Artyom Chebotarev (Boxing) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Achievements, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Fans of domestic boxing name Artem Nikolaevich Chebotarev, four-time champion of Russia, is well known. In a short period of time, he managed to pass the way from a little-known novice athlete from the province to Europe and the Bronze Media Culture Championship.

Artem Chebotarev was born in October 1988 in a small village steppe, which in the Saratov region. By boxing, he fucked in primary classes, but he began to study at a serious professional basis at 11 years old. A promising guy took to train the Kamelbai Kaziev, Honored Coach of Russia and Uncle Artem.

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Chebotarev immediately demonstrated that the boxing for him is not just a passion and desire to boast before the peers of the pumped muscles and power. This is, above all, a serious occupation that he decided to devote his further life.

In 2005, 17-year-old Artyom took part in the Stalingrad Battle Junior Tournament, which was held in Volgograd. But the victory came to him not immediately: at the Competitions Chebotarev lost to Andrei Kamkovoy. The young boxer did not even guess that the 2016 Castle will enter the Olympic team of the country, and he, Artyom Chebotarev, will be headed by this national team.

The first tangible victory came to the athlete in 2007. At first, he became the leader of the Winter Championship "Olympic Hopes", and a little later won "Silver" in Serbia, at the Junior European Championship.


Since then, the sports biography of Artem Chebotarev develops rapidly. In 2008, he becomes a debutant on an adult championship of the country. The resulting "Bronze" turned out to be a pretty good start for a previously known boxer from the Saratov province. It was a serious application for its place in the Big Box. In the same year, Chebotarev managed to snatch a few more victories: he became the winner of the international tournament in Germany. And immediately for this won tournaments in Almaty and "Dynamide".

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In 2009, Artem Chebotarev becomes the champion of the National Championship. Victory go a series. Leadership at the "dynamide", success in tournaments in Italy and Hungary. 1st place at the "tournament of the strongest boxers of Russia", 2 at the World Cup of Oil Countries. But annoying losses also happened. Little to get out of the leaders of the team team, Artem Chebotarev could not win the World Cup in Milan.

But at the Russian Championship in 2010, Artemum again recognized the best. This time at the European Championships in Moscow, the boxer defeated all rivals and received "gold". For this loud victory, he was awarded the title "Master of Sports of International Class".

In 2012, Artem Chebotarev was 3 times for his career was able to become the champion of the country. And a year later he was awarded a bronze medal at the World Cup in Almaty.

September 2015 fitted a new "golden" page in the biography of an athlete. He managed to defeat the Ukrainian boxer Dmitry Mitrofanov at the Aiba Pro Boxing tournament. It was a fight for the world champion title in category up to 75 kg. It is noteworthy that the tournament was held in his native to Artem Saratov. 5 thousand people came to support the countryman. And he managed to justify their hopes.

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In 2016, it became known that the Russian Olympic team, which in August fought for the honor of the country in Rio de Janeiro, headed by Artem Chebotarev. For him, team members voted. The boxer promised that the team would answer for Elena Ishinbaev, who was not admitted to the team to participate in the Brazilian Olympiad.

Personal life

The main occupation and passion for Chebotarev - Boxing. The athlete claims that all other hobbies are pale against this. But sometimes, when rare leisure hours fall out, Artem loves to play paintball, to divide, go to the beach or to excite in the club with best friends.

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In 2011, the personal life of Artem Chebotarev seems to be released on a new step: a young boxer admitted that he had a girl who dispelled him suspicion of his own windiness. He first wanted a long and responsible relationship.

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