Teresa May - biography, photos, personal life of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, News 2021



Teresa May is a new "iron lady" of the United Kingdom, which entered the story of the second woman who took the post of Prime Minister of the country after Margaret Thatcher. She is known for his comprehensive and tough policy that allowed her to build a successful political career and enlist the support of the British in the days of national changes in the country associated with the yield of Britain from the EU.

Teresa Mary May (in the Maiden Birzer) was born on October 1, 1956 in Eastbourne, located in Sussex County, in the family of the priest of Governor Bryizer. She received primary education at once in two schools - in the state and church parish, which graduated with honors. At the end of the school, the future politician entered Oxford to the Faculty of Geography, from whose walls in 1977 came out with a bachelor's diploma.

British Prime Minister Teresa May

The Labor path of Teresa Mei began with the Bank of England, where she worked as a financial consultant. After almost 10 years, the career of the future policy started up - she moved to work at the Clearing company APACs, in which from a simple analytics was reached by the senior adviser to the international destination.


The political biography of Teresa May began in the early 80s. For several years, the future Prime Minister of Great Britain managed to create an initial image of a policy and become a deputy of the local government bodies of the local council Boro Merton. She led the Education Commission.

Teresa May.

Since 1992, Teresa Mei began to make their way to the British Parliament - she took a certain participation in the elections several times, but was elected to the community chamber only in 1997. Since then, she has occupied a variety of secondary positions in the government of conservatives, and in 2002 he became the first woman-chairman of the Conservative Party.

Working on the technical support of the functioning of conservatives, the future prime minister of Britain simultaneously was the shadow minister of transport and food, and also headed the Ministry of Sports, Media, Culture, Pensions and Labor. In 2005, Mae was elected by the Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, which she stayed until 2010.

David Cameron and Teresa May

With the coming to power of the ex-premier of Great Britain David Cameron Teresa May was appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country and received a portfolio of the Minister of Equality and Women. At these high posts, she showed himself a tough and cold-blooded politician, speaking for invasion of Iraq, providing equal rights to same-sex couples.

In addition, Teresa May was one of the few political opponents of adopting laws on the further integration of Great Britain in the EU, to combat climate change, and also opposed the ban of smoking in public places.

British Prime Minister

Political Olympus Teresa Maye reached after a referendum in Britain about the exit of the country from the EU. She opposed Brexit and supported Cameron, who opposed national changes in the country. Nevertheless, after Cameron's resignation, she put forward his candidacy for the post of chapter of the Conservative Party and, accordingly, for the post of Prime Minister Britain.

British Prime Minister Teresa May

At the first stage of the elections of the new leader of the party of the conservatives of Mai became the favorite of the race and scored 165 votes of parliamentarians. As a result, on July 11, 2016, she was elected head of the Conservative Party and became the only candidate for the Prime Minister.

On July 13, 2016, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth Inevatabya Mai to the post of Prime Minister of the country. At the entrusted, the politician tried to continue in the country, David Cameron's policy and to preserve the unity of the British, restoring social justice in the country.

Teresa May and Elizabeth II

During its own election campaign, which took place to the famous referendum on the Brexit (the exit of the UK from the European Union), and after the referendum, the victory in it went to Euroskeptic, Teresa Mei was submitted to the people's will and launched the exit procedure from the EU.

March 29, 2017 The head of the European Council Donald Tusk received an official letter in which the United Kingdom notified the European Union, which is no longer part of it. In addition, the British demanded to return to different estimates from $ 9 billion to $ 10 billion stored in the European Investment Bank of British Assets.

Personal life

Personal life of Teresa May is not less successful than her political career. Back in 1980, she met the love of all his life, which Filip John May became. With his spouse, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain lives in marriage for more than 35 years, however, there are no children from the pair.

Teresa Mei and Philip John May

It is known that Teresa Mae has certain health problems - in 2012 she was diagnosed with type I diabetes mellitus, providing for regular support for the body insulin.

British media call Teresa May the most glamorous politician of the House of Commons because of her love for designer clothes and shoes. Trendy images of this miniature woman (the growth of the Prime Minister 172 cm) was repeatedly subjected to noisy criticism, as the society considers an unacceptable appearance of a policy on business events in inappropriate outfits with deep neckline.

Teresa Mei now

In April 2017, Teresa May announced that in June of the same year, early parliamentary elections will be held in the United Kingdom. Such a decision, the Prime Minister substantiated the fact that the coming output of the UK from the European Union is a difficult procedure that will require the country having a strong and well-coordinated government who adheres to a single opinion about brexite.

Teresa May.

In a special speech on this occasion, the British Prime Minister reminded the inhabitants that the country would be struggled not just for the names and nominal agreements, but for control over their own borders, currency, laws and economic elections.

As a result of the re-election of Teresa May was re-elected to parliament, in addition, the conservative party was in the struggle for the absolute majority of places in parliament, but as a result, no party received an impressive advantage, and the conservatives scored only a little more than 50%.

Teresa May and Donald Trump

Because of this, the situation was found that the "suspended" parliament is called. Teresa May had to ask permission to form a new cabinet, which turned into the difficult creation of the coalition of parties. Because of this, in 2017, rumors appeared about the ambulance of the Prime Minister, but this information did not receive confirmation.

After confirming the exit from the European Union, the United Kingdom began to establish relations both with former comrades in the Union and with external countries. The Prime Minister became the first foreign leader who visited the US official visit after the President of the President joined Donald Trump.

Angela Merkel and Teresa May

In February 2018, Teresa May made a visit to China and met with Xi Jinspin. The press Prime Minister stated that the "Golden Epoch" began in the relations of the PRC and the United Kingdom.

Also in February 2018, Mei met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The main topic of the negotiations was the European and British, the exit of the UK from the European Union countries. But, in addition, the leaders discussed both security issues, as well as trade transactions.

Awards and achievements

  • 2002 - became the first woman chairman of the conservative party
  • 2010 - received the post of Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister for Women's Affairs and Equality
  • 2017 - ranked second in the list of the most influential women in the world according to Forbes magazine
  • 2017 - became the most popular British Prime Minister in 40 years

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