Artemy Troitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Musical Critic 2021



Artemy Troitsky received the status of the first propagandist of rock in the USSR. He promotes and illuminates the direction of indie, electronic music, acts as a critic. But in other areas, a man is considered to be the main specialist, especially in the modern Russian show business. Artemy played an important role in the formation of a musical subculture not only as a journalist, but also as an organizer of a number of festivals, which himself also led.

Childhood and youth

Artemy Troitsky was born on June 16, 1955 in Yaroslavl, the sign of the zodiac twin. His father Kiva Lvovich Maidanic was a political scientist and a historian specializing in Latin American countries. Mom Rufin Nikolaevna Troitskaya was engaged in the education of his son. Artemia's childhood passed in Prague, where parents were employees of the publication "Problems of Peace and Socialism."

After returning to Moscow, the future journalist went to school. The boy studied very well, even the most stringent teachers did not doubt his abilities. In the high school classes, Trinity became interested in foreign rock music. It was difficult to get the records in the USSR, but Artemia was lucky: his father brought the desired discs from abroad. Therefore, the guy, unlike most peers, was well understood in musical flows and styles. After receiving the certificate, he entered the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute, where he received the formation of mathematics-economist.

In student years, all the knowledge gained was very helpful. Then Artemia managed to become a local DJ: he spent discos in Moscow State University in the B-4 dining room.

Personal life

An expert and critic of music admits that he is a loving person. Hobbating girls began early: he first kissed himself when he studied in the 4th grade. Therefore, Artemy's personal life was always very rich and unpredictable, especially in youth.

There is no information about the first wife of the journalist, he never mentioned a woman in his interview. Troitsky only once said that he had no sense from her, so there is no point in talking about it. Then the civilian wife Artemia became Svetlana Kunitsyn. Then she worked as a cultural observer and art historian. After parting in 1995, the woman began to cooperate with publications about style and fashion.

For the first time, Trinitsky concluded an official marriage in 1995, when he was already 40 years old. Polished Musician became Marianna Orlincov. She was also a journalist, worked as Izvestia and Cosmopolitan Observer. In this marriage in 1998, the first child of Artemia appeared in the world - Alexander's daughter. Spouses divorced in 2006. The girl writes his own novels, is fond of fantastics, he paint and draws. According to Father, Alexandra puts thoughts competently and not shame them to publish.

In 2009, Troitsky married the faith of Marchenkova, which has citizenship of Belarus. The journalist presented it as a long-standing girlfriend he trusts. In 2010, the spouses were born Lidia, and in 2002 the son of Ivan was born.

According to Artemia Kivovich, all his children find a common language among themselves and often spend time together. The eldest daughter Alexander turned out to be an authority for younger brother and sisters.

The journalist supports good relations with all former wives, because they parted without scandals and mutual accusations. The critic does not behave "instagram", all personal photos appear on the network thanks to journalists. Vera Marchenkova also does not expose life at the bottom.

In 2014, Troitsky and his family moved to Tallinn, as the musician did not agree with the policies that the Russian authorities adhered.


Debit Artemia Troitsky in the role of musical critic took place in 1967. He wrote an essay on the album of the BEATLES band. Review placed in the underground magazine accessible to a little. Also, at that time, the journalist created reviews on rock music in the Edition "Rovenk", despite that such a style was not approved by the authorities. For the first time, the publication for a wide audience Artemia released in 1975 by writing about the Deep Purple team. Thanks to the Father, he was able to visit the concerts of many legendary rock bands and vocalists in the countries of the socialist. Therefore, the young musical critic wrote with the knowledge of the business and pretty professional. Trinity became a fan of the latest trends of European music.

In 1977, the guy successfully defended the diploma and got a job in the metropolitan Institute of History. Here he tried to defend his thesis on the favorite theme - Pop and Rock Music. But the time for such "bolder" yet has not come true. Artemia did not have anything, how to accept and try his hand in another lesson. He began to organize concerts of teams, whose work applied to the underground. So compatriots were able to get acquainted with the songs of the "Machinery", "Cinema", "Dynamics" and "Center". The last rock band for Artemy was of particular importance, as he was closely communicating with the musicians.

The journalist dreamed of introducing new Russian groups, currents and styles not only compatriots, but also foreign listeners. And he began to organize concerts of the above-mentioned teams, as well as the "Bravo" groups, "TV", "TV" and others abroad. In 1981, criticism took a job in the "Mirror" edition.

On the pages of this magazine, Artemy Bicheval Soviet stage and, without holding back emotions, told about the stump in the modern musical segment of the USSR culture. In 1983, a young employee was fired, banning the publication of his essays and articles in Soviet editions. Restrictions were canceled only in 1985.

Soon the times changed. With the arrival of thaw frames permitted gradually expanded. After the collapse of the USSR, Artemy Troitsky was able to return to the work of the musical criticism and get roles in several films. In 1995, the journalist was appointed head of the Russian version of Playboy. The man asked about it himself, and the American leadership entrusted him such a position. Artemy is confident that he was the best candidate, despite the complete absence of such work experience. Troitsky provided complete freedom. Heads from America put only a few requirements, mostly journalist did not have restrictions. He was asked to stay away from politics, but he still published an interview with representatives of power. The man left the post in 1999. Also, the critic tried himself and in the role of the TV presenter - in 1995, during the year he led the program "Cafe" Oblomov ".

In 2018, the attention of musical journalists and Artemy, including, turned out to be attracted to the scandalous picture of the director Kirill Serebrennikov about Victor Tsoy. The film was called "Summer" and before the exit became known as a social phenomenon. The director took the film in conditions of home arrest and social hysteria, and criticism rushed to analyze the picture even before the exit. Very quickly, Artemy picked up the wave and also spoke, expressing strong doubts about the story lines. The critic focused on the love triangle with the participation of Viktor Tsoi. He stressed that as a researcher of the rock scene and the underground music of those times did not even hear about such a novel, which lay down the basis of the film.

Since 2015, a man collaborates with Radio Freedom, "where the program" Music on Freedom "is leading. In 2018, the main heroes of the copyright blog were the musicians of the Safe Group.

In the same year, in an interview with Artemia Kivovich, expressed the opinion that social networks and the "Yutyub" platform had long replaced television. He paid a separate attention to Yuri Dudu. The journalist stressed that he did not see any of his programs, but heard a lot of positive feedback on the work of the blogger.

Public position

The journalist positions itself as liberal. In 2017, Artemy Troitsky became the guest of the first issue of the "Emigrants" heading of the transfer "here and now", dedicated to the fate of people who left Russia. Music critic told in detail fans, why he moved to Estonia. He calls it "internal emigration", which caused disagreement with the political activities of the Russian government.

For detractors who are confident that by the nationality of Trinity - a Jew, and in the worldview - Russophobe, the departure of Criticism did not become a surprise. But the fans of a man with interest learned about the personal and social reasons that prompted the journalist to start a newly in a foreign country.

In addition, today Artemy Kivovich is a frequent guest of a popular talk show "Special Opinion" on the Echo Channel ". He appeared in the Studio of the show in November 2017, as well as January and February 2018. In the program, Troitsky retreated from his beloved theme and shared with the audience to transfer his own opinion about politics, culture and social situation in the country. The critic competed on Ksenia Sobchak, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexey Navalny, Communist Party, and also about the etals of opposition stars, especially during events related to Ukraine.

A man does not support Vladimir Putin's policies, as he stated in an interview for the "Special Opinion" program. The journalist criticized the president for the 2014 Crimean referendum and intervention to the country of the same year. In 2015, he called the country's leader with pragmatist and villain.

Artemy Troitsky now

Now the biography of Artemia KiVovich is connected with journalism and musical criticism. Troitsky - a frequent guest on the radio and television show. The Russian stars pop and rock music are considered with the opinion of men.

The journalist is one of the experts and bloggers of the Yutiub-channel ARU TV. The authors are positioning it as an antipropagandist source of information, where there is a tough political humor, satire and reviews. Troitsky often expresses his opinion on social networks, in Facebook and Twitter accounts. In the last, he spoke out about Sergei Dorenko, dead in 2019. Representatives of the media considered that Artemiy Kivovich turned out to be the memory of the journalist. The man himself even added that his note did not want to take in the "Echo of Moscow" and was surprised by the desire to protect the heritage Dorenko.

On March 7, 2020, on ARU TV, a journalist shared his own opinion on a coronavirus infection under the pseudonym Dr. Artemyev. The critic called not to be afraid of a new ailment and dispelled fantasies about this.


  • 1987 - "Rock in Union: 60s, 70s, 80s ..."
  • 1990 - "Tusovka. What happened to the Soviet undergraduker "
  • 1990 - Pop Lexicon
  • 1999 - "Interesting Times"
  • 2003 - "Moscow" from dawn to dawn. " Partner "
  • 2006 - "I will introduce you to the world pop ..."


  • 1990-1996 - "Uncle Ko" Ark
  • 1996-2013 - "FM Dostoevsky"
  • 2010-2013 - "Rock Experience: Year after year"
  • 2013-2015 - "Stereo Voodoo"
  • 2015 - "Multicolored News" ("Uncle Tyoma Hut")
  • 2016 - "Music on" Freedom ""
  • 2019 - "Cafe" Oblomov "»

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