Olga Sumskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ukrainian Actress 2021



Olga Sumskaya - Soviet, and then Ukrainian actress and TV presenter. Her creativity was marked by state awards of Ukraine: Olga Vyacheslavovna - Honored and People's Artist of Ukraine, Winner of the National Award of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko. Theatrical audience enjoy her talent, and lovers of melodram, and connoisseurs of star television show.

Childhood and youth

Olga was born in the family of actors in August 1966, the West Ukrainian city of Lviv became the birthplace. Parents served in the National Drama Theater named after Ivan Franco and constantly disappeared at work. Fortunately, Olga was not alone, but with the older sister of Natalia Sumy. It was on her care who often turned out to be a girl. Sisters were often in the theater and rose behind the scenes. This has determined their future: both have chosen an acting profession.

Parents achieved considerable heights in the profession. Anna's mother Osresenko became the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, and Father Vyacheslav Sumy - People's Artist of Ukraine. Natalia's older sister is the leading actress of the Ivan Franco Theater.

For the first time Olga entered the stage of 5 years. She played a small role in the play "Jenny Gerhardt". And on the screens, the girl appeared when she was 17. In the "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka", the young artist went on 3 roles at once: Muses, Sotnikovna and Pannochki.

It is not surprising that Sumy-younger saw its future connected only with the actress profession. Therefore, entered the Kiev Institute of Theatrical Art.

Personal life

The actress is happy in the second marriage and is the mother of two children. The first union in which the husband of Olga was a colleague Eugene Poppernaya, lasted for 4 years. According to the performer, already at the first meeting with the future spouse, she realized that they were destined to be together. Relationships developed rapidly, despite the 16-year-old difference in age. The daughter of Antonina Pavenna was born in this marriage, which went to the footsteps of the parents and today makes a career in Russia.

Sumy's personal life received a happy continuation immediately after the divorce: a young actress married Colleague Vitaly Borisyuk. The couple met at the rehearsal of the performance in the theater of the Russian drama and does not part until now. In 2002, the lovers had daughter Anna Borisyuk.

Today, Olga Sumskaya is a famous secular lioness, which can often be seen at various public events. She still looks great, as slim and charming, as in young years. With the growth of 178 cm, its weight does not exceed the mark of 66 kg. The secrets of unfading beauty artist shared in his book, which is called - "secrets of beauty." Here are a lot of vintage recipes that went to Olga from grandmother and great-grandmothers. And so much cooks perfectly. It is devoted to this second book "Preparing Together".

In the summer of 2017, a rumor appeared in the press that Olga Vyacheslavovna became a grandmother. The older daughter of Antonina Poppernaya's performer has been living together with the Russian actor Vladimir Jaglyz and does not hide relationships. According to journalists, the granddaughter of Sumy was born with a weight of 3.43 kg and growth of 53 cm. Parents called it Eve. According to the TV presenter, the girl was a copy of her son-in-law.

Nevertheless, the Ukrainian actress has not commented for a long time. First, Olga at that time worked in Poland over a new film, and secondly, the celebrity disadvantaged that there were rumors around her daughter's personal life, so Sumy and now refuses to speak with journalists on this topic.

The second grandson of the artist appeared in April 2020, in the midst of quarantine due to the spread of coronavirus infection. Olga managed to visit his daughter in Moscow, but at the time of her birth, the celebrity was already in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the first cry of the kid managed to hear in Sumski's record. According to the star of the screen, the boy's voice sounded like a male baritone formed. The actress regarded it as a good sign, indicating that the child would become a creative person.

Sumy leads an account in "Instagram", where the events of their own life will illuminate. Olga Vyacheslavovna publishes photos from secular events and selfie with makeup and styling. The star regularly pleases subscribers by personnel from travel, where it is sent accompanied by his spouse. In 2020, she demonstrated the ideal proportions of the body in a picture in a swimsuit.

Theater and films

In 1987, a graduate of the Theater Institute was adopted in the Teporus of the Theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesia Ukrainka. On stage, Olga Sumski almost immediately began to trust the main roles. In his youth, she played in the play "Auditor", "Lady without Camellies", "Suicide", "Mad Money", "Sleeping in the Summer Night" and many others.

The cinematic biography of Sumy began much earlier theatrical. In the student years, the actress starred in several pictures. The most notable ones - Military film "On call of the heart" and the biographical film "And in the sounds will respond."

After a break, filled with the theater scene, Sumy again returned to the movies. In the early 1990s, the picture "Voice of Herb" was published, in which Olga trusted to play a seductive witch. This work brought a young artist to the first award at the Constellation-94 Film Festival.

A star role got a performer in 1997. The audience immediately fell in love with the beauty of Hurrem-Sultan (Roxolant), which Olga brilliantly played in the historic TV series "Roksolana - Captive Sultan". This tape made an artist to the top of popularity. Later, the actress played in two continuations of the romantic picture - the films "climbing the throne" and "Empire flower".

The actress filmography is quite extensive. There are many TV series and various projects shot both in Ukraine and in Russia. Among the most notable works in the cinema - detective "Mystery of St. Patrick", the biographical tape "Rocks. Song Long Life ", Drama" Days of Hope "and the series" The Territory of Beauty ". Together with Alexander Domogarov, the Ukrainian performer appeared in the main acting fighter of the militant Yuri Kara "I - Doll".

In 2003, the audience gladly looked at the New Year's music comedy "for two hares, where Olga Sumskaya appeared in the image of Gali. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin played the main characters here.

In Ukraine, the People's Artist Olga Vyacheslavovna Sumyskoy know both the wonderful leading of many TV shows. The star of the screen has become a member of the 1st season "Dance with the Stars." A couple on the floor she was Igor Bondarenko. Interestingly, Vladimir Zelensky and his partner Alena Shoptenko became one of the rivals of the creative duet.

The performer does not hide his political views. She joined the party "Evropayska Stolitia", and in 2012 he signed a letter against Yulia Tymoshenko.

In 2016, the actress performed a major role in the comedy mini-television series "" The best "week of my life", the remake of the British project "The worst week of my life". Sumy was reincarnated to Heroine Anastasia Valerievna. The daughter of Anastasia marries and decides with the fiance to spend the last days before the wedding visiting your own parents.

In the same year, the artist played the secondary role of Sophia Nikolaevna Elagina in the mystical detective TV series "Anna-Detective". Heroine Sumy appeared in the 5th film film called "Family Values".

Also this year, the performer starred in the melodrama "Threads of Fate", the Ukrainian adaptation of the Korean TV series "Towels for Cinderella."

In 2017, Olga Sumskaya appeared on the screens in two secondary roles. In February, the celebrity played in a single "single" detective, and in April - in the melodraman "temptation".

Later, the singer was invited to the Russian TV series "Weeping Willow" whose action starts at the beginning of the XX century, and then runs a series of reincarnations.

Ukrainian star of the cinema and the theater continues to delight his fans with new images in melodramas. In 2018 she appeared in the projects "Legally", "letter by mistake", "Two mothers." She played a cameo role in the acclaimed comedy Vladimir Zelensky "I, you, he, she". A year later, a celebrity has expanded castes such series as "The Return," "Do not talk to me," Good-bye! ' "" I've had enough. "

Olga Sumy Now

In 2020, Russian television started showing the series "Fortress", in which mother-in-law Vladimir Yaglych played one of the main characters - Sofia Kosach. This film tells the story of a girl Katherine, which is due to consistent cross was raised as an aristocrat and received appropriate training, and the remaining land.

In the autumn it became known that the actress again ready to show off their dance skills at the site of the TV show "Dancing with the Stars" 14 years after the last appearance on the floor of the project. The next season is dedicated to the participants of previous years, which caught the fancy of the audience.


  • 1992 - "The Voice of Grass"
  • 1994 - "Some love stories"
  • 1995 - "Easy Money" (photoplay)
  • 1997 - "Roksolana. Nastunya "
  • 1997 - "Roksolana 2. Beloved wife Khalifa"
  • 2001 - "I - doll"
  • 2002 - "Slackers"
  • 2003 - "Roksolana 3. Mistress of the Empire"
  • 2004 - "Weeper, or New Year's detective"
  • 2006 - "eldest daughter"
  • 2006 - "The Secret of St. Patricks
  • 2007 - "Days of Hope"
  • 2009 - "The Return of the Musketeers"
  • 2009 - "Territory of Beauty"
  • 2010 - "nepruha"
  • 2012 - "The last role of Rita"
  • 2014 - "Grekanka"
  • 2016 - "" The Best "week of my life"
  • 2016 - "Fights of Fate"
  • 2017 - "Temptation"
  • 2017 - "The Temptation 2"
  • 2018 - "Two Mothers"
  • 2018 - "The letter by mistake"
  • 2018 - "In the past in debt!"
  • 2019 - "Do not talk to me," Good-bye! ""
  • 2019 - "Wait for me"
  • 2019-2021 - "Fortress"
  • 2020 - "The Twilight Saga"

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