Victoria Chernysheva - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Victoria Chernysheva - a young Russian actress, known to the viewer according to Zhanna in the youth series "Ranetki". Also in its asset projects "Last Accord", "Sladeaki", "Two Father and Two Sons", Comedy "HE" and "Friendship of Peoples" and others. In addition to the movie, the girl is professionally fond of music.

Victoria Chernysheva - a radical Muscovite. She was born late in 1988. From childhood, she began to demonstrate a considerable artistry. It was noticed in time, and a 4-year-old baby debuted in a popular transmission for the Little Spectators "ABVGDIKA".

Actress Victoria Chernysheva

The debut turned out to be successful. The girl behaved completely relaxed and was not afraid of aimed at her cameras. Therefore, continued continued: Vica was invited to become a TV presenter of the transmission for children "Multi-Pattern mechanism", which were broadcast on TVC.

To be an artist of young Victoria Chernysheva liked. But she had another passion - the music she gave all his free time. Therefore, after graduating from general education and music schools, she entered the music school. After leaving his walls with a red diploma, the girl went to continue their education in a pop-jazz school with the famous Gnesinka.

However, "Gnesinka" did not satisfy the requirements of Chernyshev. All these years she remembered the second dream: to become an actress. Therefore, Victoria entered the guitis, choosing the pop faculty.


In 2008, Muscovite received a diploma guitis. It is noteworthy that both careers are musical and acting - developed in parallel. Upon admission to the theater university, Vika met his future associates Maxim Amelchenko and Dmitry Tikhonov. Together, the guys created a musical team of Balabama, with whom successfully performed.

Victoria Chernysheva

Due to employment in Gityis Victoria Chernyshev, he refused to act in the cinema. It seemed to her that she would have time to crash after receiving a diploma. But scientist in the theater university stayed behind, and no one offered roles in the movie. Helped a friend. She invited Chernyshev to the Armenian theater, where she just needed a teacher of acting skills.

During this period, Victoria first goes to the stage as actresses. It was involved in the theater project "Poster". Soon the girl performed at the music show "Velvet Boogie Show".

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The cinematic biography of Victoria Chernysheva began in 2008. On the screens came the rating youth series "Ranetki", in which one of the main characters was a beloved girl - Dmitry Tikhonov. He helped Vika to get into a popular project. The audience saw an unfamiliar actress in the form of charming, but droalling Zhanna. The heroine of Chernysheva very soon became a favorite character of the fans of the series. Victoria her duties in the project fell in the soul, because she had to play a girl with musical and vocal abilities.

In 2011, after the end of the filming of "Ranetok", the actress took part in the project "Last Accord". He was conceived in order to please the multi-million audience of fans so loved by teenagers of the series. The plot of the paintings is spinning around the tour "Ranetok" and their unexpected acquaintance with the Music group "Balabama". Viewers for the last time enjoyed a joint game of favorite actors.

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At the end of the year, Victoria starred in the humorous television series "People He", where he met Alexander Revice and Sergey Poro. Picture in comic shape introduced viewers with psychics and their activities. The series was saturated with humor and even the sullen skeptics himself forced smile.

In 2012, Chernysheva received the role of a second plan in the dramatic series "Mistress of My Fate."

In 2013, she participated immediately in several projects, however, the roles were small. She got an episodic role in the humorous television series "Two Father and Two Sons". The main roles were performed by Dmitry Nagiyev, Ilya Kostyuki and Maxim Studenovsky. In the spring of the same year, the actress starred in the series "Friendship of Peoples".

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In 2016, Victoria Chernysheva starred in the episode of the series "Detectives". Also participated in the actress in the criminal melodrama "provocateur", where she got the role of a waitress. Despite the fact that the role of Vicky is minor, she was lucky to work with many popular and talented actors - Andrei Chadov, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatyana Arntgolts, Dmitry Isaev, Stanislav Bondarenko and others.

The music career of Victoria Chernysheva is developing. After the game in Ranetki, she recorded the first solo album. In the middle of 2011, the singer and actress gave her debut concert at the Kusyatynicoff club. Most of the compositions were written by Victoria itself.

The bright appearance and the growing popularity of the artist were noticed by the editors of the male gloss "Maxim", in which a candid photo session of Chernyshevi soon appeared.

Personal life

Roman with Dmitry Tikhonov began in the early years of the student in Gitis. Since then, the personal life of Victoria Chernysheva is associated with this charming actor and a musician. He not only helped his beloved girl to get into the series "Ranetki", but also put efforts to organize the recording of her debut musical album. Fans of domestic pop music Tikhonov sign on the speeches of the Mayakovsky group, in which he is a soloist.

In 2015, the pair legalized the relationship. And this is 10 years of relationship. The wedding took place in one of the respectable metropolitan restaurants. From the star guests at the celebration, their colleagues were attended by "Rannets" - Lera Kozlov and Stas Shmelev. Also arrived to congratulate the singer Burito and the stitched stylist Sergey Zverev. A wedding gift from the parents was the apartment in filients, which newlyweds had long dreamed of.

Victoria Chernysheva with her husband

After the wedding, the guys went to the honeymoon to Crete. True, they were there not a month there, and only 9 days, since Dima was scheduled to tour in Surgut, and Vicky had a lot of work in Moscow.

By the way, the girl is not so often pleased with his fans with new photos in "Instagram". Do not find in her account and new common photos with her husband. The last dated by May 2016. Perhaps that is why rumors that spouses broke regularly on the network. But, most likely, it is nothing more than speculation.

No less often appear news about pregnancy wiki. But these words there are no official confirmations.

Victoria Chernysheva now

For 2018, the output of the adventure thriller "I - Love", which received the role and Victoria Chernysheva. Together with her, Shamil Hamatov, Igor Petrenko, Ivan Stebunov and other popular Russian artists were filmed in the ribbon. Presumably, the premiere will be held in October. The events of the film unfold around a young journalist who has fallen in pursuit of a sensation to the company that sells a sense of love. Suddenly, for himself, he becomes the object of manipulations and falls into the trap, from which it is quite difficult for him to get out.

And the Vika starred in the clip of the singer Nastya Kudri, and her friends are also part-time. But the Chernysheva herself continues to create on a music field, in 2017 she recorded a new track "Breathe".


  • 2008-2010 - "Ranetki"
  • 2011 - "Last Accord"
  • 2011 - "Slices"
  • 2011-2013 - "HE people"
  • 2011-2012 - "Mistress of my destiny"
  • 2011-2012 - Katina Love "
  • 2013 - "Women's Day"
  • 2013 - "Friendship of Peoples"
  • 2013-2017 - "Two Father and Two Sons"
  • 2014 - "My sister, love"
  • 2016 - "Detectives"
  • 2018 - "I am love"

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