Freddie Kruger - history, photos, movies, actors, glove


Character History

As you know, fear is the strongest emotion of man, so it is not surprising that the directions are happy with every year to rush the nerves with new horror films, in which the atmosphere is atmospheric threats, threaters and the sea of ​​corn syrup with a red dye.

Freddie Kruger

Many lovers of Horror will agree that the best behind: Previously, the film makers knew how to scare spectators without using the abundance of special effects. It is worth remembering the ominous Candamen, Zombie from George Romero films or the naked clown of Penniveza - Antagonist Roman Stephen King "It".

Also, we should not forget the cult hero of the "Nightmare on Vyaz Street" - Freddie Kruger, thanks to which some children (and even adults) were afraid to fall asleep without on.


The native of Cleveland Wes Craven entered the history of cinema as a person who was not interested in classic horror stories about the lives of the dead, bloodthirsty vampires or wandering ghosts. This American genius joined the guild of directorists who drew his inspiration from everyday life, especially representatives of the media did not greadify with the public with shocking news.

Director Wes Craven

So, on the federal channel, it was possible to learn about the new maniac, wrapping in the park, and on the pages of the daily press completely and terrible notes with black and white photographs and catchy headlines were concerned. One day, the Los Angeles Times came across the Cravian's hands, where a very entertaining article was presented. The publication told about a series of strange deaths taking place with the natives of Cambodia.

It all started with the fact that the Asian immigrant unexpectedly died, having time to tell their relatives about nightmares. Six months later, another young man who complained about the sinister dreams, soon died. But the Wave of Panic began when another teenager completely refused to go to bed, because a merciless maniac chased in dreams.

Freddie Kruger's serial killer

The dream seemed to a young man with an unbearable torture, so the guy was sitting on special pills, caffeine and energy. Ultimately, the heart of this sufferer stopped, without sustaining such a load. Scientists explain these phenomena just enough: at that time, Paul Pet rose in Cambodia, who was remembered by contemporaries by mass repressions and hunger, which affected the consciousness of young immigrants, which "Red Khmers" have decreased.

Wes Craven was inspired by this story, so he came up with Risen from the dead killer, hunting for adolescents in nightmarish dreams. In addition, the director remembered the case from childhood, when a passerby man was frowning in his knees, which he saw from the window. The stranger attracted the attention of the young Cravenna with scratching sounds, and, noticing the boy, the man began to closely follow him, without moving.

"He took a few steps to the house and said:" Yes, I'm still watching you. " Then he went to the entrance, and I ran to the entrance door and heard it rises along the stairs. My brother, who older than me for 10 years, grabbed a baseball bat and went out on the staircase, but there were no more men, "the screenwriter recalled in an interview.

It is noteworthy that the criminal with an exheated face Wes entered the name of the guy who looked up at school, and he came up with the name of the film, following a purely American tradition: the fact is that President John Kennedy was shot from Caraborn on the street of Else in Dallas.

Elite Street in Dallas

The official biography of Monster says that Frederick Charles Kruger (the full name of the hero) was born from the nun Amanda Kruger, who worked in a psychiatric hospital and was raped by the mentally ill (one of these crazy - Father Kruger). After the birth of the son of Amanda, she went crazy, so the boy was brought up in a foster family, where the beatings of an alcoholic stepfather were constantly endured.


It is quite natural that Freddie became a madman: a disadvantaged family, the mother, who was deprived of the reason, and classmates have made their job. When sadistic inclinations originated in the consciousness of the Kruger - it is unknown, but the schoolboy often could be causing a cruel treatment with animals.

Comics about Freddie Kruger

Being a teenager, Freddie killed his adoptive father, who mocked him, but the guy managed to hide the evidence, so the responsibility for the death of Mr. Anderwood Kruger never suffered. Becoming older, Frederick settled work to work in a boiler room and made a proposal of a hand and heart to a woman named Loretta. But family life does not change the hero, whose thirst for blood is constantly growing over time.

The only thing that brought Frederick with a tremendous pleasure is the hunt for young children in parks or dark alleys. Loretta guessed that her husband kills people, so Kruger strangled his beloved in front of his little daughter. Soon the detectives suspected him in numerous crimes, so Freddie was placed in prison.

Freddie Kruger costume

But due to the mistake of the investigation, the police released a man to freedom, and the angry parents of the buried children decided to arrange Samosud: Kruger burned alive in the boiler room; This explains the scars and scars on the face of the villain from the film.

As for the image of Freddie Kruger, throughout all parts of the franchise, the costume of the main character practically does not change: a bald maniac appears in front of the audience in a felt hat, dark pants, work boots and a striped sweater of a dark green color, purchased by the director for sale. Such a color gamut film Creator chose no accident: according to Cravin, the combination of these shades is the most irritant for the eyes.

Freddie Kruger Glove

In addition, there is a distinctive feature on Freddie's hand - a homemade glove with blades, which has suffered changes over a series of films. For example, in the film "Revenge Freddie" the island sticking out straight from the hands of the antagonist. Also, Kruger, has a feeling of black humor, knows how to transform into a puppet, a snipe-like worm, a giant wax and other frightening creatures.


The cult "nightmare on Elm Street" consists of seven diverse film, as well as a remake and crossover. Consider all parts of the film in order:

"Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)

In 1984, the debut part of horror films was released, which opens a series of franchise. The plot talks about how a young girl Tina Gray (Amanda Wayss) dreams the same dream in which she wanders on the boiler room and hides from the ruthless Freddie Kruger. Soon Tina learns that her girlfriend Nancy Thompson (Heather Landgensp) also pursue nightmares. Nancy begins to investigate and finds out that one who is killed in a dream is dying in reality. It is noteworthy that the creative debut of Johnny Depp took place in this film.

Freddie Kruger and Nancy Thompson

"Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddie Revenge" (1985)

The second part of Slashera tells the audience about the events that occurred five years after that fateful case with Nancy Thompson. But even after a long time lapse, the maniac did not stop pursuing innocent people: Freddie Kruger wants to escape from dreams to reality.

"A nightmare on Elm Street 3: Warriors of Sleep" (1987, Chuck Russell)

The film tells about the girl who is tormented by nightmares: This time the killer hunts the sacrifice on the territory of an abandoned house in the forest. Once, after the dream, the main character woke up in the bathroom with a blade in his hand, so Christine's mother (Patricia Arquette) sent a daughter to a psychiatric hospital.

Freddie Kruger - history, photos, movies, actors, glove 1882_9

"Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Sleep Lord" (1988, Renny Harlin)

The plot of the paintings revolves around Kristen (Tuzdi Knight), Joey (Rodney Eastman) and Kincade (Ken Sayiguus), who, after the release of West Hills, start life from a clean sheet. However, the immortal Freddie Kruger again begins to dream of the main heroine.

"A nightmare on Elm Street 5: Sleep Child" (1989, Stephen Hopkins)

Freddie Kruger is again looking for ways to return from the world of the dead. Therefore, the tricky female misses the child in the womb. You can save the baby in just one way: to find the unknown corpse of the Manyak parent - Amanda Kruger.

Freddie Kruger - history, photos, movies, actors, glove 1882_10

"Freddie is dead. Last nightmare "(1991, Raulu Talalay)

The film dipping the viewer into the classic biography of Freddie. Cynomans will find out why antagonist grew by an embittered child and why he lured young children into his boiler room.

"Nightmare on Elm Street 7: New Nightmare" (1994, Wes Craven)

Wes Crawein decided to resort to the original concept. The actions of the picture unfold on the set of the next series of films about the kruger. History tells how an accident occurred during work on the film: the maniac's glove was solidly wounded a worker on special effects, and a series of nightmares begins.

Jackie Earl Haley in the role of Freddie Kruger

"Freddie vs. Jason" (2003, Ronnie y)

The criminal in the sweater comes the "creative crisis" - he can no longer kill. Therefore, to bring horror to the local child, Freddie uses the strength of the clumsily maniac - Jason Vurhis, who begins to understand that he is just a puppet used by the Kruger for his own good.

"Nightmare on Elm Street" (2010, Samuel Bayer)

Remake of the movie of the same name, where the main roles were performed: Jackie Earl Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner, Katie Cassidy, Thomas Decker and other stars of cinematic skills.


For eight parts of the franchise in Freddie Kruger, the American actor of the Classical School was reincarnated by Robert Inglund. By the way, Robert even before the start of his successful career in the "nightmare on the street of Vyaz" defended a series of villains, managed to light up in the films "Death Trap" (1977) and "Galactic Terror" (1978).

Robert Inglund as Freddie Kruger

Few people know that the image of an ominous maniac contradicts the nature of Robert, which speaks about an extremely friendly person. For the role of Freddie Kruger, the Artist won the Saturn Prize.

In 2010, the appearance of the villain tried another American actor Jackie Earl Haley, who remembered to the TV viewers by Rorschah in the superhero film "Keepers".

Robert Inglund and Jackie Earl Haley played Kruger

Comics and other genres

Freddie Kruger's cult character became the hero not only films, but also eccentric books, comics with bright pictures, fan fiction and computer games.


  • 1989 - "Nightmare on Elm Street" (Marvel)
  • 1991 - "Nightmares on Elm Street" (Innovation Publishing)
  • 1992 - Freddie Nightmares (Trident Comics)
  • 2006-2007 - "Nightmare on Elm Street" (Wildstorm)


  • 2005 - "A Nightmare ON ELM Street"
  • 2012 - "TerrorDrome: Rise Of A Bogeyman"


  • 1993 - "Nightmare on Elm Street" (Bob Italy)
  • 1997 - "Freddie Kruger and Iron Lady" (Kent Jack)
  • 2005 - Freddie vs. Jason (Yuri Weisberg)
  • 2006 - "Random Dream" (Natasha Rhodes)

Interesting Facts

  • Wes Craven got used to draw inspiration from ordinary things: the director saw his cat cut the cough to the sofa. So there was an idea of ​​creating Freddie Kruger's gloves.
  • Initially, the director and screenwriters wanted to make Freddie's appearance even more terrible, for example, skull and teeth were shied through thin skin. But it was not possible to embody the idea of ​​life, because technologies of that time did not allow to create such makes.
Books about Freddie Kruger
  • Throughout all parts of the film, the chief characters are shot by children who kill the county, which is an omen of the appearance of Freddie Kruger. The last lines sound like this: "Seven, eight, we do not sleep ask you! Nine, ten, no longer hope. "
  • Freddie Kruger appeared in Russian parodies. For example, it can be seen in the 103rd issue of the humorous magazine "Yeralash", where the role of the villain went to Vladimir Noska.
  • Unfortunately, some people were inspired by Freddie's crimes in the literal sense of the word. Passionate fan of the film 37-year-old Englishman Jason Moore sat down behind the bastard for tried to kill a friend with a self-made glove. Another fan of Kruger - Daniel Gonzalez - sentenced to six life sentences, for a man took not the best example from Kinopersonic.
  • In order not to fall asleep, Nancy Thompson watched a film about zombies with Bruce Campbell in the lead role. Directed by Sam Raymi decided to make a response gesture: Attentive Kinoman will notice the original Glove of the Kruger, which hangs over the door in the film "Evil Dead 2" (1987).

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