Alisa Cher - biography, photo, personal life, news, books, Dmitry Nagiyev 2021



Alisa Cher, or Alla Shchechev - this is exactly what the real name of this bright woman sounds, which will probably forever remain his wife Dmitry Nagiyev. And this is despite the fact that the couple officially divorced in 2010. But, in addition to a long connection with a famous actor, Alla Alice has many other achievements that a woman can be proud of.

Alisa Cher led the radio station, launched a number of registered radio shows, wrote popular biographical books and opened radio training courses. But, as Sher says, she does not feel the need to talk about their successes in every interview.

Radmovoye and writer Alice Cher

Alla Anatolyevna Schechevishva was born in June 1966 in the intelligent and strong Leningrad family, where the parents of the soul were not honored in the only child. The girl did not need anything, but at the same time Alla was difficult to call the spoiled. Dad worked as a refinery designer and often drove into foreign business trips. The man brought his daughter things that could not be bought in the Union. Therefore, Alla constantly looked stylish. At the same time, not fashionable clothing at all, Alla from the peers. Schelshcheva has shown himself as a bright and creative nature.

After graduation, the girl went to the famous Ligitmik and easily entered the Faculty of Theaters. Alla, Alla thoroughly studied the organizational and economic side of the theater, but the creative did not bypass: in the evenings, Alla visited theatrical studio.


A couple of years after graduation, the girl worked in Lenconcert and even appeared in several performances. At that time she had already a family. Squeezed son. And theatrical work did not bring sufficient earnings. This was the reason why Alla went to look for a suitable job. And found - on the radio. A young and assertive woman took the radio host for a new radio station "Modern". Soon Alisa Sher - this creative pseudonym came up with Alla - became the legend of Modern.

Creative biography Alice Cher developed brilliantly. But unlike Dmitry Nagiyev, whom Petersburgers saw on screens, the radio officers remained in the shadows. Fans recognized the voice, but what Alice Cher looks like, no one knew. Although this circumstance does not seem to be upset the radiosome.

Alisa Cher on Radio

Alisa Sher confidently moved through the career ladder, and I tried myself in different roles. For some time, Cher worked as director "Peter FM". There was also a popular author's program, named "Evening with Alice Cher."

Shchelshcheva turned out to be very popular radio. She replaced 5 popular radio stations, where she was offered the places of the creative director. She perfectly managed to "promote" not a very successful station to the most rating. Alisa Cher succeeded in this lesson, which soon opened a new radio station, which was called "Maximum". For this in 2010, she was awarded to the Alexander Popov award.

Literature and creativity

Not a single radio became famous for this woman. At that time, Alice Sher's personal life was given a crack. Marriage with Nagiyev collapsed, although unofficially. This was the reason for creative Alla, which allowed her to attach to the title of Star of St. Petersburg Radio another - a popular writer. The book "I was wife Nagiyeva" became a bestseller.

Aman Tuleyev, "I was Nagiyev's wife"

According to the writer itself in the Prologue, the main motive to write a book about living together with Dmitry Nagiyev, the total sweating of the spouse became the tall. Cher and Nagiyev lived in marriage 18 years, but even on direct issues of journalists about the family showman managed to dump and twist, not giving an accurate answer. Once Nagiyev even said that he did not know what Paul Cher, a man or a woman, but expressed his readiness to marry if the radio leading would be a woman, and only become friends - if a man.

The second reason to write a book dedicated to a former husband, became an empty look, which constantly supported Dmitry in public. His wife saw that grimacing, unleashed behavior and jokes "below belt", which a man chose a part of his own public "I," annoying part of the audience, and therefore decided to show the public of this Nagiyev.

Alisa Sher

In his debut book, the radio officers did talked about his own relationship with the famous showman, but although the book is based on the personal biography of a woman, these are not a leisurely classic memoirs, but an ironic novel in which the woman disassembles the relationships in general. The main idea of ​​thinking Alice Cher became the phrase: "Men are always returning", which was then quoted in the reviews of the book fans. "I was my wife Nagieva" got basically positive feedback.

Alisa Cher, inspired by success, wrote another book - "How never get married." In it, the woman told with the sparkling humor inherent in her, with what conflicts and problems are facing girls after marriage.

Alisa Cher - biography, photo, personal life, news, books, Dmitry Nagiyev 2021 19114_5

The book is written in the format of harmful councils. The readers were divided into opinion, how serious is the book in the field of information submitted. Some called "how never get married" entertainment and even a talented female standap, expressed in printed form. Others noted that the writer in the form from the reverse gives important and smart advice on a part of family life, and affects issues that rarely rise in this kind of literature. While colleagues argue about how to find love, Cher writes about how to keep it and what to do if love has passed.

The writer shows that even a quarrel with a beloved person can be treated with humor, also Cher boldly raises the topic of divorce, telling why husbands leave and how not to lose their own "I" in a difficult separation process.

Alisa Sher

Another interesting project Cher becomes the transfer of the "Parental Assembly", which Alice led is no longer in the radio format, but as TV presenter. The program went out at the St. Petersburg Channel "Here". Alice's voice fans were able to regularly watch the radio worship. And it was worth it, because Alisa Sher beautiful woman with long hair and slender figure (height 180 cm).

To all these achievements, the St. Petersburg Star joined one more thing: Alice Cher starred in the TV series "Time to Love." And as an actress was very convincing.

Personal life

After the divorce with Dmitry Nagiyev, with whom the radio service lived 18 years old, she no longer married. Personal life Alice Cher is her talented son Kirill Nagiyev who makes a wonderful acting career. His successes are closely following both mom and dad. In addition, the young man started a career DJ and Showman.

Alisa Cher and Dmitry Nagiyev

Journalists are often asked Alice Cher Questions about the popularity of the Son, but the woman refuses to evaluate the perspectives of the young man. According to the radio, adult children become friends with their parents, and evaluate friends - the matter is ungrateful. The only thing that spares the radio leaders in the matter of children is what gave birth and raised only one son.

It is noteworthy that Alice and today communicates with a former husband, which seems to be alone. Although there are many rumors about the peripets of his personal life, but there is no information about the official marriage. Alisa Cher in the life of Dmitry remains the only official spouse, albeit former.

Alisa Cher with Son

Alice - Lark. The woman claims that such biorhythms she set the morning editions that Cher leads on the radio, as well as age changes.

On the Internet there is information that Alice Cher has moved to Cologne and today lives there, but the radio service itself refutes these rumors. According to her, in Cologne, most likely, her Facebook lives. A woman applies to the confusion of philosophically and refers to the fact that today is a common practice - and does not happen.

Alisa Sher radio

The very radio host in Facebook does not communicate, but the woman has pages in VKontakte and in "Instagram". But with abroad, the woman is still connected. Alice Cher has a radio broadcast in Chicago. The journalist's radio show is called "with love for you, Alice Cher."

Alisa Cher now

Today Alice Cher continues to work on the radio, write new books and improve. The radio service received the second higher education and profession of a psychologist. Schelshcheva teaches at the Local Humanitarian University at the Department of Journalism, opened his School of Radio Training and created Megabyte radio together with his students. It even received support for the city administration.

Aman Tuleyev on the radio

As a teacher Alice Cher does and with students of more younger age. In summer, the radio host leads the section of journalism in a children's health camp. There Cher along with pupils make children's radio and publish their own newspaper. Alice is confident that age is 10-12 years old - the age of detachments with which the journalist works is the best period to reveal the potential of children and interest their future profession.


  • 2005 - "I was my wife Nagiyev"
  • 2005 - "How never will get married. Harmful advice for ex-wife Dmitry Nagiyev "

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