Superman - History, Photos, Films, Actors, Comics


Character History

There is no man who never would hear about a flying man in a red raincoat and a blue suit, in the center of which the emblem in the form of a pentagonal shield with the letter "S".


Few people know that until 1938, superheroes, possessing inhuman power and struggling with villains in the name of the universal good, did not exist. Lovers of literature and avid kinomans could enjoy except that the acts of the leader of the forest robbing Robin Hood or a courage of a noble knight in a black mask - Zorro.

But time went, and the people demanded a new hero - a fantastic and almighty, who need to perform feats each day with miracles: save the girl from robbers, reveal the government conspiracy or stop the train wreck, as well as global warming.


The official biography of Superman is not, since the history of this muscular man changed over time, starting from the "Golden Age" until the era of the information society.

But it is believed that the boy was born on the planet Crypton and was endowed with the name Kal-El (Earth Name - Clark Joseph Kent). Parents of the future hero felt that their homeland was on the verge of destruction, so they planted the Son on the spacecraft and sent to Earth.

Joe Schuster and Jerry Sigel - Creators of Superman

The first who thought to bring the know-how in the form of a superhero to this world was the Canadian-American Comic Creator Joseph "Joe" Schuster and his friend-screenwriter Jerry Sigel. Comrades worked hand in hand in a little-known magazine "Scientific fiction", and then took the pencil and paper, inventing the image of the future character of graphic novels.

Debut superman artists turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. On the illustrations of Joseph and Jerry, a bald man was blissing not the most pleasant exterior with an evil grin on his face and the eyes of the maniac. This eccentric villain-telepath, similar to Fantômas and the third number of scientific fiction (1933), did not bring commercial success to its creators.

First superman

Therefore, they came up with a new superman, having endowed it with positive qualities: Sigel redraws the protagonist, giving him the appearance of the American actor Douglas Fairbenks, and the Alter-Ego Superman - Clark Kent - the artist created with the help of a combination of himself and the image of Harold Lloyd's comedian. Now the business of the authors remained for small: to find the publisher. However, these searches stretched out for six years.

Finally, Fortuna cleared over creative friends, and on their way the Consolidated Book Publishing publishing house was caught, agreed to print a 48-page black and white comic called "Detective Dan: Secret Operative No. 48. Jerry and Joseph received enthusiastic reviews, but Consolidated no longer printed their work, and Schuster in the hearts sent her graphic novel to the oven.

Douglas Fairbanks and Superman

Therefore, DC fans can be content with only the cover that Sigel managed to save. Further, comrades because of creative disagreements diverged and converged again. Ultimately, they came up with a fighter for justice and at this stage began to develop a suit that had to be so bright and memorable as possible; And the "panties over the pants" were taken from circus traditions.

The first appearance of Superman as we used to see it took place on April 18, 1938 in the first issue "Action Comics", and after a year, the Superman Comics Series was launched and further sold by Detective Comics.

Comics about Superman 1938

According to fans, the death of the father pushed Jerry to create a guardian of order. Mitchell Sigel was in the bank when an armed group of criminals broke into the building. The parent team of the comic died from the hands of bandits in 1932. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the imagination of the artist appeared a bulletproof superhero, capable of dealing with robbers alone.


After the kid of Cal-El landed on Earth next to Smallville, the boy adopted an exemplary family. Jonathan and Martha Kent tried to make a decent person from the son and brought up a young man in humane in accordance with strict rules.

Superman costume

Therefore, when a 18-year-old young man found out the story of his origin, he began to use forces to fight evil. Fans believed that if Jonathan and Martha did not pick up universal value, he would probably become an antagonist trying to conquer world domination.

Becoming an adult, Cal-El accepted a firm decision to serve humanity and locked for several years in the fortress of loneliness - ice refuge, which is not far from the North Pole (in order to master the short school course in Crypton). To know what is happening in the world, and be in the most thicker events, Clark Kent settled by a regular correspondent to the popular Daily Planet publication located in the central part of the metropolis.

Superman in the office

The newspaper reporter appears in front of the audience in the image of the "White Collar" - a borehouse that wears ties, combed hair and goggles in a thick frame. But the surrounding do not realize that under this casual wear, a superhero-free costume is hidden: Superman is ready to help always help, even if he has an important meeting, an urgent article or a date with the girl Lois Lane (not worth confused with a wonder-woman Diana).

Be that as it may, originally, Schuster and Sigel have endowed the hero of such qualities as cruelty and aggression: Clark Kent intervened in the gangster disassembly in the dark alleys, and also saved his wives from the negligent spouses, who were engaged in hand-drawing.

Superman works in Daily Planet

But later, Joseph and Jerry made from the "lonely boy-scout" of the moral idealist, mitigating his rough character. Also, the temperament of Superman has changed over the years, for example, during the Great Depression, the main character acted as a social activist: struggled with bribers and businessmen who are eager for easy profit.


According to rumors, the superman was endowed with inhuman abilities thanks to the photonucleic effect: the fact is that the fireball called the Sun acts in a special way to crypton. In the Epoch of the "Golden Century", the concept sounded like this: the strength of gravity on Crypton many times exceeded the attraction of the Earth.

But the strength qualities of Clark Kent, like everything else, was modified over time. If earlier Superman could raise the car with one hand, now the image of the hero with a volitional chin is complemented by the ability to move the planet in space.

Superman raises the car

In the first releases of comic, it was said that the superhero could only be wound from the artillery projectile. In subsequent graphic novels, the screenwriters improved the physical abilities of the hero, making his body invulnerable: In 1947, the protagonist survived the atomic explosion. Also, Clark did not always know how to fly, in debut illustrations, he could permanently jump over the skyscraper.

The Kal-Ela is super-sufficiently developed senses, and some of his abilities manifested themselves only once: to find their beloved by the smell of spirits, Kent had to include super-conjunction. In addition, the superman is able to regenerate any wounds (the effect is enhanced by yellow star light), it has x-ray vision, can fly at the speed of light and does not need oxygen.

Superman in ordinary life

In everyday life, Superman is able to do without water, food and sleep, but uses these human needs for psychological reasons. It is worth saying that Superman has the weaknesses. It cannot regenerate severed limbs, vulnerable from magic and a fictional radioactive substance - cryptonite.


Eminent directors could not pass by the comic about superman, so they suffered drawings of artists on the TV screens, providing films with extravagant scenario. Superman films are over twenty, so we will highlight popular work.

"Atomic man against Superman" (1950)

After in 1948, the black and white series "Superman" came out, the directions continued the scenario of a multi-sized film by issuing a full-length tape. The plot of the paintings revolves around the confrontation of Clark Kent and the amoral businessman Lex Leutor, who is trying to take possession of a mysterious coin. The main role of Muscular Handsman went to Kirk Elina.

Kirk Elin as superman

"Superman and Merchant" (1951)

In 1951, the blue suit and red raincoat tried on the actor George Rivz, starring in the tape "Superman and Merchant." In this picture, Clark Kent performs his journalistic debt and departs in the neighboring town to open the oil well.

George Rivz as superman

But the workers drove the subsoil too deeply, as a result of which they came across the shelter of "Moles", which began to scare the earthlings to goosebumps on the skin. It is noteworthy that this film is completely "from and to" removed in accordance with the original comic.

"Superman" (1978)

In 1978, a new star was lit on the sky of the cinema: the next star Christopher RIV immediately became the "best superman" on the screens, because it was with his way that the fans associate the appearance of the native of the planet Crypton.

Christopher RIV as superman

Film shows a viewer to a classic biography of a fighter with crime, ranging from his journey on a spacecraft to the Earth. The main roles were fulfilled: Marlon Brando, Jean Hacmen, Trevor Howard and Sarah Douglas. It is noteworthy that Christopher Riv starred in the subsequent parts of the franchise, and after 26 years the director's version "Superman-2" (1980) came out.

"Return of Superman" (2006)

In 2006, an actor Brandon Ruth tried to settle with the villains on the set. The mystical film is a continuation of the original series of previous two parts: Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacy) is rejoicing the lack of his sworn enemy of Superman and is preparing for new crimes, but Clark Kent collapses the plans of this heartless money lover.

Brandon Ruth as superman

"Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice" (2016)

The director Zack Snyder was pleased with the filmters of cinemas eccentric concept: Mighty Guard Gothama challenged the god-like guardian of the law enforcement in Metropolis. But while Batman and Superman incite the war, the planet threatens the danger. In the brilliant cast of this film included: Ben Affleck, Henry Kavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Aisenberg, Gal Gadote and other stars of show business.

Superman - History, Photos, Films, Actors, Comics 1883_15

"Supergel" (television series, 2016)

This television series will dip lovers of fantastic cinema in the adventures of the relative of Superman, who arrived on the ground in order to trace the young cousin. But by the will of the case, the main character (Melissa Benoist) landed in the phantom zone, where he stayed 24 years old and did not take it, since in that area there is no time.

Superman and supergel

Now that adult Clark Kent does not need help, the girl begins to build his own superhero career. The series was remembered by the audience not only a non-trivial plot, but also to music playing in every series.

Comics and other genres

Superman not only took the first place among the heroes of the comic of the Universe DS, but also became a face of graphic novels, books, video games, animated films, superhero film and even sweet sticks.


  • 1930-40E - "Superman, Champion of the Oppressed"
  • 1950E - "The Lady and The Lion"
  • 1960E - "The Last Days of Superman!"
Superman in comic books
  • 1970E - "Superman VS. Muhammad Ali »
  • 2000E - "All-Star Superman"


  • 1941 - "Superman"
  • 1968 - "Hour Batman and Superman"
  • 1973 - "SUPERLORDERS"
  • 1996 - "Batman and Superman"
Cartoon superman
  • 2001 - "League of Justice"
  • 2009 - "Superman / Batman: enemies of society"
  • 2014 - "League of Justice: War"
  • 2015 - "League of Justice: Gods and Monsters"

Video Games

  • 1994 - 1995 "The Death and Return of Superman"
  • 2008 - "Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe »
  • 2011 - 2016 "DC Universe Online"

Interesting Facts

  • Superman - National Hero of America and a real patriot. Clark Kent was the enemy of the Nazis: he alone eliminated the military machine during the Second World War and dealt with Adolf Hitler. According to rumors, representatives of the Third Reich were heard about this comic and published a refutation on the pages of the German newspaper.
  • The letter "S" on the superhero chest is not "coat of arms" of Superman. The comic explained that this symbol in Cryptonian means hope.
Superman defeats Hitler
  • The creators of comics came up with a lot of strange storylines: for example, in one of the releases of the illustrated book, the screenwriters explained that the cryptonite of pink color makes a person from the non-traditional sexual orientation. True, it was limited only by a romantic flirt with Jimmy Olsen.
Lego Superman
  • The Russian poet of the roots of Chukovsky criticized in the Pooh and the dust comics about the superhero, who considered the "American fascist poison". The publicist said that these magazines with pictures promote crime and superiority of physical strength over the mind.
Comic Collection About Superman
  • The star of the film "Sinbatik" - Nicholas Cage is a passionate fans of a fighter for freedom in the Red Cloak. The actor has a collection of the original series of comics, as well as it does not miss new issues of graphic novels. Among other things, Cage gave younger son superhero name - Kal-El.

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