Tatyana Buuray - biography, personal life, photo, news, "kitsa", "instagram", Anna Kostina, beat 2021



Tatiana Bura's biography is distant from the ideal: in his youth of the native of Voronezh became the very hooligan with which the parents are forbidden to be friends. Looking at the path of correction, Tatiana went to the project "Patzanka", which coolly changed her life for the better.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on October 1, 1995 in Voronezh. In early childhood, Dad taught the girl spelling and reading, while not hesitating to distribute the tumaki scattered daughter. Mom never stood up for Tatiana, for which she was offended by the parent. Girlfriends Mother and Daughter also did not take: rare moments of proximity happened when Tanya came to help mom on the market - she sold artificial flowers.

Tatyana Buuray - biography, personal life, photo, news,

In school, Tatiana also did not matter: she was interrupted from twos on the top three, and to senior grades contacted a bad company, began to drink, smoke and riding. At the age of 14, Burai came to the lesson in alcoholic intoxication, for which it was expelled from the school. Then young snippled was transferred to school for complex children. At first, the new did not accept and began to do, and soon it came to the first Tatianinsky fight. That is how Buraya realized that she would like to solve conflicts with the help of rough strength much more.

Soon, Tatyana acquired by the hooligans, with whom the lessons were strolled, spent the night in the entrances and focused on Voronezh streets. Because of the multi-day passes and the tricks drove out of the second school. The old company broke up, and the girl was fascinated by prohibited substances.

Show "Patzanka"

Against the background of Tatiana's personal problems, Tatiana filled out a questionnaire to participate in the TV project "Putsanka", not much counting on success. Suddenly, the qualifying tours were held for himself and fell into the 2nd season of the show. Already in the starting release of a native of Voronezh shocked by the experts with a shocking leaving: I cherished the need for ice bucket in the limousine, for which I almost flew out.

Tatyana Buuray - biography, personal life, photo, news,

At first, the situation in the hooligan team seemed Tatiana hostile. The participant even tuned on disassembly with other contestants, but everything was peacefully. The refusal of prohibited drugs was also quite easy: depression began at the Bura, then allergies that were quickly passed.

Subsequently, the spirit of rivalry finally woke up in Tatiana: she revised their own behavior, he studied good manners and became the one that more than the other participants changed to the final ball. Such a transformation turned to the victory: in 2017, Burai became the finalist of the season and won half a million rubles. The fee former Pazonka decided to spend on higher education.

After the project

The main achievement after the project Tatiana considers family idyll: she finally asked for forgiveness from Mom and came up with her. Also Buray fulfilled the request of the parent: he graduated from Jurfak, although it was not going to work by profession. She drew well since childhood, so he dreamed of moving to St. Petersburg, to accumulate funds to move to Germany, where he wanted to learn from the multiplier. However, later Tatiana realized that these fantasies were too ambitious, and changed the plans: opened a tattoo salon in Moscow, where he independently draws sketches and makes tattoos to customers.

Six months after the end of the show Tatyana, together with the former participants of the 2nd season, Anastasia Kuznetsova and Maria Kuzmina were invited to the project about traveling "Putsanki abroad", thanks to which Buurai visited foreign states for the first time. Also, the native of Voronezh continued to cooperate with the TV channel "Friday", touring the cities and participating in advertising projects.

Personal life

The first serious relationship among Tatiana happened in the senior school classes. The girl met for a long time with a young man, then heavily moved the gap and with a twin force of hooked on drugs. At that time, Buray found himself at the bottom: the mother refused to be a bad daughter, and at the time of Tatyana made a suicide attempt.

To cure a broken heart and establish a personal life, Buuray sent a questionnaire to the "Patzanka" show. In one issue of the participants conquered the Arab Sheikh, who allegedly arrived in Russia in search of the eighth wife. As a result, Tatiana said that he fell in love with first glance and is ready to tie himself to marriage, and an oriental man replied to her with reciprocity, providing immunity on the project. True, Sheikh turned out to be unreal: the Arab guest played the Ukrainian actor Sergey Zhuravlev.

A year later, the other participant of the "Pazonok" Ksenia Milas made a caminon-out and admitted that he had long been found with a girl. Against the background of the broken scandal, Milos noted that the remaining finalists have a similar orientation. For example, Buuray twisted Roman with Catherine Catherine and even divided by provocative frames in "Instagram".

Later, Tatyana got close to the participant of the 3rd season of the "Pazonok" Anna Kostina. The girls jointly recorded funny videos, and later, a common instagram account was brought, where it was unambiguously recognized to each other in love. Kostina is still next to Bura: writes videos, and also engaged in PR Voronezh girlfriend.

Tatyana Buura now

Now Burai continues to develop its own tattoo salon, often publishes photos of personal work, leads an account in Tiktok.

In mid-June 2021, it became known that the company of unknown young people was attacked in the center of Moscow at Tatiana and her girlfriend. They beat the girls strongly: Burai received a shake, and a friend - hemorrhage into the brain. A month later, the attackers brought a criminal case.

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