Ales Caucher - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The Belarusian actress Aesa Chercher (this is a real name of the girl) only recently began the path in cinema, but already managed to become recognizable and many beloved actresses thanks to key images in the melodrama "taste of a grenade", "Actress", "12 months."

Ales Chercher was born on a festive day - May 9, 1987. In Minsk passed childhood and the youth of the future star of the screen.

Actress Aesa Chercher

Aesa argues that with her a dream was born to be actress. I barely learned to walk and talk, the girl began to perform on the home "scene". The first spectators were guests. Later, Aesa continued the "artistic career" in kindergarten and school. Aesa developed vocal data, and also took the lessons of choreography. And another girl from 1 to 11 classes went on the scene of the Junior Rond Theater. Being a high school, the beginning of a TV presenter career. With the participation of Alesa, the program "5 * 5" was broadcast in the Belarusian Channel.

The cinematic biography of Alesa Chercher started when the girl was barely turned 11 years old. The schoolgirl entrusted the main role in the short film "Joke". On the set of this film, the girl finally approved that there was no other way except to become an artist.

Aesa Chercher

After graduating from School, Aesa Kulcher went to Moscow and arrived at once in 2 theatrical universities. Chose the legendary VGIK, which in 2008 graduated with a red diploma. The Master of the course, where Ales studied, became the famous artist Alexander Lenkov.


Already in the student years, Aesa Chercher appeared on the scene of the Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky. Here the actress played Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Tatiana in Evgenia Onegin. But the Chercher Theater was accepted after receiving a diploma. In 2012, Aesa entered the acting performance of the theater Yury Vasilyeva "Veronica decides to die," where he played a heroine rose. And in 2016 he adopted an invitation from the theater of the Artypriz and played Irene in the formulation of the "Bride for rent."

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A young actress began to take regularly into the cinema immediately after the end of the university. Belarusian beauty has experience in the Russian and foreign cinema: the girl was filmed in the TV projects of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Iran and their relatives.

In the first years, after graduation, Vgika, Kucher starred in the rating series "Thro. Simple guys - 2, "Brother". In the role of Gypsy Lila appeared in the melodrama "Carmelita. Gypsy passion. "

Alesa Chercher in the film

The first major role got actress in 2010 in the Belarusian project "Quiet Center". The girl embodied the image of the fashion model on the screen, the spouses of the main character Vadim (Sergey Yushkevich). In the same year, work was followed key in the film "Actress". The picture took an honorary place in Alesa filmography. This is the Azerbaijani project, to participate in which the actress even learned the language. Heroine Lalu loved the audience of Azerbaijan. Later, Aesa shared that the image of Laly was complex and multifaceted, but nevertheless his beloved.

In 2011, Aesa reincarnated in the Russian melodraman "taste of a grenade" to the concubine of Arab Sheikh Nadir (Yuri Turlo). Her rival on the film was Sheikh's wife - Amir (Army Vardanyan).

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In the "Carmelite", the audience first learned that Alesa had a wonderful voice. The actress sang for this picture "I am a gypsy, daughter steppes."

Simultaneously with the artist, the model career Alesa Kucher is developing. In 2008, the girl received the title of "III Vice-Miss Moscow", and in 2010 he became a model of the wedding salon "Noor", the brand "Ava Group" and the salon of Tattoo "by the Lisiza".

2010 was issued by a rich for new projects for Alesa Kucher - the girl managed to record the song and the clip "I will become Wind", the music to which O. Shaumarov created, and the words - A. Baido. The work in the video clip was not the first for the actress, in 2008, Aesa had already appeared in the video "For Hands caught" the group "Oliver Twist". And in 2015 he repeated experience in the clip of Ilya Gurova "the best person on earth."

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The first glory of Aesa Chercher felt in 2013, when the feature film "12 months" was released on the screens, filmed by Alexander Barshak. Here, young actress was lucky to work with the popular colleagues Armen Gigarhahanyan, Artur Smolyaninov, Catherine Guseva, Evgenia Malkin and others.

In the same year, Aesa Chercher played the main character in the Ukrainian project Alexei Lisovts "Solvice". The audience saw the Minsk actress in the form of the opera singer Masha.

Personal life

A lot of novels attribute Minsk beauty, but only one of them found confirmation. In the spring of 2016, Alesa Chercher's personal life was in the center of attention of the press and fans after the girl appeared along with the actor and showman Vakhtang Beridze, Georgian by nationality. Vakhtang - a former husband Olga Arntgolts, with whom the popular actress parted in 2015.

Aesa and Vakhtang met on the set of melodramas "Breaks of Grapes". For the first time a couple of Beridze and Kucher were noticed at the Gatchfi Film Festival "Literature and Cinema". Artists not only led the opening ceremony, but also, as observant witnesses told, together settled in the hotel room. Young people were constantly near, wherever they appear.

Vakhtang Beridze and Aesa Chercher

In the fall of 2017, the Kucher shared that, finally, met a man who understands her with a half-clow and supports in everything. The girl did not call the name of the chosen, but hinted that he was friends with this young man for a long time. According to the Chercher, on this challenger advised the girl to pay attention to the mother. Daughter listened to the Council of the parents and realized that only with this man wants to meet every dawn.

In 2017, Aesa Chercher was engaged with the chosen one. In an interview, the girl declared the wedding scheduled for 2018. But while on the personal page of the actress in "Instagram", only joint photos of Alesa and Vakhtang appear. Whether this is a stranger, whom the girl hides from the public, will show time.

Aesa Chercher now

Ales Kacher has occupied his own niche in Russian cinema. The girl regularly receives invitations to participate in melodramatic and comedy paintings.

In 2016, the actress was filmed as Darya in the final episodes of the Comedy TV series "Lightfor" about the male approach to life. Three friends share their relationship with the girls on the principle of traffic lights: Married Seva (Alexander McOn) burns red light, Pasha (Jamal Tetrouashvili), whose relationship with a girl just begins, flashing the yellow division of traffic lights. Well, Ediku (Dmitry Miller) was lucky to move on green, his relationship with girls is free. The comedy was successfully broadcast for a number of seasons on the CTC TV channel.

In the same year, Alesa was waiting for another episodic role in the Drama "Consult - die." 2017 brought the actress work in the comedy detective "Operetta Captain Krutov" about Artist Denis Kalugine (Alexey Chadov), which for penetration into the image of the hero is sent to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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In October 2017, the NTV channel started the show of the melodrama "Season of Love", where Aesa reincarnated into the heroine of El, a good-natured girl who is capable of forgiveness. Together with Chercher, Natalia Antonova and Kirill Grebelchikov played the main roles.

Now two projects are being prepared with the participation of Alesa Kucher - the long-awaited melodrama "Breasta Vinograda", where Aesa starred in a duet with a colleague and another Vakhtang Beridze. Another expected project was the comedy "old women in the run", where the star acting quartet will appear - Elena Safonova, Tatyana Orlova, Marina Yakovlev and Galina Belyaeva. Ales will embody on the screen the image of a daughter of one of the main characters.


  • 1996 - "Joquo"
  • 2010 - "Carmelita. Gypsy passion "
  • 2010 - "Silent Center"
  • 2011 - "Actress"
  • 2012 - "Cherry's Color"
  • 2012 - "Solvice"
  • 2013 - "Reparation"
  • 2013 - "If you are not with me"
  • 2013 - "Believe - I do not believe"
  • 2013 - "12 months"
  • 2016 - "Consult - die"
  • 2016 - "Steppe Wolves"
  • 2017 - "Love Season"
  • 2017 - "Operetta Captain Krutova"
  • 2018 - "Breaks of Grapes"

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