Mark Zakharov - biography, photos, movies, personal life, cause of death



Mark Zakharov - Soviet and Russian director of theater and cinema, actor, screenwriter and writer. The whole theatrical era is connected with his name, his performances became a parable in the towns, and the film was disassembered for quotes. But the beginning of the career did not promise such a bright continuation.

Childhood and youth

Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov was born in Moscow in 1933. The nationality of the director is Russian. During the revolution, Father Mark studied in the Voronezh Cadet Corps. The man supported the Red Army, entered into the ranks of the army, and went a long way from Voronezh to Warsaw. After the civil war, he worked in the military-physical education industry. The mother of the future director dreamed of career actresses. The woman studied the acting craft from Yuri Zavadsky.

In 1934, the Father of the family is arrested by imputing 58 article. For counter-revolutionary activities, they sentenced to 3 years in captivity and reference. Mother left dreams of the theater future, having left for his spouse. Then the father forbade entry into Moscow. Mother, remaining without a husband, worked a lot. Mark often communicated with her grandmother along the mother's mother - Sofia Nikolaevna. A woman at the time worked by the head of the orphanage.

In 1943, after the death of her grandmother, the family returned to Moscow. They hardly received 2 rooms in a communal apartment. As Mark Zakharov himself wrote: "The life is severe, half-starving, unpromising" began.

Father got a job in the security parties of the Moscow garrison. But according to the same 58 article, the man is sent from Moscow again. Mother worked as a teacher in drumboards for children. To the classes, the woman joined the son.

Mark Zakharov at the time fascinated by the puppet theater of exemplary. And being a teenager, visited the drama under the leadership of Mom and together with Andrei Tarkovsky was engaged in the theater team of the house of pioneers.

After school, Mark Zakharov did not have a clear goal. The Architectural Institute, the young man did not pass through the competition, did not accept the biography in the Military Engineering Academy because of the "pitted" father of the biography. Then the mother intervened. She dreamed of a prophetic dream, who revealed the son's calling before her. Before that, the woman was against Mark tie his fate with the theater.

Happy applicant came to pre-listening to MCAT. Mark loudly and with enthusiasm read "Heath Honey" Burns in Marshak. And failed. Then the mother suggested a brand to visit the exam with the "song about the merchant Kalashniki". The woman helped the Son to learn the program, after which he filed documents in Gitis and did it safely.


Creative biography Zakharova began in the theater. Already in the second year, Mark began to go to the scene with episodic roles. After graduation, I got into the Perm Regional Drama Theater.

3 years spent in Perm turned out to be productive in creative terms. Mark Anatolyevich writes a lot, draws, and caricature illustrations even get into the local seal, it works on the radio, it takes pleasure for the organization of cabins. In Perm, together with Chekmarev, a performance for Zakharova was delivered. Mark felt that he had volitional qualities to work with actors. Zakharova had ideas who were readily listened.

In 1959, Mark Anatolyevich again comes to Moscow along with his wife, actress by Nina Lapshinova, and is arranged in the theater. N. V. Gogol. At this time he does not leave the desire to take a pen. Zakharov receives invaluable literary skill.

Mark Anatolyevich's ability to convey the human essence in a humorous story helped him in the creation of theatrical stages of "Mysterification", "Barbarian and Hehetik". In 1964, Zakharov realized that a certain line was reached. An actor he can no longer and does not want. All his energy and desire are aimed at achieving directing success.

The debut on the stage in the Student Theater of Moscow State University was the play "Dragon". Later, Mark Anatolyevich will return to this material on Evgeny Schwartz, working on the film "Kill the Dragon". The MSU Student Theater became the starting point in his directorial career. Zakharov puts there a lot of performances: "I want to be honest" Vladimir Wornovich, "Career Arturo UI" Bertolt Brecht and others.

In 1965, he works on the professional scene of the Moscow theater of Satira. Posted by Zakharov, the performance "revenue" in Alexander Ostrovsky passed 40 times with great success. Then the formulation was banned. Also happened with the next comedy "banquet". Nevertheless, the performances of Zakharov have always been popular.

In 1973, Mark Anatolyevich was headed by the Moscow Theater "Lenk". After a year, a noticeable event in the repertoire of the theater was the staging on the play Gregory Gorina "Til", in which Inna Churikova was involved, Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanin. Another year later the drainage of the work of Boris Vasiliev "did not mean in the lists." In 1976, the director and artists of the theater presented to the court to the audience a new masterpiece - "Star and Death of Hoaquin Muriet".

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In 1981, "Lenk" by the production of "Juno and Avos" literally "blew" theatrical Moscow. We could not get tickets for shows, and the public with tears in his eyes each time signed by the final chorus "Alliluya Love".

In 1983, the theater rides towers to Paris, where he performs in the cultural center of Pierre Cardhen. The famous rock opera "Juno and Avos" takes great. A public in the USA, Germany, Holland also meets the performance.

The director has repeatedly stated that it does not welcome television versions of performances, since modern technique can a lot, but does not transmit that particular atmosphere and energy that comes from the artists on the scene. And it sometimes constitutes the whole "salt" of the theater. But after all, the televersives of the legendary production appeared twice - in 1983 and 2002.

Later, the number of works Mark Zakharov was replenished with performances "Three Girls in the Blue" Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, "Mad Day, or Marriage of Figaro" Pierre-Augusten Bomaoussche, "Seagull" Anton Chekhov, "Marriage" Nikolai Gogol, "Per Gunt" Henry Ibsen. The last productions of Zakharov are "Valpurgiyeva Night" and the "Day of the Ochrichnik", which appeared in the repertoire of the theater in 2015 and 2016.

In November 2016, director Konstantin Bogomolov reported on his page in the social network Facebook that the art council of Lenkoma removed his performance "Prince" from the repertoire of the Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot" from the repertoire. This performance caused a scandal in the theater community.

Mark Zakharov commented on the production, stating that it was removed from the repertoire due to insufficient attendance. Zakharov noted that he looked at what performances can be removed from the poster. As a result, the director decided that it was necessary to remove those who were not collecting one hundred percent all-flags. Also, Khudruk added that "Prince" was removed from the repertoire temporarily, and the statement itself will be "mandaring".

Recent years, Professor Director Mark Anatolyevich taught in Gitis. Pedagogical career Zakharov began in 1983.

The maestro until the last days remained the artistic director of the native theater team.

October 13, 2018 Fans of the theater, TV viewers and colleagues Mark Zakharova approached the solemn date - the 85th anniversary of the master. TV channels presented festive programs.


In 1976 he tries himself in cinema. The result becomes a film that viewers know and love until now - "12 chairs" with Andrei Mironov.

Soon the film "Ordinary Miracle" comes out. The touching parable of love performed by Alexander Abdulov, Evgenia Simonova, Oleg Yankovsky and Evgenia Leonov sounds relevant and fresh. Each film Mark Zakharov beats to the point and becomes a classic.

A year later, the premiere of the tragicomedy "The same Munchhausen" on the scenario Gregory Gorin and the music of Alexei Rybnikov was held. Oleg Yankovsky, Elena Koreneva, Inna Churikova, Igor Kvasha were chosen to the main roles.

The next masterpiece in filmography of the filmmaker was the picture "Formula of Love" about the Caliosostro column, whose fraud was exposed during the tour in St. Petersburg, because of what an adventurist had to be hidden in Smolensk lands. The film, the main role in which the Nodar Mgaloblishvili was performed, Elena Villais, Semen Faraday, Tatiana Peltzer and others, gained the love of the audience for many years.

Mark Zakharov's latest released on the screens was the "Kill the Dragon" antiutopia, which appeared in 1988.

Personal life

Personal life Mark Anatolyevich has happened happily. 58 years of his muse, the right companion and wife Nina Tikhonovna Lapshinov was. In his youth, she was an actress, the girl studied with Mark on a parallel course. Their acquaintance occurred during the joint release of the wall newspaper. Interestingly, Nina called the future spouse "Zakharov-Prezahars" and this phrase accidentally struck the brand right in the heart.

The fellow students did not pull with the proposal of the hand and the heart, and Lapshina had a consent easily. First, Nina was more successful brand in a professional plan, but thanks to Zakharov's wife managed to see the talent of the director. On family photos, the spouses always looked happily.

After 6 years after the wedding, the family was replenished - daughter Alexander Zakharova was born, for whom the mother left the theater. Later Sasha went in the footsteps of mom. She successfully implemented himself under the head of his father in his performances and films, while remaining bright personality. During the service in the theater, Alexander received the nickname of the princess "Lenkom".

In 2014, on the 83rd year of life, Nina Tikhonovna died of oncology. At this time, Mark Zakharov was treated in Germany due to damage to the leg. Father and daughter were hard to postpone the loss.


At the end of August 2019, Mark Anatolyevich was hospitalized in connection with the inflammation of the lungs. Fans followed the state of his health and were pleased to each lead to improving the health of the director.

On September 28, Mark Zakharov died on the 86th year of life. The cause of the death of a cultural leader of Russian culture is repeated pneumonia, with which the weakened organism has not coped. Colleagues Mark Anatolyevich expressed condolences to his family.


  • 1972 - "Parking of the train - two minutes"
  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1982 - "House which built Swift"
  • 1984 - "Formula of Love"
  • 1988 - "Kill Dragon"

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