Larisa Luppian - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Boyarskaya, Wife, Nationality, Father Reginald 2021



The name of this woman is firmly fixed related to the name of the star of Cinema Mikhail Boyarsky. But Larisa Luppian itself declared himself not only as a Boyarsky wife, but also as an independent creative personality. Luppian took place in the acting profession: Larisa Reginaldovna - People's Artist of Russia. Although the most actress is known in theatrical circles.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Luppian was born in January 1953 in Tashkent. Together with the sonorous last name, the girl got a mixed nationality. Father Reginald Eduardovich - half a German, half Estonian, heir to the nobleman and the preserved family coat of arms. The surname itself translates from Latin as a "quiet wolf". The mother actress Olga Nikolaevna is also from the international family, had Russian-Polish roots, by profession a pediatrician.

The desire to become an actress came to Laris early. At the age of 9 years, the girl played the Heroin-Rovenice Dzidr in the art film "You are not an orphan". This is a film about the Uzbek blacksmith, adopting 14 orphans during the Great Patriotic War.

Larisa Luppian was so liked to go to the set, which in 1970, after receiving a school certificate, the girl went to Leningrad, became a student of the famous Ligitmik and fell to the course of Igor Vladimirov.

Films and theater

The course on which Larisa Reginaldovna studied, was organized with the Lensovet name, where students from the first year went on stage. They were involved in the extras and gave little roles. Luppian already on the 2nd course entrusted a major role - Daniel in the popular formulation of the "door clap".

Immediately after receiving a diploma, the creative biography of Larisa Luppian began to develop rapidly. The young actress was accepted in the Lensovet theater troupe and thanks to his own skills soon turned into a leading artist.

The actress trusted the main roles in the production of "Troubadur and his friends", "Senior Son", "Last summer in Chulimsk", "Three-china Opera" and others.

In 1986, Larisa Reginaldovna has changed the scene for a while: passed into the theater named after Lenin Komsomol. This happened because of disagreements with the main director Igor Vladimirov, who had a difficult temper.

Larisa Luppian is not distinguished by a scandalous or missed character, and Igor Vladimirov sincerely considered his favorite teacher, so the transition to another theater did not have suddenly. Six years actress suffered that the director does not give roles. And only when the break in the theater career was already too delayed, Larisa decided to go to the theater named after Leninsky Komsomol.

The reasons for the conflict and removal of luppian from the roles of the press are unknown, but in an interview she spoke about two probable. The actress noted that an authoritarian approach flourishes in the theatrical sphere, so each director may simply adopt the disagreeable artists and not to produce them on the stage.

The second cause of his own unemployment actress calls the glory of her husband. At that time, Mikhail Boyarsky star broke out especially brightly. Colleagues envied the actor and the musician, but could not do anything. Luppian suggested that the director was jealous to the popularity of Boyarsky, so I decided to recoup the career of his wife.

But after 3 years, Vladimirov asked Luppian back. Since then, the actress constantly played in the Lensovet name theater. The artist created a long gallery of stage images, she played in the play "Gas light", "You and only you", "love to the coffin", "The tram" desire "" and "intimate life" that were incredible success.

Larisa Luppian filmography is not as rich as a piggy charter. From the most famous - the "Late Meeting" paintings, "crying forward", "a bouquet of mimosa and other flowers" and "Musketeers twenty years later."

As Larisa Luppian admitted in an interview, she was sure that the film "Late Meeting" would be a breakthrough in her work. But after the release of this picture, there was no flow of proposals for new surveys in chief roles or deafening glory.

Although today journalists and film crimits are also surprised why this tape did not cause Furoran and did not glorify the actress, Larisa Reginaldovna itself notes that the film was most likely not to time. For those years, he was too impressionist, therefore he did not achieve recognition. The premiere of the picture passed unnoticed, and the popularity of the "Late Meeting" received years after the first display.

The artist was filmed in TV links, among which the brightest - "left for 5 minutes", "Young man with a glove", "Troil and Cresanov" and "Mont Oriol".

Larisa Luppian tried herself in the role of a TV presenter. She was the author and the leading program "Theatrical Binoculars."

In 1999, Larisa Luppian assigned the title of People's Artist of Russia.

After in 2018, the director Yuri Butusov moved to the Eugene Vakhtangov Theater, the position of the artistic director in the Lensovet Theater remained vacant for one and a half years. In May 2019, Larisa Luppian accepted the offer to take this post. At that time she served on the stage for more than 40 years. The director of the theater remains Valery Gradkovsky.

The spouse actresses was concerned about the health of women in connection with the new position and the increased load and promised to help her.

Personal life

With the future husband, Mikhail Boyarsky Larisa Luppian met in early youth. But their love story developed gradually. At first glance, feelings did not arise. Boyarsky was grilled naked and did not like Larisa. In addition, at that time he met with another beautiful student and studied on a parallel course.

Luppian and Boyarsky met again on the scene of the Lensovet's Theater, when learning in Ligitmik was behind. They were involved in the production of "Troubadour and his friends." And here the young actress carefully looked at Mikhail and changed her opinion about him. Now the partner on the spectlip she strongly liked. He turned out to be a cheerful and charming person, instantly became the soul of any company.

And Michael Boyarsky girl seemed so helpless and fragile (the growth of the actress is about 160 cm) that he immediately wanted to take protection and patronage. That he soon did. The novel developed gradually. Once it came to understand that apart was already in any way. They merried. There were various periods in their lives, sometimes quite complicated. But all life tests, this couple managed to overcome adequately, not in confusing his delicate feelings to each other.

In marriage born two wonderful children. The company "Caravan's stories" Actress said that after the birth of the Son, they and her husband lived separately: Larisa with her mother in Mom in a communal service, Mikhail - at home. We went to each other on dates, met in our room. And only when the first chair was fulfilled a year, the family received an apartment.

Son Sergey Boyarsky as a child, together with his mother, played in the films "Bouquet Mimosa and other flowers" and "Musketeers twenty years later", but did not bind their lives with the movie, having received economic education. Subsequently, a young man chose a politics profession. Sergey has two daughters - Catherine and Alexander.

The acting path chose the daughter of Elizabeth Boyarskaya, although at first she planned to become a journalist.

Mikhail Boyarsky once said that his wife "put all her own altar of the family," but Larisa Luppian disagrees with the words of his husband. A woman notes that she, of course, is glad to take place as a wife and mother, but still her permanent stay with his family was not a personal choice. It is rather a forced step, because at that time an impressive break occurs in the work of the actresses.

Larisa Reginaldovna confidently declares that she would like to have more roles and more career success. At the same time, the woman does not doubt that this would not be damaged to the family and children, they would only be proud of the Star Mom. But the actress itself, and film critics recognize that Larisa Luppian, despite all the obstacles, was still able to declare himself as a talented and original actress.

Nootability to sacrifice the whole family Larisa Luppian confirmed and actions. Once a woman even filed for a divorce, because it was tired to endure constant insults and humiliation of their own dignity. According to rumors, from 1985 to 2009, Boyarsky and Luppian were not officially married. But journalists suggest that the stars did not quarrel as much as the apartment question was solved. At the same time, the family did not "endure littering from the hut", artists and now they do not swear live, do not share experiences in social networks.

Daughter Larisa Reginalovna is also married to a colleague on the shop Maxim Matveyev. Lisa presented with a boyar two grandchildren. In 2012, first-mentioned firstborn - Andrei, the date of birth of the second boy Gregory - December 5, 2018. Approximate daughter on the "Instagram" page lay out common photos with my parents, but the pictures of children try not to advertise.

In the transfer of "alone with everyone", Mikhail Sergeevich frankly told that he was feeling a feeling of jealousy not in relation to other men, but to the younger family members. The artist confessed to the desire to devote him all his time.

Larisa Luppian now

Today in the career of Larisa Luppian in the first place is the native theater. As an actress, she is busy in performances "without guilt," "in this nice old house" and "mixed feelings".

On the air of the program, Tatyana Ustinova "my hero" Larisa told about the duties for the posts of Khrasuk and the theater plans for 2021. A completely new product started on a small scene on the idea of ​​Luppian both for the Lensovet Theater and for the entire theatrical sphere as a whole - the literary and educational project "Communication of Times". Within its framework, the actors in the form of performances read the works of Russian classics.


  • 1962 - "You are not an orphan"
  • 1979 - "Late Meeting" ("Urgently required gray hair")
  • 1984 - "Mimosa Bouquet and Other Flowers"
  • 1987 - "My Combat Calculation"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 1994 - "Ceremonary"
  • 1999 - "I cry forward!"
  • 2002 - "Intimate Life"
  • 2004 - "Streets of broken lamps-6"
  • 2005 - "Secrets of the Consequence"
  • 2005 - "Own Alien Life"
  • 2006-2007 - "Hounds"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2009 - "Word Woman"
  • 2009 - "Bravo, Laurencia!"

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