Dmitry Hudochkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, filmography, "instagram", wife, TV series 2021



Actor Dmitry Gudochkin loves Drive and Extreme. But thanks to a romantic appearance, the directions and producers often invite blue-eyed artist to play lovers heroes than the characters of militants.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in 1985 in the capital of Kuzbass - the city of Kemerovo, shortly before the birth of Dmitry overshadowed the half-million referee. Herochkin's birthday celebrates in one day with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin - October 7.

At the age of 2 years, parents - an accountant and auto mechanic - transported Dima to the capital of the Udmurt ASSR - the city of Izhevsk. In the school years, the native Kemerov was fond of reading the works of John Tolkina, but he did not think about filming in films and theatrical career. Creative fantasy Huudochp manifested itself only in the production of mini-cells during campaigns along with the class.

Dmitry Hudochkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, filmography,

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Dmitry decided to go in the footsteps of his mother and her older brother and entered the Faculty of Economics of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. To liberate, I began to engage in the school of models of Oleg Azhgikhin and the Amateur Bird Theater. In the first year of the institute, it turned out that the guy is not given the highest mathematics. By lining the exam, the young man tried to enroll in the Theater Institute of Yekaterinburg and unexpectedly became a student of the Uralskiy Court of acting from the first attempt.

Thanks to the talent of Dmitry and the skillful mentoring of Andrei Neztsensha and Anatoly Gigary, after the release of Huudochka was invited to their troupe many Yekaterinburg theaters. But the graduate actor wanted not only to please the game theatrons, but also to film, and moved to the capital of Russia.


In the years of Student Youth, Dmitry regularly went on the scene of the Sverdlovsky Drama Theater, as well as danced as part of the Chamber Ballet of the Ural Estrada Theater. After moving to Moscow, the actor collaborated with the "Shalom" theater.

Now Dmitry is participating in the performance of the Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov as a invited actor. Among the works of Huzza on the famous scene - the role of Cassio in the choreographic formulation of Angelica Kholina "Othello". The native of Kemerovo created the image of Prince Tver in Anna Karenina, plays in the performances of the Wahtangov Theater "Lucy. Recognition in love "and" Men and Women. " Also, Huudochkin participates in the "Immersive Show" Mirror Carlos Santos "."


Spectators remembered the small roles of Dmitry in the TV series "Univer" and "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone". In the first tape, the native of Kemerov created the image of Stas - a friend-Gay Yana, and in the second played operative.

Herochkin himself among his favorite filmmakes in an interview calls his first major role, played in the youth thriller "Wirth: a game is not childish", and the role of Jacob in the TV series "Father Matvey". With the thrill, Dmitry refers to the filming in the film "Cinema about Alekseeva", where the actor was able to reincarnate in the director Andrei Tarkovsky, and the 8-serial drammy of the classics of the Russian cinema of Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov "to marry Pushkin".

Dmitry Hudochkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, filmography,

In the mini-series "I know your secrets - 2" Huudochkin played Ilya Reznikov - the creator of the "personal electronic home doctor", which allows to track the slightest changes in the patient's body, and the 4th time in the acting biography persecuted on the shooting with Agatha Mutzing. Earlier, artists were filmed together in Stroybatya projects, "Melody for two voices" and "Beautiful Life". With the beginning of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, Dmitry in social networks expressed regret that the ideas of his character from the tape "I know your secrets - 2" is not yet embodied.

With Alena Yakovleva, starring with the buzzer in the series "I know your secrets - 2, Dmitry met again in detective tapes" Equation with unknowns. Kill chemistry "and" Equation with unknowns. Today you will die. " The first of them, TVC channel showed in November 2020, and the second - in April 2021.

Personal life

Huudochkin freely speaks English, knows how to led not only the car, but also a motorcycle and a bus, owns the testers of clowns, pyruetics of ballroom and folk dances.

A large place in the personal life of Dmitry, who, with height, 185 cm weighs 80 kg, occupies a sport. The actor regularly participates in the "race of heroes" - competition combining cross-country running with dexterity, endurance and heat resistance. Dmitry is fond of climbing and fencing on swords. In 2018, Hudochkin reached the semifinals of the television show of the Channel One of the Russian Ninja, and in January 2020, for the fourth day after laparoscopy, began training.

In the summer of 2012, Dmitry played a wedding with actress Elena Gorina, with whom he studied together in Yekaterinburg. The wife gave the artist two sons. Boys are also involved in Father's workouts, and in the giving landscaping. On the page of Hudochkina in "Instagram" posted photos and rollers, on which the actor is pressed with sons - cradles, marshrite together with children garden swings and teaches them to use the concrete mixer.

Dmitry Gudochkin now

In February 2021, the premiere of the 8-Series drama Alexei Popogrebsky "Optimists took place on the channel" Russia ". The Caribbean season, "in which Huudochkin played an episodic role. In the series about the Caribbean crisis, the stars "Brigades" Sergey Bezrukov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov, as well as the daughter of the head of the Russian d'Artagnaya - Elizabeth Boyarskaya. The image of Nikita Khrushchev in the tape traditionally created an artist Vladimir Chuprikov, suddenly died in the fall of 2020.

On April 9, 2021, the TV Center channel introduced the audience with the mystical detective "Ghosts of Arbat" with the participation of Huudochka. One of the roles in the ribbon producers gave Sergey Varchuk, in the filmography of which the Soviet picture "I can not say" goodbye "." Also in 2021, Huudochkin continued to be filmed in the full-length drama Fyodor Petrukhin "Sunflower", glorified by the series about the detective Gurov.

Despite the demand for cinema and on television, Dmitry does not forget about good deeds. At the end of 2020, Huudochkin in the form of Santa Claus congratulated the young patients in the hospital "House with Lighthouse", the actor's spouse appeared as Snow Maiden.


  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2014 - "Father Matvey"
  • 2014 - "Beautiful Life"
  • 2014 - "Cinema about Alekseev"
  • 2015 - "Between us"
  • 2016 - "After many troubles"
  • 2016 - "Get married Pushkin"
  • 2018 - "Power of the circumstances"
  • 2019 - "I know your secrets-2"
  • 2019 - "Magic Word"
  • 2020-2021 - "Equation with unknown"
  • 2021 - "Ghosts of Arbat"
  • 2021 - "Optimists. Caribbean season »
  • 2021 - "Sunflower"

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