Andrei Panin - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, wife, children, cause of death and the latest news



Andrei Panin - the Russian actor who has become famous in adulthood, but managed to achieve huge audience love. His roles in the paintings "Brigade", "bastards", "Kamenskaya", "Zhurov" and many others are considered a model of reincarnation in the images of police and military.

Andrei was born in Novosibirsk, in the family of physicists. His father was a radio physician, and Mom taught this accurate science in high school. The family was also brought up with Andrei's sister, Nina. When their son turned two years old, Chel Panin moved to Chelyabinsk, and after a couple of years, settled in Kemerovo, where childhood and youth actor passed. And it was about Kemerovo Panin who will later be remembered as his homeland.

Andrei Panin with parents

At school, Andrei studied at "well" and "excellent", but at the same time he was a merry and melagour. Often, he could, instead of a response to the question, to tell some kind of bike. Teachers often told him "Well, you and the artist", hardly guessing how close to the truth. Also in adolescence, Panin was interested in sports. He was engaged in karate, boxing, and still - folk dances and even came to the ensemble to perform on the Moscow VDNH.

Andrei Panin as a child

After graduating from the young school at the insistence of the Father and Mother, the Kemerovo Food Institute enters the Kemerovo Food Institution, but he studied there for long. Andrei's creative gusts, which he was already unable to restrain, did not approve of strict teachers, and Panin deduct. Instead of education in the field of food technologies, it ends the directorial faculty of the Kemerovo Institute of Culture and is arranged to work at the local Minusinsky Theater. Also, the actor has teaching experience: in 1983-84, he led the Meeting Pantomime Studio at the Kemerovo State University.

Andrei Panin in his youth

But Andrei has long been ripe for a desire to succeed in Moscow. Every summer he traveled to the capital to enroll in the Moscow Theater University. For the first time he was refused due to some kind of speech defect, and Panin began to fight the lack of disadvantage and managed to straighten the reprimand. Then he was told that his appearance did not correspond to the type that it would never be taken to the cinema ... Only with the fourth attempt, the man managed to pass all the exam tests and enroll in Andrei Kalyagin's workshop at the MCAT studio. The actor received a diploma in 1990, when he was already 28 years old.

Andrei Panin - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, wife, children, cause of death and the latest news 18638_4

The first theater after the university for Andrei Panina became MCAT named after A. P. Chekhov, where he played under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov in many classic plays. Then the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin, as well as a number of entrepreneurial performances, where such stars were invited as Alexander Abdulov and Yevgeny Grishkovets.


Andrei Panin began to film in the early 90s, and the first recognition came to the actor after the role of the sailor in the criminal comedy "Mom, do not burn." Also, his account was an infirmary picture "24 hours", the social drama "Border. Taiga novel ", the tragicomedy" Wedding ", the detective series" Kamenskaya ".

Andrei Panin in the film

All-Russian glory hit Andrei after fulfilling the role of the role of corrupt operational Vladimir Cavery in the Criminal Saga "Brigade". Later, he starred in the sports drama "Fight with the shadow", in the adventure militant "Trio", for which he received a special prize at the window "Window to Europe", in the historic ribe "Rider named death", the "Vanechka" melodrama.

Andrei Panin in the film

The images created by Panin in the Military films "Babes" and "Last Armored Train", martial films "Kiss not for the press" and "Elder Wife", Psychological Paintings "Crime and Punishment" and "Orange Juice", Thrillers "Zhurov" and "The Illusion of Fear."

The last works of Panina-actor were the military drama "Maiters of Major Sokolov" and the Detective "Sherlock Holmes", where he fulfilled the role of the right hand of the detective - Dr. Watson. It should be noted that Andrei tried to portray a completely different image of this character, so as not to cause the audience for associations with the hero of Vitaly Solmin.

Andrei Panin in the film

Had Andrei Panin and filmmakers experience. At first he made a modern remake of the 1954 comedy "Reliable friends." The new version was called "Full Forward". Then the tragicomedy "Cosmonaut's grandson" was shot, built on a paradoxical plot, but raising pressing social issues. Also, Panin was ready to shoot the shielding of the Zakhar's novel Prilepina "Pathology", for which he prepared the scenario and had already collected the acting, but he was needed at home shooting in the Chechen Republic, and this was denied, and the project had to freeze.

Personal life

The first wife of actor Andrei Panin had no relation to the cinema. A woman was called Tatiana French, in the specialty she was an economist and came from high-ranking, by the standards of Kemerovo, family. The family was born a daughter's hope, which subsequently went in the footsteps of the mother and was educated in the field of finance. Unfortunately, soon after a joint move to Moscow, Andrei and Tatiana parted.

Wedding Andrei Panin and Tatyana French

The second wife of Panin became the actress Mkhat Natalia Rogozhkin. When they met, the girl was only 20 years old, and her beloved had almost reached the age of Christ. Quite soon, Natalia moved to a man in a hostel, where he lived due to the lack of his own housing. In 2001, a couple had a son Alexander, but a few more years, spouses lived in actual marriage.

Andrei Panin and his wife Natalia Rogozhkin

In 2005, due to the enormous employment of Panin and its constant lack of home, the divorce began in the family. Rogozhkin even went to live to her mother, but Andrew did everything in him to preserve this union. He managed to return Natalia and his son home, and a year later, the spouses were signed officially. Soon the number of members of the Panin family rose again: the wife gave birth to the actor of the second son of Peter.

Drawing of the work of Andrei Panin

Not everyone knows that the favorite passion of Andrei Panin was drawing. He himself treated his drawings as amateur, but the wife found this art in them. The actor worked in the genre of surrealism, adding the elements of caricature and absurd to the classic avant-garde. In 2015, in the framework of the annual Festival of Contemporary Art "Days of Contemporary Art" Natalia Rogozhkin and a friend of the family, Gennady Rusin managed to show the work of Panin to the general public.


On the morning of March 7, 2013, the dead body of the actor Andrei Panin was found in his own apartment. Initially, an accident was initially suspected, but a carefully conducted examination found that, first of all, a man died on the eve of the evening, and secondly, that the bruises were available on the body could not be obtained without a third-party person. Moreover, on the body of the deceased, small grain grains were found, it is not known where they appeared from.

Tombstone monument and portrait in the house of Andrei Panin

Investigators opened a criminal case, but the investigation was suspended in a year, and in 2015, as the widow of Andrei Panin said, finally closed "for the absence of the composition of the crime." Although relatives and friends are still confident that the cause of the death of the actor is cruel murder.

Andrei Panin is buried on the Trocerovsk cemetery after the funeral in the church of Nicholas Wonderworker. It is noteworthy that literally a few hours before death, the actor was nominated for the Annual Nika Prize for the fulfillment of the leading role in the military-historical picture of "Atonement".


  • 2000 - border. Taiga Roman
  • 2001 - Family Secrets
  • 2002 - Brigade
  • 2006 - the last armored train
  • 2007 - Crime and Punishment
  • 2009-2010 - Zhurov
  • 2010 - Orange Juice
  • 2013 - while still alive
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2014 - Major Sokolova's hetero

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