autumn Detective"
  • 2013 - Nyukhach
  • 2014 - "Year in Tuscany"
  • 2014 - "At the turn. Counter attack"
  • 2014 - "Good Hands"
  • 2015 - Nyukhach-2
  • 2017 - Nyukhach-3
  • 2018 - "My Life"
  • 2019 - Nyukhach-4

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