Lyudmila Nilskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Lyudmila Nilskaya - Soviet and Russian actress with an unusual destiny. Good luck accompanied her from the very beginning: the arrival accidentally in the theater university, already from the second course the performer began to be filmed and immediately became famous. At the peak of popularity, the artist immigrated to the United States, and on returning to their homeland managed to re-return the fame and love of the audience.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila was born in the tiny town of Strunino, located in the Vladimir region. There is no accurate information about the nationality of artist in the network, as well as detailed information about her parents.

In the stringino, the girl lived to 16 years old, and then the family moved to the Aleksandrov district center, where Nilsk graduated from the older classes and, finally decided on the choice of the future profession, went to conquer Moscow.

In 1975, the girl successfully passes the entrance examinations and becomes a student of the Studio Studio MCAT. True, Lyudmila studied there is only one course. At the summer session, the student fell on such an important subject to the professional artist, as the History of the CPSU, and was expelled from the university.

But Nielskaya was lucky: the girl was able to translate into the theater school named after Boris Shchukin, who graduated, without losing time. After the issue, the actress was accepted in the Troupe of the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, in which the performer went to the scene until he immigrated to the United States.

Personal life

In the early 80s, Lyudmila Nielskaya met George Isaev, who at that time was a driver. It turned out that a man is a big fan of the actress talent. Young people began to meet, and in 1983 they got married, although later the artist confessed that love did not feel.

Nileskaya helped their spouse to get a house as an administrator, and when the Soviet Union ceased to exist, agreed to the proposal of her husband to sell his own apartment and move to America. By the time in the family, the three-year-old son Dmitry Isaev was already adjusted.

But the new country did not hurry to give newly profitable citizens with easily accessible benefits. The star of the Soviet cinema tried many professions, and after parting with Isaev, he took a teenage son and returned to Moscow. Later, Dmitry took the surname of the mother, not the father who left the family to another woman.

Lyudmila Nielskaya marriage did not get married, although in the personal life of the actress was a number of short novels. But none of these applicants for hand and heart have not been able to charm a woman to such an extent that she decided to start everything from the very beginning.

Nileskaya does not lead a page in "Instagram", but in Vkontakte, her fans created a profile dedicated to the talented work of the favorite artist. The group houses the photo of real-time actresses and frames taken from the films in which she was filmed in his youth.

Looking through the old ribbons, especially those in which she had to be filmed in a swimsuit, the fans of Lyudmila Valeryevna repeatedly noted that with 172 cm height (the exact weight is unknown) it looked slim and tightened.


In Cinema, Lyudmila Nielska debuted still a student of theatrical university. The actress was invited immediately to the main role in the psychological drama "Kuznechik". Possessing a carefree character, the main heroine of Film Lena Kuznetsova, called for a light temper of the grasshopper, moves from the province to Moscow, where it becomes a student of the historic faculty.

Folly coming out married, the girl gets a Moscow residence, housing and a lover. But soon the younger sister of Lena will visit the capital, which dreams of fate, similar to the life of an older sister. In general roles, in addition to Lyudmila Nile, Nikolai Ivanov, Anatoly Romashin and Marina Levutova appeared.

The start of the creative biography of the actress was successful: the directors began to offer a young artist one big role after another, and the photos of the new star were blocked in the "Soviet screen" magazine.

After 2 years, shooting was followed in the police detective "Petrovka, 38" director Boris Grigoriev about the work of the operational criminal investigation department. In the film, the girl appeared in the role of an athlete on the water jump. In the same year, Lyudmila Valeryevna had a chance to reincarnate to the main heroine of Melodrama "Melody for two votes", a student of the Moscow university Alain, which begins to take care of Kirill Vorobyev, the factory locksmith (Evgeny Menshov).

An equally significant project for Nilsk was the film-film screening "Mad money", which came to the screens in a year. The actress reincarnated into the heroine Lydia, the daughter of the disassembled nobles, which becomes the wife of the rich seaspler Sava Vasilkova (Alexander Mikhailov). And in the Motheric film "The State Border" of the artist received the role of Jadigs Kovalskaya.

In 1982, in the military picture "Somewhere I cries the Oriole ..." the actress embodied on the screen the image of Marina Orlova, the participants of the resistance, the former Soviet submarine, who died from the hands of the fascists. In the family drama "No one will replace you" Lyudmila Nilskaya, together with Igor Kostoloshevsky played a married couple, which is experiencing a divorce. A young woman leaves the musician-loser to the beloved, Taksist Valera (Boris Shcherbakov), but in the new union it does not work harmony.

Nileskaya proves that it is easily reincarnated both in positive heroines, haunting bright ideals and in grabs. The actress filmography is replenished with works in the paintings of different genres: in the comedy "Where is the Nofette?", In the fantastic film "Through thorns to the stars" and in the adventure tape "Midhearina, ahead!".

Before departure abroad, the actress appeared in the main roles of the Moison historic tape, where he played a pair with Oleg Menshikov, and the film-disaster "Storm Warning" movie.

The actress went to America in the rank of the star of the first magnitude, but perfectly realized that her skill would not be in demand there. The artist sold real estate and in the United States has invested the money acquired in the creation of a car repair shop, but the business burned. Lyudmila Valeryevna had to work as a seller in the store, the driver of social service, the operator of a computer program and even a cleaner in the hotel.

Returning to his homeland, Nilsk returned to his profession. The performer began to play in the Moon theater under the leadership of Sergey Prokhanov, and since 2008, he entered the troupe of the Moscow State Theater Theater of the film actor, on the stage of which appeared in the play "Lady and Admiral", "Madness of Love", "Last rate" and "Two crocodiles flew. .. ".

Lyudmila Nilsk in the film

After a big break in the acting career, Lyudmila Valerievna began to appear before the viewers and managed to return fame to his name. With the participation of Nielskaya, the melodramas "Black Goddess", "City Romance", the spyware "Charm of Evil", detective serials "Urgently in the room - 2", "bodyguard".

In 2008, the premiere of the "Wedding Ring" series was held on Ukrainian television, and a year later, this picture began to broadcast on the Russian first channel. In total, more than 800 episodes were filmed, which made this television unit of one of the most extended on Russian TV. But Lyudmila Nielskaya began to appear in it only in 2010 and 2011, when the Heroine Heroin Hero Borisovna Vinda, the mother of Ulyana (Alina Sandantskaya), was introduced into the plot, the Mother of Lioness, who disappeared and gave himself to know only by the end of the tape.

The plot unfolds around three people who first met the train, which followed Moscow. Nastya Lapina (Julia Vidhevayev) went to the capital to help his mother. A woman is sitting in prison, but she received it for another person. Olya Prokhorov (Alina Sandantskaya) rides with her in the coupe. Seeing the wedding ring from the interlocutor, which should help her find the father of Academician Queen, the girl steals him.

Lyudmila Nilsk in the film

Facial fellow girls Igor Gritsenko rides from a small town to take revenge on his parents. By the will of destinies, the man he wants to punish is the same academician of Korolev. But the plan turns out to be a threat when a man begins to feel the attraction to his daughter Nastya.

The larger role of the actress of the new time was the image of Galina Brezhneva, the daughter of the Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, in the biographical television series "Galina". For this work, Nilskaya received the prestigious filmmaker "Golden Eagle" and was named the best actress of 2009.

Over time, the repertoire Lyudmila Nilskaya became replenished with new images: in the Detective "Random Witness" of the actress performed the role of Mother Praskovya, in the biographical drama "Furtseva" reincarnated in a Frenchwoman to the Frenchwoman. In 2013, in the melodraumatic film "Poor of Love and Hope", tried on the characteristic image of the actress on pensions. The role of Mother Vyacheslav Fetisova Artist played in the sports film "Glory".

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In the same year, Nilskaya became the hero of the program "Alone with everyone", which told in an interview, as, selling all the property, went to another, completely unknown country, and about life in the United States. According to the artist, this was followed by 10 years of humiliation, treason, a painful divorce, a servant work. Already forgotten by everyone, she returned to his homeland without having a penny for the soul. But Russia met her rosy, here she again accompanied luck.

And after 2 years, in the program "My hero", Tatyana Ustinova, she told other details of the time of youth. For example, why then she did not have workers and what role in the film "State Border" was offered to her first. And also about what rumors crawled after it is released on large screens.

In 2016, the artist lit up in melodrame "Fate for rent." A year later, the premieres of the Multiserry Tapes "Householder" and "Love Season" took place with the participation of Nilsk.

Lyudmila Nilskaya now

Recently, Nileskaya not so often appears on television screens, as I would like to fans. But it does not allow themselves to forget about themselves and periodically gives interviews. In the summer of 2020, the artist talked with the reporters of the Internet publication "Arguments of the Week".

During the conversation, Lyudmila Valeryevna told, as a star disease, she wanted to become a clothing designer, and did not dream about the career of the actress. And also on how parents did not perceive a serious daughter profession until the moment when they first saw her on television screens.

Also remembered the role of Galina Brezhneva in the TV series "Red Square". She told that an elderly Galina was more difficult for her, because each time the shooting was put out the silicone mask on the face and made make-up, which took 2 hours.


  • 1978 - "Grasshopper"
  • 1980 - "Melody for two voices"
  • 1981 - "Mad Money"
  • 1982 - "Somewhere I cries the Oriole"
  • 1982 - "No one will replace you"
  • 1987 - "Moison"
  • 1988 - "Storm Warning"
  • 2005 - "Black Goddess"
  • 2006 - "City Romance"
  • 2013 - "Poor of Love and Hope"
  • 2015 - "Glory"
  • 2017 - "Householder"
  • 2018 - "Pain of someone else's loss"
  • 2019 - "How long have I waited for you"
  • 2019 - "Passion for Zinaida"
  • 2019 - "Alien"

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