Ian McCellen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sir Ian Murray McCellen is a British actor, famous for fans of cinema due to roles in many Hollywood blockbusters. For compatriots from the UK, it is associated primarily with the execution of dramatic and comedy images in the famous plays of the genius of English literature William Shakespeare.

Childhood and youth

Ian was born in the city of Burnley from Lancashire county. The father of Denis Murray McCellen was by profession by the construction engineer, but, like all his ancestors, carried out the duties of the uninitiated preacher. Mama Margery Lois Satcliffe led a household and raised children, the son of Ian and the older daughter of Jean. Celebrity's sister also devoted the life of the scene as an actress and the management of amateur theater.

After 2 years, the family moved to Wigan, where they found the Second World War. Little Ian is already accustomed to four years to fall asleep under the sounds of bombing and has retained the external calm and cold-blooded.

McKellin was brought to sleep under the metal table, which served as a child's defense in the event of a bomb. Later Ian said: "Only after the world reigned, I realized that the war is not the norm."

When the boy was 12 years old, Mom died. Father brought a new spouse Gladys McKellen to the house, which became one of the closest friends for a step.

The future actor in school for boys of the city of Bolton was studied, where the father was transferred by Ian's father. There he began to participate in the performances of performances, and already learned to play professionally in Cambridge.

Personal life

Back in adolescence, Ian McCellen realized that he did not attract the opposite sex. Officially, the actor announced a non-traditional sexual orientation in 1988, and later admitted: he regrets that he did not decide on this public announcement earlier, since, told the secret, he liberated and achieved much more as a professional.

Earlier, the artist could not decide on camining-out due to the criminalization of non-traditional relations in England. Ian McCellen became the first gay who was awarded the knightly title.

In his youth, the actor 8 years has consisted of a relationship with the teacher of history from Bolton Brian Taylor. The novel of the couple began in 1964 and ended in 1972. Sean Matias became late chief of Ian. Romantic communication has grown into civil marriage.

They met at the Edinburgh Festival and were together for 10 years. Parting happened due to the fact that Sean began to envy the success of the partner, whose career just went up.

Despite this, former lovers retained friendly relations. In 2009, Sean invited Ien to the play "Waiting for Godo."

The audience attributed McKellen Roman with the best friend Patrick Stewart. The reason for such conversations was a warm meeting of comrades at an event dedicated to the London Premiere of the film "Mr. Holmes". However, Patrick married the singer Sunnya Pestell in 2013, and Ian McKellen spent the marriage ceremony.

Today, the artist openly talks with journalists and is ready to speak different topics, but he says reluctantly about his personal life, because it affects the interests of other people. Nevertheless, it is known that Ian has no official husband.

In the late 80s of the 20th century, the artist practically excluded meat from the diet, but he did not become a vegetarian. Although from childhood, the atmosphere of religiosity reigned around McKellen, he turned into an atheist with age.

Despite respectful age, Ian McCellen is an active social network user. The star leads a verified microblog in "Instagram", where it is divided with the fans of personal photos and sample shots. Another artist pleases subscribers with entries in Twitter.

Interestingly, externally Ian McCellen is very similar to his colleague John Hurt. The actor by nationality is also Englishman, along with Iean starred in the scientific fiction series "Doctor Who".

McKellen will hear a big fashionist. His figure (height 180 cm, weight of 90 kg) allows experimenting with clothing. Moreover, in the wardrobe of Ian there are not only classic costumes and perfect white shirts, but also buoyful jackets, leather vests and jackets.

The eccentricity of the celebrity is manifested in choosing the color of clothing. It is attracted by bright models from unusual materials, sometimes decorated with embroidery. So, in 2019, at the LGBT Ian parade appeared in a jacket with sleeves painted in the colors of the rainbow.

During the Creative career Ian managed to experiment with hairstyles. He spoiled the mustache and beard, did a short haircut, wore long hair. Over time, the artist stopped on a classic styling, which visually hides its thinning chapel.

Theater and films

Ian debuted as an adult artist in the "Henry IV" tragedy and in a relatively short time managed to participate in all the plays of William Shakespeare, playing on the scene of the Royal National Theater and the Royal Shakespeare Company.

In his theatrical biography there are such festivals as Chichester and Edinburgh, where the artist periodically pleased his fans with new works.

His best performances are still considered "Macbeth", "Othello", "King Lear" and Chekhov "Seagull". In addition to scenic creativity, McKellen is engaged in organizational work. It consists in the position of President of the Low Theater Guild of Great Britain, leads the Association of Amateur Theater Organizations throughout the country.

Ian McCellen was invited to the shooting platform in the late 60s. He participated in many Shakespeare screen vessels and in military historical paintings like the heroic militant Alfred Great.

Later, the actor began to play in the films of other genres: the adventurous adventure tape "Scarlet Primevolar", the melodrame "Restless heart", the thriller "Mill of the Gods". The first sign picture for Ian was the television film "Dragged music", which came to the screens in 1993. For his role in this drama, the actor awarded the first nomination for the AMMI award.

Fame outside the UK came to Ian in the 90s due to roles in Hollywood blockbusters. Together with Arnold Schwarzenegger, he starred in action "Last Kinheroi", with Rachel Weiss - in the melodraman "Gone by the Sea", with Alan Rickman - in the historic picture "Rasputin", in which the Russian emperor Nicholas played.

Of the other projects of that period, it is worth noting the thriller "The capable student" and the walled drama "Gods and Monsters", for which the actor nominated on the Oscar and Golden Globe Award as the best performer of the lead role.

Glory came to Ian McKellen in the XXI century. At first, he appeared in front of the audience in the image of the superzlodeya Magneto in the film screening "People of X", and soon reincarnated in the magician of Gandalfa from the Epopea John Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings", the director of whom Peter Jackson became the director. Later, the same role was getting an actor in the Hobbit feature.

The atmosphere during work on fantasy was incredibly friendly. And nine actors who played members of the brotherhood rings made a tattoo with the image of nine written by an elven symbol. Therefore, there is such a sign on the shoulder at Ian, Eliji Wood, Orlando Bloom, Sean Bina, Viggo Mortensen and other actors.

For the role of Gandalf, Ian was presented by the US File Actors Guild. In addition, he received nominations for Oscar and BAFTA.

In addition to these famous paintings, McKellen took part in the creation of a mystical detective "Loser", a criminal militant "Prisoner".

In the next alternative continuation of the story about the detective Sherlock Holmes "Mr. Holmes" Ian reincarnated in the main character. As a basis of the script of the film was taken by the novel of the writer Mitch Kallina "Bee Mr. Holmes". Premiere films took place at the Berlin Film Festival.

The artist does not shy away from working on television. In 2013, he appeared in the series "Sinners", where the plot was built around the elderly pair of gays. Men lived together half a century, but did not bother each other and never ceased to love. The partner of Ian on the project became Derek Jackobi.

As an actor, Ian came out in the films "Golden Compass", "Star dust", "Doctor Who".

In 2017, Ian worked on the musical fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", in which she appeared in front of the audience in the form of the butler of Kogsworth turned into the fireplace clock.

Fans dreamed of seeing a beloved actor as a wizard of Dumbledore in the Franchise "Harry Potter". But after the death of Richard Harris, Michael Gambon was approved by the role.

In 2017, in an interview with McKellen admitted that he was offered to play the legendary director of Hogwarts, but he refused. The reason was that Ian could not take a role after the actor who did not approve it. It turns out that one day, Harris said about McKellen, that the brilliant technique of the game, but not enough passion.

In the same year he voiced one of the heroes of the cartoon "Courtyard in the world of beasts" and made a storyteller in the short film Edmund The Magnificent.

Then the tape-biography on the actor "McCellen: Playing Role" came out.

In March 2018, it became known that the artist was approved on the main role in the "good liar" thriller. In the film we were talking about the elderly fraudster Roe Courtney, whose character went to Ian. He meets on the Internet with a widow of Betty Maklish. Roy should charm a woman and get prey. But everything is complicated when Courtney understands that he had feelings to Betty. And then the case turns into a dangerous game.

The role of the widow received the actress Helen Mirren, and the director's chair took Bill Kondon. It is noteworthy that McKellen is no longer the first to work with this director. They collaborated in the tapes "Beauty and the Beast", "Mr. Holmes" and "Gods and Monsters".

Ian McCellen now

Anniversary in 2019, the actor noted the Mckellen on Stage 2019 with a large theatrical tour, despite the fact that for another 2 years before that he stated the completion of the career on the scene. With his new production in which Ian appeared in the image of the Widow of the Widow, he visited theatrical teams of West-Enda London. Also this year McKellen went to tour in the country. All collected funds, a man handed over to the needs of small theaters of Great Britain.

Among other things, the year was marked by the premiere of the Musical "Cats", in which McKellen fulfilled the role of theatrical cat. Despite the scale of the idea, the project failed at the box office, becoming the leader of the antipremia "Golden Malina - 2020".

The actor does not consider the age of hindrance in a creative career, so now it works on several projects. According to rumors, it is filmed in the film Noel, and also participates in the dubbing of the criminal comedy "Licacy".

At the beginning of 2020, McKellen again pleased the fans of his creativity with joyful news: the actor released the diary records that did during work on the project "The Lord of the Rings". This artist reported on his page in Twitter.


  • 1966 - "David Copperfield"
  • 1988 - "Mills of the Gods"
  • 1993 - "Protecting music"
  • 1995 - Richard III
  • 1996 - "Rasputin"
  • 2000 - "X-People"
  • 2001 - "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of Ring"
  • 2003 - "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"
  • 2006 - "Da Vinci Code"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2012 - "Hobbit: Unexpected Journey"
  • 2013 - "Wolverine: Immortal"
  • 2013 - "Hobbit: Smalthan Waste"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2015 - "Mr. Holmes"
  • 2017 - "Beauty and the Beast"
  • 2019 - "Good liar"
  • 2019 - "Cats"

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