Kate Mara - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Films, Jamie Bell, Rooney Mara 2021



Kate Mara is an American actress, the star of Hollywood films of different genres, among which the thrillers and detectives prevail. Now the artist masterfully creates bright, colorful images on the screen, playing both minor heroines and main roles. The proof of the talent of the performer is the AMMI reward and the love of the big army of fans.

Childhood and youth

Kate was born in the town of Bedford of the American State of New York in the family of hereditary owners of the New York Jaunts football clubs and Pittsburgh Stirlez. Father of Timothy Christopher Mara - Vice President and the breeder of the first of them. Kathleen McNalti's mother was engaged in raising four children: besides Kate, the spouses had two more sons, Daniel and Conor, as well as the youngest daughter Rooney Mara, who also became an actress.

Kate is just an incredible number of relatives. Since Pope Mary is one of the 11 children from his parents, then the actress, in addition to the siblings and sisters, there are also more than 40 cousins. At the same time, the performer had congenital shyness and uncomfortable felt surrounded by a large number of people.

With the choice of the future profession, the girl decided soon, in childhood. In the theater, she saw the formulation of the novel Victor Hugo "Rejected", after which she began to tell everyone who was ready to listen to what would certainly become an actress.

To fulfill the dream, Mara graduated from school externally, and deposited in college for a while. True, Kate came to theatrical scene at 20 years old, although there was already a considerable amount of films and television series in the portfolio. But since 2003, the actress regularly plays in the performances of the famous theaters of New York and Los Angeles.


In front of the film Mara made his debut in the 14th age. The creative biography started from the detective series "Law and Order", after which an American appeared in the mass of episodic roles in a variety of television and film projects together with such stars as Harrison Ford, Jake Gillanhol, Matthew McConaja and many others.

The first major role got actress in a low-budget horror movie "Urban legends 3: Bloody Mary", followed by a comedy "True and nothing but ...". Quite quickly, Kate began to invite to projects in which popular Hollywood artists starred. So, in the Dram "Arrows" directed by Antoine Fukua, American was on the set with Mark Wahlberg. In the plot of their characters, not only romantic relationships were associated.

And in 2008, the crime thriller "Trans-Siberian Express" came to the screens, in which the colleagues of the performer became Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Ben Kingsley. At the dawn, Mara's career came to the list of 10 American beginner actors who were referred to a big future, and from the painting confirmed issued advances.

In the adventure tape "Stone of Fate" Kate played a student from Glasgow and confessed in an interview that it was one of the most complex reincarnations, since the actress was extremely difficult to achieve the Scottish accent, but in the end everything was very natural.

From subsequent paintings, success was received by the historic film of 2011 "Iron Knight", in which the actress performed the role of Lady Isabel. This is a fighter, which is based on the famous and sign for the UK event - signing the "great charter of liberties." In 1215, the King of John the landless forced it to make the rebellious Barons of England, led by Cardinal Stefan Langton. But the king raised the army of mercenaries, wanting to return his own tyranny.

In the same year, the fans saw the performer in the image of Hayden Macmene, the heroine of the first season of the exciting project "American History History". Here the artist had to reincarnate into the image of the mistress of the central character of Ben Harmon. Also, the fans remembered the game Kate in the Criminal Thriller "Black Drozd" directed by Stefan Ruzovitsky.

From 2013 to 2014, the actress appeared in 14 episodes of the popular American television series in the genre of the political thriller "Card House". The plot of the series begins with the fact that the Congressman from the Democratic Party helps another policy to become the President of the United States in exchange for the post of Secretary of State. But after the elections, the president forgets about the promise, and the deceived politician is ready to go to everyone to take revenge on this betrayal.

In this picture, Mara first appears bare in front of the cameras. The actress performed the role of journalist Zoe Barnes. In the fifth series of the first season, the American undressed before the main hero, Francis underwood performed by Kevin Spacy. And at the beginning of the second season, Kate again appeared nude, already in a full bed scene.

In 2014, after the deafening success of the 1st season of the series "This Detective", the actress, together with a colleague on the creative workshop, Ellen Page decided to play in a fun parody of a detective story. The film was called "Little Detectives", ironically beating the low growth of heroine investigators at the same time (Kate growth - 157 cm). In the plot of the ladies are trying to reveal crimes, but miniaturity of the ministers of the law gives difficulties in the work.

In 2015, the main female role of actress was brought by the film version of the comic "Fantastic Four", restarting the already existing franchise about the superhero group. In this fantastic militant, Mara performed the role of Susan Storm, women invisible. The film could be successful, because it is based on the famous franchise, but the "fantastic four" failed at the box office. On Cinema Rotten Tomatoes, this project had the lowest indicator of all paintings based on the plots of Marvel Comics.

Critics defeated the film even before the exit. He strongly retreated from the original story. Superhero scientists did not fly into space, and teleport built, the team leader suddenly became a traitor, a mysterious planet appeared in another universe, and two heroes worked for some time directly to the government. But these innovations did not make a picture more interesting, on the contrary, a number of plot holes appeared and filmed lines that pushed the audience and critics. The project received at once the three antiprems of "Golden Malina" in 2016 in the nominations "The Worst Film", "The worst prequel, Sikvel, Remake or Plagiat" and "The worst director".

The new fantastic thriller "Morgan" was not too successful. The actress embodied on the screen of Lee Wezers, an employee to eliminate accidents, which is directed to the secret branch to assess the consequences of the disaster that happens and understand the situation. Critics called the film, though seemingly intriguing at the beginning of the picture, but as a result mediocre and superficial.

In 2017, the actress performed a major role in the Military Drama "Megan Livi". The fighter was founded on the real biography of the US Army's military personnel, which, together with the faithful PsOV Rex, held military service in Iraq in 2004-2006. Together, the heroine and the dog neutralized explosive devices than saved the lives of both military and civilians.

Also, the performer began shooting in the melodrama "My Days with Mercy", where also received a key role. In a duet with her, a long-standing girlfriend starred, Ellen Page. According to the plot between the heroines, a bright passionate feeling flashes. And if for Ellen, openly recognized its own non-standard orientation, it did not need special cooling into the image, then Kate on the set had to be more difficult.

In addition, the list of works of the performer was replenished with the criminal thriller "Chapakiddic". The painting based on the real events in the States in 1969 collected many positive feedback. The role of the American was small, but bright and dramatic.

Personal life

The first star boyfriend Mary was an American director and producer Joseph McGynti Nicole, a better known under the pseudonym Makjji. He was 15 years older than his beloved, nevertheless, their novel existed for about two years. The following attitudes of the actress built with his colleague from Britain Charlie Kokske, the star of the Star dust fairy tale and the TV series "Sorvigolov".

Since 2010, for four years, Mara has met with actor Max Minellla. After some time, an actress began to communicate tightly with the Englishman Jamie Bella on the set of action "Fantastic Four". Soon the couple stopped hiding romantic relationships, and the actors began to appear together in secular events. But before that, from the moment of the meeting on the shooting area of ​​the "fantastic four", the actors positioned themselves only as friends.

In January 2017, the couple announced the engagement. Mara posted in the "Instagram" photo with a ring, no doubt about what occasion a picture was taken. Also, the actress noted that the preparation for the wedding has already begun. The Kate and Jamie celebration itself took place in mid-July 2017. The marriage ceremony took place in Los Angeles in the presence of relatives and close couples. This news, although with a delay in a couple of days, Mara sama shared with fans.

In winter, 2019 it became known about an important event in the personal life of the performer - pregnancy. Together with her husband, the American appeared on a special film show "For a dream." A El Fenning starred in the lead role, and Bell spoke director. At the premiere of musical drama, Kate came in a short black dress, which stressed the rounded belly of the performer. And in May of the same year, the artist presented her husband's daughter.

Kate Mara now

In 2020, the performer continued his career in the cinema. The American filmography was replenished with a major role in the mini-series "Teacher". In the center of the plot is the scandalous history of the romantic relationship between high school teacher and student.


  • 1997 - "Law and Order"
  • 2003 - "Parts of the Body"
  • 2005 - "Gorbay Mountain"
  • 2005 - "City Legends 3: Bloody Mary"
  • 2006 - "We are one team"
  • 2007 - "True and nothing but ..."
  • 2008 - "Trans-Siberian Express"
  • 2009 - "Happy together"
  • 2011 - "Iron Knight"
  • 2011 - "American Horror History"
  • 2012 - "Black Drozd"
  • 2013-2014 - "Card House"
  • 2015 - "Martian"
  • 2015 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2016 - "Morgan"
  • 2017 - "Megan Livi"
  • 2018 - "Pose"
  • 2020 - "Teacher"

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