Yul Brinner - biography, filmography, work in the theater, personal life, photo, cause of death, rumors and the latest news



Yul Brinner (real name - Julius Briner) - an actor who was born in Russia, lived and worked in America, and his parents had Swiss citizenship.

Yul was born on July 11, 1920 in Vladivostok. That year was difficult for their family, as a civil war was in the country, and four months before his birth, Grandfather Julius died - the delegated owner of the mines and transport company.

Actor Yul Brinner

Parents called the Son in honor of the grandfather. For the first seven years of life, Julius spent in Vladivostok, he grew up with a blowing and an intense boy. When he was 4 years old, his father left the family to Actress Mkhat. The usual way of life collapsed.

Brinner's mother has achieved permission from the Soviet authorities to leave abroad and emigrated with children in Harbin (China). Yul studied at the best school, there he manifested himself musical talent. At the age of 10, he already played a guitar and sang perfectly. In 1932, when Japan occupied Manchuria, the mother decided to move with children to Paris.

Yul Brinner in childhood

Relocation was delayed for almost a year, but in the fall of 1933 Yul had already met in the French capital. He knew the tongue badly, so he studied in a specialized school with a linguistic bias. From the first day, Brinner became a problem student: smoked, ignored lessons, fought. Soon it was excluded. He switched to the Lyceum, but also did not differ here, although the teachers celebrated his intellect and artistry.

Once at the Hermitage Restaurant, Yul Brinner met the Gypsy family Dmitrievich. They sang romances. Soon the 14-year-old Yul joined their team. The audience with delight took his speeches - customers came to listen to his expressive voice. But the collaboration with the ensemble did not last long - everyone had their own plans.

Yul Brinner in youth

Yul worked as a rescuer on the beach, then two years acted in a circus, but the fall from the trapezium and multiple fractures put a cross on its circus career. During treatment, he was given opium instead of anesthetic - the guy realized that he was addicted. After the discharge, he often visited the dock where he bought drugs from Vietnamese sailors. There he met the poet and playwright Jean Cokto and became interested in dramatic.

Yul Brinner was treated soon from dependence in Switzerland - in 1938 he returned to Paris and never touched the drug. But he was waiting for a new shock - the mother was ill leukemia. It was necessary to do something - Brinner decided to treat his mother in Harbin. There he met with his father and his second spouse Catherine Kornakova.

Yul Brinner

It is the conversations with actress Kornakova awakened in a young man love for the theater and scene. She gave me a recommendation letter to Mikhail Chekhov, who then lived in America. In 1941, Yul began to study acting under his leadership. In parallel, he worked as a loader, driver, a speaker on the radio "Voice of America".


The "Star Hour" Brinner came in 1951, when a young actor was approved for the role of King in the musical "King and I". He made such a strong impression on the authors and the producers of the musical that they made the role of the king of the main. Yul Brinner produced Furore.

Yul Brinner - biography, filmography, work in the theater, personal life, photo, cause of death, rumors and the latest news 19024_5

25 years later, he returned to this spectral. The "king and I" successfully passed in the UK and the United States. In total, it was shown 4633 times. The last show took place on June 30, 1985.

The actor played in other productions: "Odyssey", "songs of a lady", etc. But they could not repeat the success of the "King and I" - the audience walked on them in order to see Yul Brinner live.


His film fee took place in 1949. It was the criminal drama "Port New York", in which Yulu got the role of Paul Vikola. In 1952 he was offered to be held in the cult film "Ten Commandments". Preparation for filming was three years old - during this time, Brinner starred in the kinemia of the musical "King and I" and the picture "Anastasia". All three projects were nominated for Oscar, and in the spring of 1957 the actor received a cherished statuette for the role of the king.

Yul Brinner - biography, filmography, work in the theater, personal life, photo, cause of death, rumors and the latest news 19024_6

On the screens, the films with his participation began to be published. He starred in the "Karamazazovy Brothers", "Travel", "Flibuster" and other paintings. In 1958, the film "Solomon and Queen Savskaya" came out, for which the actor received a 1 million dollar fee.

Yul Brinner - biography, filmography, work in the theater, personal life, photo, cause of death, rumors and the latest news 19024_7

Next year, Yul Brinner began working on his own film - "Magnificent Seven". The audience saw him in the fall of 1960. The picture was successful, although critics and responded about it cool. After that, the Black Stripe began in Brinner's film. He did not offer roles, so he returned to the theater.

Personal life

His first woman was Marlearn Dietrich: it was she who taught Julia to all that a man should be able to be able to. He was then 21 years old, and she was 40 years old. He never experienced a lack of female attention. At different times, Brinner had novels with Marilyn Monroe, Ingrid Bergman and other actresses. But Marlene was and remained the real woman he remembered to the end of his life.

Yul Brinner and Marlene Dietrich

On September 6, 1943, Yul married Virginia Gilmore, who helped him learn English. In 1958 he had a born extra-fellow daughter - the marriage with Virginia collapsed. In 1962, the actor married the second time - on Doris Kleyper. Daughter Victoria was born in their family. And these relationships are quickly over.

Yul Brinner and Doris Kleiner

Then there were several more marriages - all unsuccessful. In the 60s, I traveled a lot of refugee camps from Vietnam. Their destiny was so struck the actor that he oversalled two girls and called them melody and Mia.


Yul Brinner was an avid smokers - smoked 3 packs of cigarettes per day. In the spring of 1983, he felt bad and appealed to the hospital. At that time he was on tour in San Francisco.

Tomb of Yula Brinner

Doctors diagnosed in Brinner inoperable lung cancer. Metastases have already struck the brain back. Forceing pain, the actor went to the scene of the theater. October 10, 1985 he did not.


  • 1956 - "King and I"
  • 1956 - "Anastasia"
  • 1958 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 1959 - "Solomon and Queen Savskaya"
  • 1960 - "Owflage's will"
  • 1960 - "Magnificent Seed"
  • 1961 - "Do you love Brahms?"
  • 1965 - "Moritouri"
  • 1966 - "Return of the magnificent seven"
  • 1969 - "Battle of Nerretva"
  • 1971 - "Dangerous light on the edge of the earth"
  • 1971 - "Katlow"
  • 1973 - "Snake"
  • 1973 - "Wild West World"
  • 1975 - "Last Warrior"

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