Valery Fadeev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Journalist, LF, News 2021



Journalism has long been not only a news repeater, but also a peculiar social elevator. How many representatives of the "fourth government" became noticeable figures in society due to the fact that every evening was shared with the screen with a personal opinion. Valery Fadeev also retrained from the TV host to politics, whose position on this or that matter is constantly discussing the media.

Childhood and youth

Valery was born in Tashkent in 1960. The school was leaning towards accurate sciences and after receiving maturity certificate entered Moscow Physics and Technology, at the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics.

At the end of the university, a young engineer worked in the Central Design Bureau "Almaz", which was engaged in the development of air defense systems. Therefore, the army service passed in missile troops. Then, in the labor biography of Fadeeyev, there were positions in scientific institutions.

Journalism and television

In 1992, Valery received an invitation to work as an expert of the annoyance of Kommersant-Power, where he later became a scientific editor. In addition, collaborated with the newspaper "Izvestia".

After 3 years, Fadeev took up a new project - an analytical magazine "Expert", published for Money Vladimir Potanin. Here he is Doros to the chief editor. The journalist planned to open a channel channel on the basis of the channel, but this solution led to a crisis. Debts before the authors, printing house, suppliers were calculated with tens of millions of rubles, part were not repayed so far. Now the editorial office of the "expert" is headed by Valery Tatyana Gurova's wife.

He himself explained his care to the desire to avoid conflict of interest after the appointment by the Secretary of the Public Chamber.

In 2008, Fadeev was elected by the President of the All-Russian Organization of Media Union media workers, led the Guild of Business Journalism.

A man still got on television - he took a talk show "Moment Structure". Karen Shahnazarov, Alexey Venediktov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and others came to the studio of the program of social and political life of Russia and the world.

In September 2016, Valery Alexandrovich replaced Iradua Zeynalov in the Sunday Time, which passed on NTV. The new TV presenter of the first channel leadership saw alternative to Dmitry Kiselev and his "Wests of the Week" at Russia 24.

With television Fadeev, focused on public work, broke up in 2018.

Social activity

In the early 2000s, Valery was headed by the Organization "Business Russia". Later, the journalist considered that his experience would be useful on a political path, and joined the United Russia party, took a place in the highest council. Fadeev made a co-author of the law "On the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation", which was a member of which for 6 years.

"We definitely want to ensure that the bureaucracy believes with respect for people and their aspirations. First you just need to talk. When the parties join the conversation, it is quite soon it turns out that there are no enemies. Communication is the first step. Even wars end thanks to communication. You can remain enemies, but the war can end, "this politician saw his task in the OP.
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However, the media brought the words anonymous member of the Chamber that the new secretary did not meet expectations, and "was more concerned with career tourism. All the first persons are supported, it is completely loyal, predictable, Ideanly faithful to the system. "

Valery Alexandrovich was also among the participants of the supervisory and expert councils of the agency of strategic initiatives. This non-profit structure promotes innovative projects in economics and technologies, social sphere, personnel management and environmental protection.

Another post Fadeeva is the head of the working group "Quality of the daily life" of the All-Russian Popular Front. The former journalist was engaged in the demographics in the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, and housing and communal problems in the interdepartmental working group, which was then headed by the deputy chairman by Dmitry Kozak. He was the head of the Commissions on Globalism and the National Development Strategy, the Economic Development and Support of Entrepreneurship.

The public position allowed him to be a trustee of Vladimir Putin in the 2012 elections. After 6 years, Valery put forward a candidate for deputies to the primaries of United Russia in the Komi Republic, but only the 6th place took the final list.

In addition to the above, the post of director of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Institute of Public Design" and membership in the Board of Trustees of the Volnoe Business Foundation, owned by Oleg Deripask, are enshrined behind Fadeev. Politician is included in the Coordination Committee on the Promotion of Social, Educational, Information, Cultural and Other Initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Personal life

About the personal life of Valery Fadeev a little known, photographs of family members on the pages of printed publications and not to meet in the network. The journalist has long been and happily married. Tatiana Gurova was educated at the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, taught at the Higher School of Economics, owns 15% of the expert holding shares.

Spouses have three children, but more about the eldest. Anastasia's daughter graduated from the Higher School of Economics, and then built a career in Globeks Bank. Son Dmitry, according to some media, civil servants.

Valery Fadeev now

In 2019, another post appeared in the Labor Book of Valery - Chairman of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. Automatically, the head of the HVC becomes the adviser to the head of state, receives the appropriate salary.

In the first interview, after the appointment of Fadeev, the importance of the second component in the title of the structure led by him was emphasized. However, the press has already published the opinion of individual human rights defenders disappointed by the presidential choice. Their appeal to extend the powers of the previous Chairman Mikhail Fedotov remained unanswered.

Now human rights defenders, and even the members of the HCH (the truth, who wished to remain unknown) fear that the Council will turn into a simulator of the Public Chamber, "whose role was no".

Valery Alexandrovich said that it was not far from the concepts of freedom and democracy, erroneously. It is impossible to like Bossel. It is worth remembering how I criticized Fedotov, who came instead of Ella Pamfilova. Now and the Chairman of the Central Election Commission does not suit many.


  • Media Holding "Expert"
  • TV program "Sunday time"
  • Talk show "Moment Structure"

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