Maria Zakharova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 2021



Maria Zakharova is the first in the history of Russian diplomacy, a woman appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. It is one of the most cited diplomats in Russia and is known for "acute" statements in social networks. Speaker of the Dippooting Compare with the ex-speaker of the US State Department of Jen Psaki, which is often ridicule in Russia for ridiculous comments and statements.

Childhood and youth

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova was born on December 24, 1975 in the family of Russian diplomats, at the same time worked in Beijing. The Father of the Girls, Vladimir Zakharov, is an orientalist, a specialist in Chinese and literature, later in Russia, he took the position of advisor to the SCO Secretariat.

Mother, Irina Zakharova, returned to his homeland, received the place of senior scientist of the State Museum. A. S. Pushkin. Parents of the future diplomat issued a book for children "From year to year, we wish you happiness" based on Chinese fairy tales.

The childhood of the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry has passed in the capital of the PRC, thanks to which Maria Vladimirovna is perfectly owning Chinese. There is no zakharova information about the school years, it is known only that Maria was a diligent student, since childhood he dreamed of becoming a diplomat. According to Zakharova, his beloved transfer in young years was the "International Panorama", which was fascinating.

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Difficulties with the choice of profession did not experience the girl - she did not think about the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, who successfully graduated in 1998, having received a diploma of the international journalist. The pre-diploma practice of Zakharov took place in the Russian embassy in Beijing, and after the end of the training it remained to work in the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003, Maria became a candidate of historical sciences, defending his thesis at the Russian University of Peoples.

Maria Vladimirovna does not speak about his nationality, but it is known that her grandfather's grandfather was Mordvin, he was born under Samara. At the 20th age, Zakharova visited Jerusalem, where he acquired a star of David. Even after the adoption of Orthodoxy, politician does not part with this decoration. According to the diplomat, since then she consciously opposes all the forms of nationalism.

Personal life

The personal life of Maria Zakharova has long been connected with one single person - husband Andrei Makarov. Spouse Zakharova is an entrepreneur, education engineer, is now working as a manager in one of the Russian companies. The wedding took place in early November 2005 in New York, where Maria was at that time on work. The ceremony was secluded, young people simply painted without arranging a luxurious holiday.

After 5 years, the spouses were born daughter Mariaan. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not customary to recruit children, Maria has repeatedly appeared in the department together with his daughter. As Zakharova itself reported, it happened because of the inability to leave a little girl one house.

Maria Zakharov since childhood is enjoys the arrangement of puppet houses. The beginning of this hobby put a gift of his parents - a miniature hat that Zakharov brought daughters from China. Passion for doll accessories and interior items remained with Maria for life.

The physical form of Zakharov supports regular sports training, reports of which in the form of a photo diplomat lay out on a page in "Instagram". When height 170 cm its weight does not exceed 59 kg.

Zakharov is considered one of the most stylish representatives of the Political Olympus, while the creation of the wardrobe is engaged independently. The dress, randomly purchased in the store before the next briefing, produced a furor among foreign colleagues. Later, the diplomat completely trusted the creators of the domestic brand of women's clothing "Akimbo". There is in her collection of outfits and exclusive things of designer Elena Shipilova.

Not only fans of Maria Zakharova are interested in its social networks. At one time on the Internet there were rumors about the alcoholism of the press secretary of the Foreign Ministry. Later diplomat denied this information, as was the fact that her head of Sergei Lavrov lives the whole family abroad.

Maria is fond of poetry. She has long written poems. In April 2020, Valery and Maxim Fadeev removed the clip. The song on the text policy got the name "at the limit." Earlier het "For you, Favorite" for the words Zakharova got into the repertoire of the singer burdens. And at the opening of the MMKF in 2017, the patriotic composition performed by Nargiz was performed from the scene, the author of which was also Maria Vladimirovna.

Career and politics

Career Maria Zakharova from the first days is continuously connected with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his youth, she worked as an editor in the departmental journal "Diplomatic Bulletin", and after the Ministry of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was taken to the department of information and the press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, where he served as the head of the Department of Operational Media Monitoring.

The next step in the diplomatic biography of Zakharova was the new leadership position in the diploction - Maria headed the press service of the Permanent Mission of Russia at the UN in New York. In this position, Maria worked until 2008, after which he returned to Moscow to the former place of work.

The following 3 years The future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry showed professional qualities in the central office of the department, so in 2011 it was appointed to the post of deputy head of the Department of Information and Press the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In the position of Zakharov, it became a widely known person in society, since its responsibilities included frequent communication with the press.

Also, in the framework of its activities, the organization of regular briefings of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was included, supporting the head of the department of Sergei Lavrov during foreign visits, as well as the popularization of the foreign policy department in social networks.

Mary Zakharova Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation is obliged to enter the social networks in informal form. Her professionalism and the ability to work with the public made it possible to popularize the Office, thanks to which the compatriots began to receive official information "alive" language. At the same time, Maria Vladimirovna regularly participates in political transmissions and a talk show, which allowed it to become one of the most cited Russian diplomats.

For 15 years of work at the Russian Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, Zakharov was awarded diplomatic rank of the highest class adviser, and also became a member of the Council on Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation.

On August 10, 2015, Maria Zakharov received an appointment to the post of official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In this position, Maria changed Alexander Lukashevich in connection with his appointment to the post of post-Russian OSCE. Becoming the first media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna noted that in her approach to the case of the change would not be.

Zakharova stressed that over the past 4 years of direct work under the leadership of Lukashevich, Mary adopted his experience, so after appointing a new position did not see difficulties and obstacles in professional activities.

Zakharov tries to use any opportunity to dating citizens with foreign policy agenda of Russia. With such lectures, she spoke at the educational forums of United Russia "Candidate" and "Candidate-2" in 2016.

Zakharova pleases the public not only with capacious speeches, but also with bright performances. In 2016, Maria Vladimirovna introduced Kalinka in his own execution at the Russia-ASEAN summit. Later in the account of the Foreign Ministry in Twitter, a video was made during the youth forum, where the spokesman fulfilled the Caucasian dance Lezginka.

For productive work for the benefit of the Motherland Zakharov in 2017 received an increase in service, replacing diplomatic rank. Today, Maria is the rank of emergency and authorized messenger of the 1st grade. In the same year, a significant event was held for the representative of the Foreign Ministry. The diplomat received the Order of Friendship from President Vladimir Putin.

Weekly, briefings are held for meetings from the media in the MFA building, where Zakharov comment comments on the latest news. Information about events appears on the official website policy. The press secretary continues to conduct a dialogue with foreign states, expressing the opinion of the Foreign Ministry and his personal views. The diplomat believes that now, more than ever, the international community is subject to the Russophobian sentiments that must be resolved.

In 2018, after the scandal with the poisoning of the English spy of Sergey Skriply and the accusation of Russia in this crime, Maria Zakharov listed a number of examples of inhuman international policy on the part of the United Kingdom. The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia accused the British in Tasmanian Genocide and Drins in the XIX century, in the destruction of Kenytsev and even in the murder of Grigory Rasputin. After expulsion of diplomats from the United States, Maria responded on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which applied measures will be adequate.

Maria Zakharova regularly commented on current events in world politics, as well as in the media space of Russia. The diplomat once again parried Andrei Makarevich, who again unfastened to the Russians.

Politician also spoke in and over the change of power in Armenia. The representative of the Foreign Ministry said that the people who managed to preserve unity in disagreement may be called great.

Maria Zakharov now

In April 2020, Zakharov became the heroine of the Echo Moskvi radio station program "Foreign Ministry on Wire. Great resonance received an interview with a diplomat on the Yutiub-Channel "Zygar", where Maria Vladimirovna spoke out about trips abroad. The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on citizens to leave for rest only in the presence of a "financial pillow" and the absence of loans. The public regarded the words of Zakharov as an insult to the main layer of the population. A petition has appeared in the network demanding about the dismissal of the diplomat.

Alexey Navalny accused a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in supporting the creation of a caste society. In Facebook, Zakharova proposed a blogger to arrange an open debate. Politician appointed a date, but Maria Vladimirovna rejected the possibility of a meeting.

In the program "Soloviev Live", Vladimir Solovyov, a diplomat commented on the actions of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the detention of Russian journalists the proverb "The slave herself hurts, which is unclean."

In early September, an international scandal broke out caused by a careless record of Zakharova in Facebook. The post dedicated to the President of the US President Donald Trump and the Serbian leader Alexander Vucić, politician accompanied the photo of a provocative scene with Sharon Stone from the film "Main Instinct".

The head of Serbia, a friendly state for Russia, called this comparison "primitive and vulgar". Maria Vladimirovna explained his publication by the desire to express "rejection of an arrogant relationship from" exclusive "."



  • 2020 - the Order of Honor - for a great contribution to the implementation of the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation and many years of conscientious diplomatic service
  • 2017 - Order of Friendship
  • 2013 - Honor of the President of the Russian Federation


  • 2017 - Marshal Vasily Chuikov medal (EMERCOM of Russia)


  • 2018 - Prize Prize winner in the nomination Award for Lifetime Achievement - for the invaluable contribution to the development of the industry
  • 2017 - "The grades of the confidence of the journalistic community of Russia" from the Union of Journalists of Russia (February 9) - for openness in working with the media
  • 2017 - Winner of the National Prize in the Development of Public Relations "Silver Archer" in the nomination "Person"
  • The "Charmous" premium in the nomination "Woman of the Year"
  • 2016 - Award of the Union of Journalists of Moscow "For openness of the press"
  • 2016 - Winner of the Voice of Peace Prize ("White Cranes of Russia")

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