Lucien Ovchinnikova - biography, photos, personal life, filmography, death



Lucien Ovchinnikova - Soviet and Russian actress, which received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, was considered a "beloved" actress. Images were recreated by Lucien on the screen in the films "Girl", "Mom married", still loved by the public.

Lucien Ivanovna Ovchinnikova was born in the Ukrainian town of Olevsk in September 1931. Childhood was overshadowed by the death of mom, which did not become when the girl was barely last 6 years old. Father, military specialty, married the second time. Relations with a stepmother were not easy.

Actress Lucien Ovchinnikova

Become an actress Lucien Ovchinnikova dreamed of childhood. But the girl inherent in the girl made these dreams with ghosts. In school years, the girl could not prepare for admission to the theater university. After all, because of the permanent travelers, the Father had to move frequently. The family of sheepnikov lived in the garrisons of Karelia, Georgia and Turkmenistan.

Lucien Ovchinnikova's school certificate received in Ashgabat. But I didn't want to stay here yesterday's schoolgirl. A long-standing dream of becoming an artist gave a girlfriend a decisiveness, and Lucia left the father's house. And I did it secretly and without a penny of money in your pocket. The girl was in so hurry that he even forgot your passport at home. Father, who humbled with the desire of the daughter to enter the Minsk Theater Institute, had to transfer the document by the train.

Lucien Ovchinnikova in youth

Cut from the first time, Lucien did not work out due to late for exams. Ovchinnikova did not want to return home, so settled by the aunt and got a job.

During this year, the future actress managed to prepare for admission and earn some money. In 1951, Ovchinnikova went to Moscow and enrolled in Gitis for the course of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Gregory Konsky, among whose graduates - famous Lyudmila Kasatkina, Mark Zakharov, Vladimir Korenev, Stanislav Sadalsky. University girl graduated in 1955.


At first, Gitis decided that Lucien is inborn comedy artist. But the girl managed to convince teachers, demonstrating excellent dramatic abilities in the graduation performance. Ovchinnikova played Tanya in the play by Alexey Arbuzov.

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In the same year, the actress was accepted by the theater. V. Mayakovsky, on the stage of which Ovchinnikov went out until 1972. The first role of the student of Valeki got actress in the "Irkutsk History" formulation. During this period, the creative biography of the repertoire of Lucina was replenished with works in the performances "Aristocrats" and "Blue Rhapsody" Nikolai Pogodin, "Little Student" Alexey Arbuzova. But most of all the audience was loved by her Labor Shevtsov from the formulation of the "Young Guard" of Alexander Fadeeva.

Avoid theater, acquiring tickets to the theater. V. Mayakovsky, sought to get on Ovchinnikov, the public appreciated the actress for originality and organic. Lucien was lucky to work under the leadership of Masters Scene Nikolai Okhlopkov, Andrei Goncharov and Anatoly Romashina.

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The cinematic biography of Luciene Ovchinnikova began the painting "Father's home" Lion Kuljanov. A beginner actress played a village girl Nurek, and perfectly coped with the role. At the same time, Lucien never lived in the village, first seen the rural life only on the filming of the film.

Star role and deafening popularity collapsed on Ovchinnikov in 1961, after entering the screens, the paintings "Girl". Heroine Katya managed to "fit out" into the team of the main characters of the film, who played the future stars of Soviet cinema Nikolay Rybnikov, Nadezhda Rumyantsev, Inna Makarova and Svetlana Druzhinin.

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After the "girls" on Ovchinnikov, proposals from the directors were sprinkled. The actress starred in the pictures of "nine days of one year", "Morning train", "loyalty", "journalist". Together with 12-year-old Elena Proclovaya played in the film Alexander Mitta "Call, open the door" Mother and daughter.

But all these roles belonged to the second plan. But the first major role of the actress went to the tape "Mom married" Vitaly Melnikova. At first, the director thought to take Nonnu Mordyukov or Inna Makarov on this work, but he saw Ovchinnikov on samples and immediately stopped at her candidacy.

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Lucien did not let down, brilliantly playing this dramatic role. According to the scenario, the famous heroine was already then the famous Oleg Efremov. When the actress heard, who would have to play, flatly refused role. Ovchinnikova stated that he did not grow to Efremov's skill. The director had to convince the young actress that only she sees in this role.

The colleagues of the artist say that such modesty and straightformers of Luciene Ovchinnikova greatly interfered with the promotion of a career. The actress did not know how to "knock out" roles themselves and tie useful dating. Therefore, he played only where they were invited. Corporate smile actress, the heartfelt game allowed the Ovchinnikovaya to recreate the images in which the audience learned themselves, neighbors or acquaintances. The actress played wives, mothers, saleswomen, factory workers and collective farms and every time she did convincingly and believable.

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In 1973, Ovchinnikova assigned the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. It happened after entering the screens of the famous "big change" pattern. In addition to this work, a few more tapes should be noted, in which Lucien Ivanovna played the role of the second plan, but they were all fulfilled with the highest skill. These are films "Vera, Hope, Love", "We are waiting for you, a guy!" And "my dear".

A significant role was given to the artist in the children's adventure film Valentine Selivanov to music Alexey Rybnikov "Big Space Journey", in which Lucien appeared in the role of the mother of the main character, the boy Fedi. Soon, Lucier filmography was replenished with a youth picture "We did not pass ..." and melodrama about the fate of the Olga Sergeyevna female oceanologist's fate, in which the actress again appeared in the roles of the second plan.

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In 1976, Lucien Ovchinnikova again received the main role of a dramatic nature. The actress played Heroine Claudia Ivanovna in the drama "Lullaby for men", a non-delicate woman raising a stupid son Kolya (Yuri Sllykov), a student of senior classes. Father of the young man, front of the front, early left his life, Claudia Ivanovna received the wound during the war, which gave it to know about himself. The heroine is losing sight. To care for the mother, Nikolai decides to leave learning and go to work. But the young man meets the girl's curren (Natalia Andreychenko), who persuades Kohl not to destroy his own life for the sake of the mother. Consider, the young man makes a choice.

In the same year, Lucien fell into the acting drama Alexei German "Twenty days without war," where the former wife of the main hero of the Vopatina Votatat (Yuri Nikulin) was played. At the end of the 70s, a series of radiant images in the film "and again Aniskin", "Lucy", "Risk - noble case" was again followed. In the 80s, the actresses were dressed in the cinematographic repertoire. Among the works of this period, the most famous roles were the roles in the films "Date with youth", "proceed to liquidation", "Valentin and Valentina".

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In the "Liche 90s" Lucien Ovchinnikov starred little and lived difficult. In post-stroke cinema, the artist turned out to be unclaimed. And from the "Mayakovka" Lucien went in 1972, following the dismissed husband Valentin Kozlov. Occasionally, the actress appeared on the stage of different theaters. Random earnings (often payment passed food) received from precast concerts, in which she took part with her husband.

Personal life

In the creative career of this actress, ups and downs happened. The personal life of Lucien Ovchinnikova was the same. The first two marriages were civil. With the husbands of Vladimir Khramov - director, and a colleague-actor Alexander Kholkov Ovchinnikova never signed. The choke, with whom the spouse played on the scene of the theater. V. Mayakovsky, in 1965 he died on the hands of the actress.

Lucien Ovchinnikova and Valentin Kozlov

Officially, Lucien Ovchinnikova married in 1966. The spouse was the artist Valentin Kozlov. In a happy marriage, they lived over 20 years. The only thing that overshadowed life is the absence of children. Otherwise, it was a harmonious couple.


Luciene Ovchinnikova did not become 4 months after the death of his beloved husband. In addition to him, the actress has no close people. Tosca and complete non-knowledge in the favorite profession became the main causes of the care of the artist in the best world. Ovchinnikova did not become January 8, 1999. In conclusion about death, it was said that the official cause was a broken thromb.

Lucien grave Ovchinnikova

The funeral was modestly, several people were present on the lubricants. The body of Luciene shechinnikova was cremated, as the money for a full burial was lacked. The grave with ashes was installed in the Columbaria of the Moscow Introduction Cemetery. Memorial plate framed modestly - Photo of a young actress, dates of life and artificial flowers.


  • 1957 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1959 - "Father's House"
  • 1961 - "Girls"
  • 1962 - "Nine days of one year"
  • 1964 - "Hockey players"
  • 1965 - "Call, open the door"
  • 1969 - "Mom married"
  • 1972 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 1973 - "Big Change"
  • 1975 - Olga Sergeevna
  • 1976 - "Twenty days without war"
  • 1978 - "And again Aniskin"
  • 1983 - "Start the liquidation"
  • 1985 - Valentin and Valentina
  • 1992 - "Changes"
  • 1993 - "Alfons"

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