Alexey Bakulin - Biography, Business, Personal Life, Volgabas GC, Age, Education, Career, Photo and Latest News 2021



The head of the Bakulin Motors Group holding company, the founder of the Volzhsky Service advertising agency, a member of the NP "Leaders Club", an ex-deputy of the city Duma of the city of Volzhsky, an entrepreneur and a candidate of economic sciences. And this is the same person, the current general director of VolgaBas LLC Alexey Anatolyevich Bakulin.

Alexey Anatolyevich Bakulin was born on August 31, 1975 in the city of Volzhsky Volgograd region. Shortly after graduation, he first showed himself as a talented entrepreneur - being a second-year student of the Volgograd Academy of Public Service, Bakulin founded the Volzhsky Service advertising agency. Literally a year later, the young company became one of the largest agencies in the region - its clients were such corporations as Coca-Cola, ReeMtsma and others.


A young and ambitious person noticed, and two years later (at the fourth year of the Academy) were invited to the Volzhanin bus plant as Deputy General Director for Marketing and Finance. And this main turn in the biography of Alexei Bakulin - precisely then he was in production, which will later become the matter of his life.

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In 1996, the plant (like the whole country) was not in the best position. However, thanks to the efforts of the new marketer, he acquired a dealer network, attracted investments in modernization, launched new conveyor lines and increased the release of buses to 400 per year. At the same time, Alexey Bakulin promited the Volzhanin brand in both the regions and at the federal level.

All this rapid activity, Alexey Bakulin, somehow manages to combine with education. In 1998, he ends with honors from the Academy of State Services, and in 2001 - and graduate school in Saratov State Socio-Economic University, where he becomes a candidate of economic sciences.

In 2002, Alexey Anatolyevich Bakulin became the chairman of the Board of Directors and the General Director of Volzhanin. With him, the company forms a line of new models and develops new niche in the market. At the same time, the factory center of engineering, design and certification, which took up the modernization of already acting models.

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Such an approach was rewarded - the plant developed the first 15-meter high passenger bus in Russia. The novelty attracted the authorities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which provided "Volzhanin" with large orders. But this is not the only success of Alexey Bakulina - the tourist bus "Volzhanin-5285" became the leader of sales in the segment of corporate and departmental transport. In the mid-2000s, Volzhanin produces another chate sales - the city bus of the City Rhythm series.

The plant under the leadership of Alexei Bakulina cooperates with leading foreign auto and engineering concerns - Scania, Man, Siemens and others. This made it possible to introduce advanced technologies in production.

For these and other achievements, Alexey Bakulin became the winner of the Russian Competition "Manager of the Year" in the Nomination "Mechanical Engineering".

Leader: general director LLC GK "Volgabas"

In 2006, Alexey Bakulin establishes Ltd. VolgaBas LLC and becomes its general director, and after a year the company enters the international market. The company specializes in the production of buses on a variety of motors (diesel, gas engine, electric) and is known for the use of innovation. So, recently, the company presented the concept of the first unmanned bus in Russia - it is expected that the novelty will be released on the streets of Volgograd to the 2018 World Cup.

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The experience of servicing international sports competitions from VolgaBasa Alexei Bakulin is - the company became a supplier of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. In the capital of the Winter Olympics, Volgabas put 70 low-voltage buses in a special configuration and ensured their uninterrupted service and operation.

In addition, the company participates in a government program for the transfer of public transport to gas engine fuel. To date, Volgabas has already supplied more than 200 buses of this type in the regions.

Products of the VolgaBas Holding received recognition in a professional environment. She became once the owner of the premiums "Best Domestic Bus of the Year" and "Promigation".

However, Soon Alexey Bakulin, Alexey Bakulin, was closely on the old platform in Volzhsky, and he agrees to the construction of a new plant - now in the Vladimir region. The production complex in the Shansky district is built with an eye on the serial production of large batches of buses and chassis with export potential.

To execute the project in 2015, Alexey Bakulin creates a new business structure "Bakulin Motors Group" - which, according to tradition, and heads.

From 2009 to 2013, he was a deputy of the city Duma of the city of Volzhsky from the Party "United Russia" in which it consists.

Personal life

Alexey Bakulin is married, raises his son and daughter. Out of professional life is enjoying mountaineering and tennis.

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