Guide Canoe - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Today, the name of the French actor Gioma Kane is known to film people who closely follow the development and innovations of Western cinema. It is noteworthy that Himself did not dream about the artist's profession at all, but came to it thanks to an accident.

Guide Kane was born in the spring of 1973 in a small town, in the suburb of Paris. But the future actor did not grow up in Boulogo-Biyankour, but in the village terrain, on the horse farm. This business was engaged in the father of the boy. From an early age he was addicted to the horses and son. He was an excellent rider, adored animals and was going to become a horse breaker. Young Cana considered another option of his own future: try strength like jockey.

Actor Guyom Kane

But the plans were collapsed at one moment when Guillau fell from a horse. Fortunately, the injury did not make a guy with disabilities, but he could not be a professional rider. During Kane plunged into depression.

One day, Guy Kane heard that guys and girls of the age of the young man were gaining instruments of acting skills. He tried his strength. Soon Kane noticed - a new occupation was so swallowed him that the guy forgot about the former unrealized dreams associated with horses.

Guide Kane

After the end of the initial courses, Guillau Cana decided to prepare for the actor profession thoroughly. The future star took into the workshop of the famous mentor Francois Floran, under the guidance of which he made the first successful steps in the profession.


Creative biography of Guillaume Kane began on theatrical stage. The young artist first went on the stage of the Youth Theater "Eberto". He was trusted to play romantic young men, loved and naive, inexperienced in amur affairs. This is an amplua in charge of theatrical scene and in cinema. It brought the first fame to the novice actor.

Guillaume Debut Kane in the movie took place in 1995. He was offered a role in the short film "The only Son". Then he starred in a few more tapes before in 1997 came a long-awaited star role. Spectators discovered Kane in the Barracudel Thriller. And a year later, the picture was released on the screens "in the very heart", which thoroughly fastened Guillaume at the Olympus film and brought him a loud success.

In 2000, a film was released, instantly became cult. This is a picture of Danny Boyla "Beach". Guide Kane appeared on the shooting platform along with Matrah Hollywood: Leonardo di Caprio and inimitable Tildon Suinton.

In the same year, the audience saw Gioma in the drama "loyalty" with Sophie Marso.

Success followed success. In the same year, the audience looked at the premiere of the sensational detective "Vico". The Kane Hero is a young journalist who investigated the causes of the death of the famous Vidoka detective. The latter played Gerard Depardieu. The film had a huge success in the audience and critics.

It is noteworthy that in the 2002 Giota Canoe, it became closely as part of the acting profession only. He decided to try the forces in the director. Debut became the film "My idol". He got a warm welcome. And the glory to director Kane came after 4 years later, when he took off the next project "Do not tell anyone." For this work, Guillaume received several premiums at once, among which the largest and prestigious - "Cesar".

The next film, in which the artist starred, became "fall in love with me, if you dare." The tape was celebrated at the Film Festival to Newport Beach.

In the last decade, the acting career of a talented Frenchman is successfully developing. The most famous works of Guillaume became roles in the films "Just together", "last night in New York", "the right to" left "and" the man who loved too much. "

As director Kane submitted to the court of spectators and film critics, the film "Blood bonds" in 2008, in which Marion Cotiyar starred.

Personal life

The popularity of actor and director brought not only on-screen work, but also novels. Gioma Kane's personal life was often discussed in the press. The German star of Diana Kruger became the first spouse artist. But together the actors lived only 5 years and parted in 2006.

The reason for the gap was the discrepancy in the creative path. The married couple was constantly in the separation and seen only once a month.

The discussion of the divorce stopped immediately when a new food appeared for conversations: Gioma had a new novel with an equally well-known special - French actress Marion Cotiyar. The couple met at the shooting of melodrama "fall in love with me, if we dare." Then he was married, and the actress was experiencing difficult times, and the attitudes of the artists were exclusively friendly.

After filming the road Guyoma and Marion died, but they continued to communicate.

When the actor divorced Diana, he twisted the novels with Carla Bruni, Louise Burguan and Eldo Navarre.

Today, Cana and Cotionar live in actual marriage. In 2011, they had first-mentioned Marseille. In 2010, Guillaume handed his beloved ring, but the pair so far did not pretend to the relationship.

In March 2017, Marion gave the beloved daughter, which Louise called. Shortly before that did not wash the hype around the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, in which the journalists were kneaded by Kotyatir. It was rumored that it was a Hollywood sex symbol to her. And all because Pitt and Marion Cotiyar starred in the "Allies" film, where they played a married couple.

As a result, the actress rejected the conjectures and stated that she was waiting for a child from Cana, and Guillaume did not doubt the beloved woman. He even published a post in "Instagram", where he called on people to strive for the better, and not to water other mud.

Like many artists, the actor is officially verified by "instagram". He shares with thousands of personal photos, frames and cuts from movies. In addition, he posts entries in the official Twitter.

Guide Canoe now

In 2017, Guillaume presented a new directing work entitled "Ever-young", where a favorite wife again involved in the lead role. The key male character performed Kane himself.

The plot of the paintings is based on the marital life Guillaume and Marion. The tape is talking about the actor Guyome Kane, who turned 43 years old. He is no longer the one that used to be filmed in cheap TV shows, lives the usual life, the artist is even called Mr. Cotionar. But the most terrible - Guillaume ceased to be attractive to young women. Such an artist's alignment does not suit, and he understands that it is time to change something.

The director involved in the picture of a friend - Rock singer Johnny Hollideo. He also invited Philippe Lefevra, Lelusch, Ben Foster and others.

In the summer of 2017, Guillaume appeared in the drama "My Son", where we were talking about a man, whose permanent employment destroyed the marriage. Once he learns about the disappearance of the Son and himself goes to search for the heir.

In 2018, three films are expected to expect, where Guillaume will perform the main roles: "Le Grand Bain", "E-Book" and "L'Amour Est Une Fête".


  • 1997 - "Barracuda"
  • 2000 - "Beach"
  • 2000 - "loyalty"
  • 2003 - "Fall in love with me, if we dare"
  • 2007 - "Just together"
  • 2008 - "Bloody Ties"
  • 2010 - "Last night in New York"
  • 2012 - "Right to" Leo "
  • 2014 - "A man who loved too much"
  • 2017 - "Eternally young"
  • 2017 - "My Son"
  • 2018 - "E-Book"

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