Tatyana Bogacheva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Yin-Yang Group 2021



Tatiana Bogacheva is a pop singer, a finalist of the music show "Star Factory - 7", the soloist of the Yin-Yang group. A hit who made her name was famous, became the song "Neuvoyo", written by Konstantin Meladze. Now the artist is on the threshold of a solo career, working on the selection of musical material. Tatyana believes that it will soon be that song, from the execution of which will tremble her heart and soul.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana Bogacheva - Crimean. She was born in Sevastopol in February 1985. Parents immediately noticed that the daughter grows with an artistic and musical gifted girl. They took a 5-year-old Tanya in a children's opera studio, where experienced teachers put the voice of the girl, taught the Azam vocal, acting skills and pantomimes.

After a couple of years, Tatiana Bogacheva has already participated in vocal competitions and song festivals for children. In her house is kept not one dozen literacy and prizes. Vocal classes in Native Simferopol allowed the girl with ease to enroll in the Kiev Academy of Culture and Art. Tanya chose the specialty "pop vocals".

In Ukraine, Bogachev knows as a singer and a bright model. The girl consisted in the model agency of Kiev and more than once appeared in commercials and posters. Perhaps Tatiana with its external data (height 173 cm, weight 55 kg) could make a good model career, but dreamed of music.


This opportunity received Tanya in the 2007th. This year, the creative biography of Bogacheva started. The singer passed the qualifying stages of the 7th season of the popular TV show "Factory of Stars" and hit the project that Tatyana Tatiana was in life. During the participation in the TV show, her repertoire was replenished with the songs "everything herself", "so should not be." At the concerts of the project, Duets were sounded by Bogachev with Sergey Lazarev "Shattered Dreams", with Sogdian "Blue Sky", with Chris Kielmi "Night Randevu", etc.

Later, the producer of Project Konstantin Meladze created from two talented contestants, Tatyana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanova, a duet, calling him "Yin-Yang." Soon he grew up to Quartet: Julia Parashut and Sergey Ashimmin joined the guys.

The fact that a group of the nominees of the TV show "Factory of Stars" will be created, the audience did not know until the contest winners award. The presentation of the music team, which occurred at the last reporting concert of the program, became a pleasant surprise for all fans of musicians. In the same place, on the last speech, Tatiana performed the song "Nevoyomo", and Artem Ivanov - "If you knew." Later, the composition entered the repertoire of the musical team.

The first song of the Yin-Yang group received the name "Little, yes Intor". Her premiere also took place at the reporting concert of the 7th season of the television show and immediately attracted attention to the new team. A few days later in the final of the competition, when there were places between the participants, the Yin-Yang team divided the 3rd place with another project Konstantin Meladze - the BIS group.

The prize pointed place allowed the singers to take the song "Save me", which also, as the first composition, entered the rotation of many radio stations in Russia and Ukraine. The declared award for the Yin-Yang group was the recording of solo album and clip. Shooting video on the second song from the repertoire of musicians was entrusted to Clipmeyer Alan Badoev.

The rating of the 7th season of the "Stars Factory" was so high that the organizers decided to hold an international tour, which included a visit to Israel, Spain, Kazakhstan, Latvia and the United States. In 2008, Tatiana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov entrusted the first to fulfill specially written on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the family in Russia, the anthem of the holiday.

And in September, the listeners have already enjoyed new compositions - "Karma" and "Kamikadze". Video clips were removed on both hits. The group is invited to the anniversary concert of the Music Boxing TV channel, and then the clip on the song "Karma" receives the 1st place on the video contest in Eurovision 2010.

Then there were many new compositions, but the best of them is considered to be the song "Popig". She instantly became a hit. After the video appeared, the composition was posted on YouTube and received 22 million views.

On the 3th anniversary of the existence of the Tatiana and Artem group, the new singles are pleased with the new single "Do not let go of my hand", the clip is on which was removed using the New Year's symbolism. After 3 months later, the group has already participated in the "Star Factory: Return" - the superfinal show, where the strongest finalists of all releases were invited. Soon the "Cool", "Thailand", Saturday, the author of which were Ivanov, followed. In 2016, Tatiana and Artem Duet performed the composition "Mushka".

In addition to participating in the Yin-Yang group, Tatiana Bogacheva was fortunate enough for the musical career with composers Maxim Dunaevsky, Ilya Reznik, George Garajan. A number of joint compositions with Larisa Valley, Alexander Buynovy, Lyme Vaikule, Valery Meladze, Stas Piekhoy was recorded.

Songs performed by Tatiana Bogacheva sounded at the concerts "Song of the Year", Big Love Show, "old songs about the main thing", "five stars", "two stars", "Minute of Glory". Due to the pregnancy and childbirth of Tatiana, the concert activity of the Yin-Yang group declined, but the singer went on stage for up to 8 months. Belly, the performer skillfully hid with bulk outfits.

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At the time of maternity leave, vocalist musicians continued to perform an updated composition. The former participant of the "Hot Chocolate" group Tatyana Reshetnyak was invited to the singer of the soloist. The return of the singer to the musical team coincided with the departure of Sergei Ashinymin. Tatyana and Artem continued to sing a duet. In mid-2017, it was announced soon to replenish the number of soloists, but this did not happen.

In 2018, Tatiana began a new stage of creative biography - became interested in teaching activities. Bogachev was invited to the pedagogical composition of the studio vocal Voice'studio, where the future pop artists are preparing, they record songs. The studio also collaborates with the music TV-show, which allows promising students to receive the first experience of interaction with the public.

Personal life

When Tatiana got to the "Star Factory", she had a young man. But almost closed life on the project, where participants turn into one family, dictated their rules. Tanya met Artem Ivanov, who immediately arose like a sympathy. At first, the guy liked outwardly. The singer reminded her David Beckham, who was a benchmark for male beauty in the youthful years of Tatiana. Then, having acquainted closer, Bogacheva marked excellent education and rare guy intelligence.

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The novel was bright, although not fragile. The organizers of the show and the leaders of the team did not like that there was feelings between the two participants of Yin-Yang. But there were no special obstacles to love guys.

The novel did not pass and after the end of the show. Tatiana and her chosen one were not going to change a personal life. At first, the pair removed housing and lived in a civil marriage. In 2014 there were rumors about the novel of Artem Ivanov on the side. They rumored that his passion was the former wife Boris Grachevsky Anna. The information did not receive confirmation from the mouth of the artists themselves, and in May 2016, Bogachev and Ivanov turned into a real "cell of society". The wedding of musicians was organized for loved ones and in the media was not covered.

Soon the young girl had a lovely girl who decided to call the unusual name of Mirra. Daughter's name chose Tatiana's husband. The singer did not immediately approved the selection of a spouse, but soon gave way. After the birth of Mirra, her photo immediately decorated "Instagram" Tatiana, although his daughter's face was hidden for a long time.

After the birth of the heir, the artist after 1.5 months continued the musical career. According to the singer, she had to lose weight during the year. In Nutrition, Bogachev did not particularly adhere to diets, but limited herself in flour, sweet and fat.

Today, Tatiana pleases fans not only by excellent vocals, but also professional photo sessions. Her photos in swimsuits, stylish outfits decorate a personal profile in "Instagram". The artist, along with his daughter, often resting abroad, visits parents in the Crimea.

In May 2018, Tatiana made an official statement that for almost 2 years it did not live with Artem Ivanov under one roof. Musicians broke up peacefully, without scandals and cheating. At one point, they realized that they were not suitable for each other. But for the sake of the daughter and joint project Tatiana and Artem retained friendly relations. After the divorce, the girl remained with her mother, and her father continues to see her every day.

Tatyana Bogacheva now

Now Tatiana continues to participate in the concert life of the Yin-Yang group. In December 2018, the musicians visited Almaty at the opening ceremony of the RED Pepper restaurant.

At the beginning of 2019, Tatiana Bogacheva visited the Arab Emirates, where he rested along with his daughter. Following the tradition of the tradition that originates 5 years ago, the singer annually flies into the warm edges to celebrate his birthday.

Discography (songs)

  • 2007 - "Little, yes Intow"
  • 2007 - "Save me"
  • 2008 - "Karma"
  • 2008 - "Hymn of the family"
  • 2009 - "Kamikadze"
  • 2010 - "Do not let go of my hand"
  • 2010 - "POFIG"
  • 2012 - "Alien"
  • 2014 - "Thailand"
  • 2015 - Saturday
  • 2016 - "Goracle"
  • 2017 - "Infinity"

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