Alina Sergeeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Vladimir Janoschuk, "Instagram" 2021



Alina Sergeeva - Russian actress, playing on theatrical scene, in movies and television series. Now it knows more Ukrainian spectators more, because it is in films emerging in this country, she now appears more often. Moscow to Kiev, the artist decided to change when he married the Ukrainian director.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on February 10, 1983. She was born and rose in Chelyabinsk. From childhood he was fond of dancing, vocals, playing musical instruments. None of the family girls to cinema did not have a relationship, but Alina, from an early age, wanted to become an actress. Therefore, when it came time to send a daughter to the first class, the parents found a specialized school with a theatrical bias.

For several years, Alina studied in this unusual class, but then he gave itself to know the uncompromising and irreconcilable. Sergeeva brought the relationship with teachers to conflict so much that she did not have anything else, as to translate into another school.

Sergeeva got into the physico-mathematical class, while there was no traction to the exact sciences. Nevertheless, she served as a program, although he knew that the Institute would go exclusively on the actress.

Alina was grieved with the exact sciences of 2 years, after which he went to the usual high school.

In the senior class, Sergeyeva managed to find a common language with teachers of theatrical class, so she returned to and received a certificate of maturity with a specialized specialization.

At the end of the school, it was set off to conquer Moscow and tried to go right away in 5 universities preparing actors and actresses. And everywhere did not pass the competition, each new tour became more complicated. If the first two she slipped with ease, then on the 3rd came from the distance.

A good friend Konstantin Avdeev helped the dream of the future artist. Alina and Kostya are familiar with theatrical Chelyabinsk school. The young man entered MCAT and invited Sergeyev to live in a hostel. That jutter in a small room with five young men.

As a result, despite the huge contest, the girl was accepted in rati. Alina was enrolled in Gennady Khazanov's workshop.

After graduating from the Institute in 2004, the young actress played on the scenes of the theaters of Moscow: in the center of drama and director, Alexei Kazantsev and Mikhail Roshchina, at the School of Dramatic Art, in the theater named after Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, in an independent theater project and in the theater on the Small Bronnaya. Sergeyev was able to declare himself in the first play, in which the image of the mental heroine was talented. Even the masters of the scene recognized that the performance of the role was delightful.


The first appearance of Alina Sergeyeva in the film-fairy tale "Legend, or in search of the three kingdom" was episodic, but it influenced the further biography of the artist.

She was offered a major role in the melodrama "listening to silence", which made Alina Star. For this work, Sergeyev was awarded several prizes at the main Russian film festivals: she was given a jury diploma for debut in the film at the Window Festival to Europe and the Prize at the "Constellation 2008". In addition, the tape was assessed at the Meridian Film Festival, who passed in Vladivostok. The partner of the actress on the site was the famous actor Dmitry Maryanov.

She played another provincial heroine in the Knodrama. Sergeeva fulfilled the role of teacher Rita Lesin, who came to Moscow in search of a better life. Site from the tape remained positive emotions, which was reflected in good reviews. Especially noted the dialogues of the heroes. In the picture, the artist starred together with Sergey Gorobchenko.

Then no less successful shooting in the militant "weapons", the family tragedy "longer than a century", Military picture of the "Attempt".

Alina Sergeeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Vladimir Janoschuk,

The film "Weapon" touched the topic of terrorism. In a multi-sized picture, Konstantin Lavronenko penetrates the Center for the Organization to protect the beloved, the role of which was to reach Alina Sergeyeva.

In the "attemption", the action turned on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. Alina again performed the main female role. The actress later admitted that he loves movies about the war. Sergeyeva's company on the set amounted to Danil Kozlovsky, Magdalena Gurska, Ivan Matskevich.

In 2011, she got another main role in the tape "All for the Best". There she played a 17-year-old Syrotot Zhenya Semin, who lives and raised in an orphanage. She loves to draw and wants to associate life with art, dreams that once her works will decorate the exhibition. Without waiting for his 18th anniversary and receiving a school certificate, she goes to Moscow to enroll in the capital's university, and does not suspect that in the big city it is waiting for many tests.

And a year later on the list of works, the drama "five years and one day" appeared, where, together with Sergeyeva, Yuri Baturin, Julia Galkina, Sergey Radchenko, Sergey Romanyuk and others were shot.

In 2016, the actress appeared in the social drama "Favorite Teacher". Sergeyev replenished the chosen filmography of the teacher of Ulyana Sergeyevna's teacher, which in love with a popular student of grade 11. The series was broadcast on the first channel in 2016, and the young beloved played a novice actor Oleg Gas.

Alina Sergeeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Vladimir Janoschuk,

In addition, the historical melodrama "I leave you love", the tragic tape "Five years and one day" and a melodrama "I teach the playing guitar."

In the last melodramic on-screen love Alina Valery Nikolaev became Alina. Sergeeva performed the role of Martha - the girls who turned the life of the Hero of Nikolaev.

On September 30, 2018, the "One for Two" melodrama was released on the Ukrainian TV. Vladimir Janoschuk spoke director of the tape. The movie plot unfolds around the main heroine of Olga (Alina Sergeyev) and Peter (Alexander Ratnikov) who are familiar with childhood, together experienced the loss of parents in the accident (Petya lost his father, and Olga - Mother), and then both hit the orphanage.

Over time, children's friendship turned into love, and by 18 years old lovers were confident that they would continue together. They are already preparing for the wedding, but suddenly plans to ruinate the son of an influential businessman who is accustomed to have everything at first request. Having received a refusal to your courtship from Olga, he intends to do everything to remove the opponent from the way.

Personal life

Alina Sergeyev's personal life hides from prying eyes. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to hide from fans and press changes in family status. According to social networks, the actress is happy married. The spouse of the artist was the director Vladimir Janoschuk.

The couple met on the set of the series "I am near". Although the marriage Alina and Vladimir do not advertise, in social networks, the girl puts the name of Janoshuk-Sergeyev. In addition, in March 2018, the artist posted a video with Vladimir in "Instagram" by signing it by the word "husband". And shortly before that, I shared a snapshot, under which I pointed out that the photo did "Wovamuzh". That's so sadly pair indicates the official status. The spouses have not yet acquired children - so thought numerous actress subscribers, while in its publications on social networks, photographs with a charming boy - the general son of the couple began to appear.

The artist was often asked about relations with Oleg Gaas, who performed the main male role in the Mother Little Tape "Favorite Teacher". The fans of the television series fell in love with a screen couple and dreamed of seeing Alina and Oleg together in real life. This actress missed and said that Oleg is a good young man and a colleague, but no more.

The main Hobby of Alina Sergeyeva - Needlework. It is handling the amazing dolls of wool and thread and picturesquely paints the dining room. He will post a photo of products in microblog, where communicates with fans and offers subscribers together to come up with the names of the doll.

The actress supports himself in shape, goes to the pool and Hammam. With a rise of 167 cm its weight does not exceed 55 kg, it allows the performer without constraining to share with fans with pictures in a swimsuit. In addition, Alina travels a lot.

Alina Sergeeva now

Now Alina is one of the promising artists of Russian cinema. Behind her shoulders many main roles in the theater and cinema. On April 13, 2020, the show "Expert" detective was started (the second name "Consultant"), where the artist again got one of the central images.

The film tells about Boris Krylov, who after a severe accident turned out to be on a wheelchair. Before he worked as an expert-criminalist. Despite health problems, a man continues to engage in a favorite thing at the highest level. A special place in his work is a new case, with whom the old friend turned to him, Colonel MVD. Now the main goal is to investigate the death of two girls and the loss of one more.

Another ribbon with the participation of Sergeyeva came out on the television channel "Ukraine" on October 17. In the melodrama "almost the whole truth", like Sergey Strelnikov, got the main role. Alice played the famous lawyer Anna Sotnikov, protruding exclusively on the side of women. Such a decision was made by her after a severe divorce with her husband - the same famous lawyer who barely selected the only daughter and left without a livelihood.

The daughter of Zhenya has already grew up, but suddenly a black strip comes in the life of a lawyer, and now she has to defend the right of his own child.


  • 2006 - "Listening to Silence"
  • 2008 - "Department"
  • 2008 - "Weapon"
  • 2009 - "longer than a century"
  • 2010 - "Attempt"
  • 2011 - "All for the better"
  • 2012 - "I teach the playing guitar"
  • 2012 - "Five years and one day"
  • 2013 - "Vain victim"
  • 2013 - "Returns"
  • 2013 - "I leave you love"
  • 2013 - "I'm near"
  • 2016 - "Favorite Teacher"
  • 2018 - "One for Two"
  • 2019 - "without oscillations"
  • 2019 - "subject to destruction"
  • 2020 - "Expert"
  • 2020 - "Almost the whole truth"

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