Helen Mirren - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, youth, queen, "Caligula", filmography: 2021



Helen Mirren is the famous British and Hollywood actress, the Oscar Prize laureate and the commander of the Order of the British Empire. She played in a variety of excellent paintings. But it seems the most organically performer looked in the images of Augusta. In different years, the artist performed the role of English Charlotte, Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II. Probably there is a certain pattern, because the blood of the aristocrats really flows in the veins. True, not English, but Russian.

Childhood and youth

Helen was born in July 1945 in the suburb of London. At birth, the actress received the name Elena Vasilyevna Mironova, because the father of the artist of Vasily Mironov is Russian. Grandfather on his father, a convinced monarchist, did not accept the revolution and fled to England. By education, he was a military engineer. His wife accounted for by the Grand Count and Feldmarshal Mikhail Fedorovich Kamensky.

Mom actresses - British - did not have aristocratic origin. But the father of a woman, grandfather Helen, was a court butcher of the Queen of Victoria. After the death of Father, Vasily Mironov decided to stay abroad and assimilated in the UK. The man replaced the name on Basil Mirren. New name received and daughter Elena.

Parents wanted the heir to become a teacher. But she became more interested in theater. The student participated in school amateur productions. And later, after admission to the pedagogical college, it took the final decision to become an artist. Mirren was transferred to the theater school, and when she turned 18, he was listening and was adopted in the National Youth Theater.


The first 2 years Helen trusted only small roles. But soon the beginning of the artist shone in the image of Cleopatra at the Odd Vic Snaps. Here the performer noted agents and invited to the Royal Shakespeare Theater. On this scene, the star played not one major role: in the performances of the "tragedy of the avenger", Richard III, "a lot of noise from nothing", "Hamlet" and "Two Verona".

In 2013, in the English stage presented the "Auditorium" layout on the play of Peter Morgan. In the center of the plot - weekly techniques, which gave the Queen of Elizabeth II Prime Ministers of Great Britain from the moment of his own entry into the throne. Mirren appeared in the image of Philip's spouse, the Duke of Edinburgh. Interestingly, over time, the text of the play was changed in accordance with the arrival of new persons on the political arena.


Cinematic biography of Helen Mirren is a bright kaleidoscope of female images and types. The first success of the artist felt after the release of the epic drama "Caligula" Tinto Brasse. The film was at the peak of popularity, and as a qualitative anti-utmost plot, and thanks to the scandals unfolded around the film.

The film was sponsored by the erotic entertainment magazine "Penthouse", so the bed scenes and scenes of cruelty in this painting came out unzipped and naturalistic. There were many such scenes in the tape, because the picture of the picture turned into an era of the unparably cruel and even the sadistic rule of Emperor Caliguly.

Fighters for morality called a picture of a disgusting trash, and the Writer Mountains Vidal even removed his own name from the titles, but it was only heated the popularity of the film. Helen Mirren here played the role of the priest's empress, the last wife of the Roman emperor. Despite the abundance of frank episodes, the poetics of the film reminded the theatrical production, and also caused parallels with Satirikon Federico Fellini.

Then another popular painting "Cook, Thief, his wife and her lover" directed by Peter Greenway, who caused a lot of disputes and shocked the Puritan audience. Mirren played the main female role here, appearing, as in Caligule, in erotic scenes. The film, which became later cult, reminded the epic cloth of Dutch painters.

Also, the actress did not refuse to be filmed in television projects. In 1991, the actress received the main role of the police inspector, and with the development of the plot - and senior police officer Jane Tennison in the detective TV series "The main suspect." The role of a woman officer operating in the men's team and facing sexism, Britanca performed until 2006.

In the same 2006, Mirren was at the peak of the film college: actress was presented by Oscar for a talented reincarnation in Elizabeth II in the historical film "Queen". In addition, the film also awarded the prize of the Venetian Film Festival. Helen Mirren depicted Elizabeth II in the difficult period of her life - during the mourning for the princess of Diana in the car accident. This deep drama image and appreciated the jury of prestigious awards.

In 2010, an exciting comedic fighter "RED" came to the screens, in which Mirren embodied the image of Victoria Vincelu, the MI6 agent retired. Bruce Willis, John Malkovich and Morgan Freimen appeared in the English "old men-robbers". The film project was in the soul, and after 3 years the continuation of the adventures of retired spies came. Later Maxim magazine included the picture of the "12 most delusional films about Russia" list.

In 2019, the actress filmography was replenished with several bright projects. Among them is the action "Anna", the director of whom Schuke Veson spoke. The Russian Suastell Sasha Lousy, which was popular in the West, which was popular in the West, which was embodied on the screen in a double agent of the CIA and KGB. The picture also turned out to be involved other Russian actors, in particular, Alexander Petrov. Russian played and Mirren, who became the head of the Security Committee specialties in the film.

The project received good fees in the world, but Russian film crimits were reproached by the director in the mass of inaccuracies. For example, in the episode that unfolded in 1987 in Moscow, the main character, living in poverty with a addict, owns his own laptop, uses the Internet, which finds the USSR Navy site and fills out the questionnaire there.

A series of "monarch" roles of British continued. In October, the mini-series "Catherine Great" was released on the screens. Helen followed the image of the Russian Empress in recent years of government. She became an executive producer of the project. The acting ensemble together with Mirren made up Jason Clark, Gina Makka and other famous artists.

No less talented was the work of British in the "Good Liar" drama. In the plot, the main character, the swarm of the roo Courtney, performed by Ian McCellen, finds the elderly Batty (Mirren played), the owner of a major condition. Under the guise of a caring fan, a man is trying to enroll in confidence in the lady, and after the score to the thread.

Personal life

Personal life Helen Mirren is saturated with events. The famous actress had a lot of novels, but only one of them turned out to be the main thing. Since the 1980s, Helen Mirren is connected with Taylor Hekford, the famous American director who has removed the film School "Lawyer Devil", Ray and others.

In 1997, the attitudes of the actress with Taylor took the official form. But in this strong marriage, children did not appear. In an interview with the actress repeatedly noted that he never felt the need for the continuation of the kind, did not feel the maternal instinct. In his instagram account, the Briton posts photos and video of personal and working moments. In 2010, the celebrity came to Moscow to meet their relatives. At the same time, in an interview, she admitted that he did not speak Russian.

In 2018, the details of the novel Mirren and Liam Nison, who knocked in 1981, became known in 1981 on the filming of the film "Eccalibur". Actors told about this, being guests of Shame Norton's guests. Relationships launched 4 years - during this time the actress, already becoming popular, actively "promoted" the beloved, which turned out to be 7 years younger than her. According to Nison, he learned about the feelings Helen to him on her gait.

Before that, Liam heard that if the British like a man, then he begins to copy his plastic behind him. Once, already working with Mirren, the guy turned around and saw that she would repel his movements. The couple began to live together, but over time, Irishman wanted a family, children, the actress was striving to make a brilliant cinema career. This has become a reason for parting.

Helen Mirren now

In 2021, the actress continued his cinema career. The director of the director Roger Michellah was published on the screens involving Mirren. The picture was based on real events that stirred by the British public in the early 60s of the XX century. In that period in the London National Gallery, theft "Portrait of the Duke Wellington", paintings created by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya, were found in the London National Gallery.

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Soon the police received anonymous messages from the robber. He reported that he would return the picture, but on very unusual conditions. In the film, the main male role was performed by Jim Brodbent, known as Horace Slugorth in films about Harry Potter. And Helen played a central character's spouse.

Cooperation of the actress with a team with a franchise "Fast and Furious" continued. As before, Mirren appeared on the screen in the form of Magdalena, Mother Decard, Hatty and Owen show.


  • 1969 - "Perfect"
  • 1973 - "Oh, lucky!"
  • 1979 - "Caligula"
  • 1980 - "Long Passion Friday"
  • 1984 - "Terrorist Diary"
  • 1991-2006 - "The main suspect"
  • 1991 - "Where even angels are afraid to appear"
  • 1994 - "Madness of King George"
  • 2001 - "Gosford Park"
  • 2006 - "Queen"
  • 2007 - "Treasure of the Nation: The Book of Tyne"
  • 2015 - "Tommbo"
  • 2015 - "Occupy Oko"
  • 2016 - "Ghost Beauty"
  • 2018 - "Winchester. The house that ghosts built "
  • 2018 - "Nutcracker and four kingdoms"
  • 2019 - "Anna"
  • 2019 - "Catherine Great"
  • 2019 - "Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Show"
  • 2021 - "Solo"
  • 2021 - "Fast and Furious 9"

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