Julia Pecherskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, exposure 2021



She calls himself an "alpha female," diligently hides the age and teaches women to be rich and successful at the expense of men. The main goal of Julia Pechersk, which the girl pointed out on the page in Vkontakte, is to improve the world and embody a female dream of life.

Julia was born in St. Petersburg on December 22, 1983. About the children's period of the biography of the scandalous person is known. The year of birth, the girl hides, but curiously calculated him by the date of receipt of the certificate of middle education. In 2000, Julia graduated from Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 524 in St. Petersburg.

Julia Pecherskaya

In 2003, Julia Pecherskaya entered the Faculty of Management in SPbGEU, and after 5 years he received a diploma diploma. Already at the last year of the university, the student retrained to Couch and began to conduct trainings.


Pechersk trainings spent since 2007. The first place of work of Pechersk is the center of the beauty and correction of the satellite figure, the later girl received the position of instructor "Club of a healthy lifestyle", where weighing courses were led.

At different times, women learned how to lose weight, then told customers on Skype, how to get rid of cancer and allergies in a child. Julia Pecherski trainings laid out on social networks.

Pechersk was famous in 2016, when her training was viewed more than a million users. In the video, Julia Pecherskaya divided men into several ranks and stated that only beta-males, whose income ranges from 250 thousand rubles a month, you can build relationships and give birth from them children.

According to Yulia, the males with income up to 50 thousand rubles need to be prohibited. But the main goal of each alpha female girl determined marriage with a man, whose income exceeds 1 million rubles per month.

The expressions of the Pechersk caused a hype in the network. Interviews were followed by Radio "Lighthouse", an article in Komsomolskaya Pravda, a conversation with a popular video unit Sergey Simonov. Andrei Malakhov invited a scandalous person to the program "Let them say." The air turned out to be hot, a squall of critics collapsed on the Pechersk.

The famous video commented on another personal trainer Denis Baygun, who stated that Julia used his work on their own promotion. But Denis refused to clarify relations with Julia in court, as it believes that all coaches with a similar program make one thing, useful to everyone.

Puzzled men who do not agree with the arguments of Pechersk, submitted to the court to users YouTube's own roller in which Yulia and scandalous postulates were sparking. As a criterion for choosing girls, Dmitry Zagorsky proposed to use the weight category. So girls whose weight does not exceed 60 kg, Dmitry advised not at all as a companion. In the family, according to the creators of the roller-parody, only women can be brought, whose weight is 150 kg and higher.

After the scandalous glorification, Julia continues to conduct trainings, but now teaches participants via the Internet and still live. Recently, the coach stated that in the plans - the opening of the Alpha-female restaurant, in which Pechersk will acquaint visitor with secured grooms.

This time, men fell into the category of "promising" with income from 100 thousand rubles. Women will be able to get into the future restaurant on the annual subscription. The cost of such a subscription is considerable - 170 thousand rubles. True, Julia Pecherskaya promises women that those will be able to visit this restaurant at any time, dining and dinner there due to potential grooms. The plans of Pechersk - own realistic show, which will also be called "Alpha-female".

Personal life

On the Ether "Let them say" in June 2016, Julia Pecherskaya appeared with her husband. Before that, Pechersk wrote that the young man works as an architect, he was educated in Hamburg and St. Petersburg, owns his own company and contains a family. Already after the air, journalists found out curious details from Pechersk life. Yulia will grow up the daughter from the first marriage - Praskovya.

For the current spouse, Oleg Vasilyeva, the girl married in 2013, which was listed by the general director of the LLC, but the financial results of the enterprise were deplorable. Soon Pecherskaya gave birth to a joint son of Varlam. According to the photos with which Julia is periodically divided into "Instagram" and other social networks, it cannot be said that the family is provided.

Julia Pechersk with her husband

According to reporters, the personal life of Pechersk is not so cloudless and successfully, which coach calls on the student. Live spouses in Khrushchev - in an apartment with simple repair, drive to Hendai-Solaris, relax in Kiev. Since 2013, for Oleg Vasilyev, a debt of 178 thousand rubles is listed, which a man could not pay the Baltic Bank. In 2016, the debtor took up bailiffs to recover 183 thousand rubles in favor of Novoindex LLC.

According to bailiffs, Vasilyev has no permanent work. Perhaps Julia Pechersk is spending successful training to help her husband settle with debts.

Julia Pecherskaya now

At the beginning of 2017, Julia Pecherskaya became the heroine of the Shield and Sword program, which comes out on the TV channel "Friday". TV presenters of the scandalous show of the revelations of Mitya Levin and Maria Kapshukov complained without warning to the training of CUCH with provocative information that Pechersk students tried to conveyed to Students. Julia immediately hurried to leave the room, following the coach, and student students did.

Julia Pecherskaya

Now Pechersk continues to work as a personality growth coach for women. The promise of Coach did not change - Julia still calls girls to use the power of their own charm as a tool for receiving various benefits from men. But Pechersk began to give psychologically competent advice, which voiced in short rollers on the official page in "Instagram". There, the coach is laying out the screenshots of correspondence with students who inform the gurus about the successes.


  • Roller "Incomes of men and what to do with them"
  • Participation in the program "Let them say"
  • Participation in the program "Shield and Sword"

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