Mikhail Hmurov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Such as Mikhail Hmurov, who can boast not just useful ties in Hollywood, and work near the world stars, units. Now at home, the actor is experiencing the second creative youth and periodically flies over the ocean, where is still in demand.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born in Tula in February 1966. Radine patronymic Henrikhovich he is obliged to Father - Military-Maritime Doctor. And mom, teacher of English, infected his son with love for stage. Faith Semenovna once led the boy to the local theater.

Hmurov left, overwhelming emotions. He liked everything - and the statement itself, and the atmosphere that prevailed in the theater, and the wave of admiration and love, which gratitude artists gratitude. Then Mikhail decided that he would also come to the stage.

Having received a school certificate, Hmurov, without deliberation, went to Moscow. From the first attempt to tall (186 cm), the guy with the appearance of Jean-Claude Van Damma entered the Schukinsky Theater School, for the course towards Evgeny Simonov. Having served in the army, Mikhail returned to another team and to other educators, but does not regret, because in that environment, he found happiness in his personal life.

Mikhail's similarity with the hero of American militants was also traced in the fact that in his youth, in addition to volleyball, was fond of oriental martial arts. With age, interests shifted towards philosophy.

Personal life

In 1989, Hmurov received a diploma of higher education, but in the theater, as was customary, did not go - he began to immediately star into the cinema. And the first wife of Elena, also graduate Schukinsky, invited to Vakhtangovsky.

The reasons that prompted the family to go to New York, the actor did not call, said only that it was connected with his father. Young people hoped to live in the States 2 two, but lost the entrance documents. I had to stay. In Russia, moreover, the August Patch occurred, the cinema was collapsed, the artists sat without work.

Having heard the stories of classmates, Chmurov decided to wait for the task. Waiting stretched for 15 years.

During this time, Mikhail and Elena received American citizenship, got housing in Los Angeles. Two children were born here - the son of Grigory and Daria's daughter. Assimilation took place, and the question of returning to Russia disappeared.

The actor came to Moscow in 2005, and then only on shooting. So lived several years between the two countries. Gradually, Hmurov became in demand among the directorists-compatriots, respectively, the delays became increasingly and more and more.

It is not known when there were changes in his family status, but now the press writes that Mikhail is happy in his second marriage with Maria Fedyakova, Grow the Son of Artem.

The wife is much younger, the occupation is unknown. Parting from the former sweetheart has passed peacefully. Former spouses, judging by the photo in Facebook, Mikhail, continue to communicate. Elena Khmurova and her daughter moved to Russia. Adult son married and lives in the USA.

Social networks actor, contrary to waiting, does not use for your own PR. In "Instagram", Hesteg with his name is marked by publications about the end or the beginning of the shooting of the next picture, while in the picture of the grudge itself may not be.

Facebook in the news plan is more indicative. Mikhail not alien political events occurring in the country. In the winter of 2020, he participated in the picketing of the Libya Embassy. The campaign was organized by people who are not indifferent to the fate of the sociologists of the Foundation for the Protection of National Values, captured by the militants.

Together with a popular actor, human rights defenders, colleagues and friends of scientists came to the walls of the embassy.

Hmurov is a representative of the Working Group on Protection of Rights of Users, Development and Security of the Internet at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.


The cinematic biography of Mikhail Khmurova started in 1990. In the drama Yury Kuzmenko "Sheremetyevo-2" he played the main character - the artist costume. In the series, Alexander Proshkina "Nikolay Vavilov" starred as the son of a Soviet scientist, geneticist, was an episode in the crime film "Hunt for a pimp," where the hero reincarnated Andrei Sokolov, and music was written by Igor talc.

Mikhail in New York to feed the family, worked as a taxi driver. One day the passenger was sat down in the car, in the conversation it turned out - the agent for the selection of actors. Who knows what the woman was considered in the emigrant, but the cassettes with the films of Kmurov took. And soon the cherished bell rang.

At first, Mikhail trusted episodes in the series, but seeing the skill of the Russian, the directors began to offer noticeable roles. The artist starred in the rating detectives "Law and Order" with Jerry Orbah, "C.S.I.: The place of crime of Miami" with Adam Rodriguez, "24 hours" with a sieher Sutherland.

In his service list, soap operas "One Life to Live" and the "Other World", on which three generations of Americans grew up. The best films of that period are also considered "black cats", "shield", "puppet house" and "fracture". The last film is a criminal thriller Gregory Hoblite. Mikhail Hmurov played a major role here with Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling.

Another noticeable project is the criminal drama of James Graya called "Little Odessa". The artist appeared in it in the image of the Russian character of Yuri. The tape went out on the screens in 1994 and was remembered by a muddy mouth with Hollywood stars, Vanessa Redgrave and Edward Ferlong.

Ridley Scott, the director of the Drama "4ISH", the creators of the black comedy "Customer are always dead" and the Spyton's militant towards Michael also used the national component.

"In each role there is something from me and something from acting fantasy, depending on the image. I look at the script and to the fact that I would be interested to play a particular character. It is easily removed in Russia. Here the role is more diverse, there are more required by the type, rather than real personalities. But the process of filming, of course, more adequate in America. "

Ironically, returned to the Russian cinema, Hmurov began with foreigners. Such, for example, a melodrama "Two sisters", detective "Hanging", "Zemsky Doctor" series.

The actor in Sitkom "Daddy's daughter" was lit up, the comedy "Alybi Agency" ", tape" There was love "about the formation of the pop star Valeria. The filmography began to appear key images. This was the character of Mikhail in the picture "Contrary to common sense", the former prisoner Bogdan Prokofiev. At the request of the heroine of Irina Apksimovoy, he takes to play the role of the groom at a meeting with his father. But the real feeling flashes between young people.

In the United States, meanwhile, with the participation of Kmurov, the series "Young and daring", "say it in Russian." In Russia, Mikhail plays the investigator in the comedy "Bus", a businessman in the criminal film "Traffic police and so on."

Starfriend turned out to be a role in the film of the faith of the verbal "One War". In the film, we went about five women living on the North Island along with children born from the occupiers. After the victory in May 1945, prisoners dream of returning home, but they are waiting for years of labor camps, and children are distributed to boarding schools.

For the role of Major NKVD, Hmurov received a prize of the festival "Constellation". "One War" was awarded the awards of 15 film films. The scenario was written by an Orlov journalist for memoirs of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, that is, the settlement described in the film existed actually, no matter how they did not deny. And Glagolev said that none of those women came to the premiere - they still fear.

The following significant teleproject is a criminal film "Find me." In the series, Jwarov offered the image of Alexei Terekhov, whose pregnant wife performed by Tatyana Kolganova enters hands of bandits.

After a number of characters in the series "Group of Happiness", "Morpei", the actor receives a key role in the Melodrame "Family Business". Mikhail is reincarnated in the father of the Famolon family, who remains unemployed for a long time, unlike the wife of Larisa (Valery Arlanova). Family life begins to crack on the seams, and only a miracle can save it.

In the events of 1991, due to which he concluded behind the ocean, Mikhail plunged on the shooting of Baopek "Yeltsin. Three days in August. " In the tape on the confrontation of theational GCCP and supporters of the first president of Russia, Hmurov appeared in the form of General Alexander Lebed.

The actor appeared on the screens in the reversion of "Black Cats", the Muscarad Rules of Muscarad, the Criminal TV series "Leningrad-46" and the 2nd season of the "Method of Laurel". The role in the last film, according to Mikhail, one of the favorites. Work on one platform with Svetlana Khodchenkova - real pleasure.

The role of law enforcement has served the creators of the "Game" and "game. Revenge, "Golden Stock", "gunpowder and fraction", "chess player syndrome", "Once throat the hell."

In the Pigs of Mikhail Images, not only noble guards of order, military, colonels and generals. In the Dram "Brothers in Exchange - 2", he reincarnated in a recidivist named Cherven, in the Comedy "Force Major" - in criminal authority.

In 2017, the rating projects "Convoy", "Optimists", "Fourth Change", "Sufler" were published on the screens. In these films, Hmurov showed acting talent and pleased the fans with their game.

From the gallery of its ordinary heroes, Claudia is knocked out, Fantasy Character "Belovodier. The mystery of the wounded country. " Full of earthly Minister actor played in a fantastic blockbuster "Attraction". The elements of mysticism are present in a detective "on the other side of death", in which Mikhail relies hostages, and in the TV series "He who is not sleeping" on private detectives with paranormal abilities.

Plot with the Russian TV series "Insomnia" echoes the American thriller Insomnia. Hmurov got into the acting ensemble of both paintings.

In the adventure tape "On Paris ...", Mikhail played an officer of the American army, in the spy drama "Americans" - the Russian general, introducing agents under cover. At the set of the "Balkan turn", the artist met colleagues from the former Yugoslavia, well-known different generations of the audience, - Goyko Mitich and Milose Chekikovich.

The principal lieutenant of the board, the tank commander in the Military Drama "The Last Fight" is another major role of Glamor. In the designer of the combat vehicle, which became the prototype T-34, Igor Petrurenko reincarnated.

Mikhail Hmurov now

The actor recreated the image of the head of the railway department, which led the construction of a secret branch to a blockade Leningrad, in the tape "Corridor of immortality". The shooting was carried out on personal donations and sponsorship money, as the bank where the funds were kept the funds allocated, withdrew the license.

In the detective melodraman "Khaki-colored resort", Mikhail starred together with Daniel Insurance and Anna Kazychitz. The director Alexander Karpilovsky, the public knows on "Yolkam-1914", "Private Pioneer" and "Sea Devils" and therefore hopes that the new film will not be worse.

In addition, in 2020, the screens came out on the screens a multi-sized bomb project, in which Victor Dobronravov, Evgeny Tkachuk, Alexander Lykov and other artists became partners of Mikhail.


  • 1990 - "Nikolay Vavilov"
  • 1994 - "Law and Order"
  • 1994 - "Police under cover"
  • 2004 - "C.S.I.: Miami crime scene"
  • 2007 - "24 hours"
  • 2008 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2009 - "One War"
  • 2011 - "Group of Happiness"
  • 2011 - "Moray"
  • 2012 - "Lovel Method - 2"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad-46"
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"
  • 2017 - "Optimists"
  • 2018 - "To Paris ..."
  • 2019 - "Balkan Rubb"
  • 2020 - "Khaki Color Resort"
  • 2020 - "Bomb"

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