Otar Kusnashvili - biography, personal life, photo, news, transmission, sons, "What was next?" 2021.



He is called an adventurism icon and a nightmare of the Russian show business, and he with a smile claims that it is an "antiproquilist" and "chemically pure genius". A perturbator of calm and a scandalist, a bright and outstanding, unpredictable journalist, television and radio host, Popular Columnist Otar Kushanashvili may like someone, and someone can annoy someone. Indifference is the only feeling that showman does not cause anyone.

Childhood and youth

Otar Shalvovich Kusanashvili was born in the old Georgian Kutaisi in a large family. Father Shalva Kusnashvili, tractor driver by profession, and Nelly Gogochi's mother, who worked as Castellar, brought up five children. The father of the future journalist belonged to the small mining nationality of the Kistans. This ethnic group was related to Muslim religion.

Journalism began to attract Otara in secondary school classes. Sociable, emotional and erudite Kusnashvili did not see himself in any other profession. It seems that communication with the outside world and the desire to speak out for any reason, regardless of whether it is like that or not, it was in his blood.

The pen was held at the local "Kutais truth". The schoolboy read a lot, including the authoritative "literary newspaper." And not just read, but wrote to the famous authors of the publication, such as Stanislav Seedadin and Lev Anninsky.

One day, Anninsky, explicitly provoked by the amazing sincerity, bordering the outrageousness of the Georgian young man who wrote a journalist that "Chingiz Aitmatov is a bad writer! You will read at least Nodar Dumbadze. Our writer will be even! ", I decided to answer Kusnashvili. Later, Otar said that when he received an answer from the metropolitan celebrity, from the oversupply of feelings kissed the letter and cried.

After graduating from School Otar Kusnashvili entered the University of Tbilisi. Chose, of course, the faculty of journalism. Soon, the young man was expelled, as the journalist claims, for not worthy of Georgian behavior and too long.

The guy was called in the army. After serving, Otar decided not to exchange on trifles and went to conquer Moscow. Help Kusnashvili at the first stage provided a journalist Yuri Schobochechin, with whom the guy was rewritten from the young age. He arranged a young man in a communal apartment and gave money for the first time.

The capital did not immediately reveal the reception of Georgian hospitable hugs. Kusnashvili afternoon floors on Paveletsky train station, he worked at night with a school guard and tirelessly sent a resume in all sorts of Moscow publications. Of the 35 editors, to which Otar addressed, the answer was obtained only from one.

Journalism and television

The creative biography of Otar Kushanashvili began in the newspaper "New Look", which was founded by Evgeny Dodol. The persistent Georgian guy was credited to the staff to the post of correspondent. Otaru had to fall out: it was necessary to thoroughly master Russian grammar.

Kusnashvili turned out to be a capable and stubborn young man. Already six months later, a young journalist was celebrated by the editorial award for an excellent interview, taken from the faith of verbal and Viktor Merezhko.

In his youth, Otar was not sitting in place: he vigorously made his way everywhere, perfectly realizing that the water was not flowing under the lying stone. Kusanashvili became acquainted with the head of the TV channel "TV-6" Ivan Demidov. He immediately realized that such a guy, brazenly and without prejudice, was great for him in the promotion of the new project "Shark Feather".

Otar Kushanashvili did not deceive the hopes assigned to Demidov. From the first esters, the journalist made his name and raised the program rating. The invited stars of show business turned out to be shocked by provocative questions of this guy.

Otar Kushanashvili completely did not flather and did not feel any trepidation in front of people who knew the whole country. For example, Valery Leontyeva he asked, "Whether he doesn't sleep with his own dog. The singer, although she was shocked, but not suffering from the lack of a sense of humor and self-causing - he managed to gracefully parry "Shark Feather".

However, such a composure, like Leontyev, was far from all. Now the late singer and the mannequin Natalia Medvedev, who insulted by the questions of Kusnashvili, threw a microphone in him.

And Stanislav Reedsadin wrote about a new scandalous star in the author's article, that "in this disgusting fuel attacking decent people in indecent questions", a journalist with difficulty learned that wonderful young man from Kutaisi, who wrote to him naive, semi-graphical, but full letter of writing. Seedadin called Kusnashvili "Perezvert" and regretted that the era of such people was.

It seems that the dubious glory of the famous cynic and the provocatetor ceased to delight and Otar himself. The TV presenter realized that the Forbidden Edge was transferred in pursuit of the rating, so he left the television show.

However, Dolkally change Otar Kushanashvili was not going. Soon Sergey Lazarev's attacks were subjected to the leading abilities (more precisely, the absence of such) journalist declared a journalist.

Otar was not going to stop. In the end, the shocking and scandals are part of the image of a journalist. For this, Kusnashvili paid money. One day a man "modestly" admitted that for the literary geniuses of compromises should not exist. And he stated that it was forced to "sell his children to have no need."

Did not bypass Otar and politicians. For example, in 2008, the journalist called Mikhail Saakashvili "shame of the nation", but later radically changed the opinion of politics.

Not all Ceboribriti was subjected to the derogatory criticism of the shocking journalist. For example, Yuri Aizenshpis Kusnashvili called the great man, an unrecognized genius considered Igor Sorin, and about Ksenia Sobchak responded as the smartest of the girls familiar to him, which never allows himself to offend the weak. Joseph Kobzon, Valery Meladze, Leonid Agutin, Soloiski group "Brilliant" were among the respected Kusanashvili stars of the Russian show business.

In the mid-1990s, Otar has already become recognized by all Russian show business. And it does not matter that many to the word "star" used the prefix "Scandal": the popularity of the journalist did not dispute nobody. In 1995, Kusanashvili headed the Music Pravda weekly, which then was called "Muzoboz". In the framework of the project, he took over 300 interviews from celebrities.

In early 1997, Otar began to lead musical and information projects "Party Zone" and "Obzzz-Show" along with Leroy Kudryavtseva and Gauche Kutsenko. Later, the role of the TV presenter appeared in the "Big Kush" programs on the STS, "on the Boulevard" and "time-money" on the TV channel of the DTV, "What?!" on kp-tv. And also led the quiz "Smart Found!" On the channel "360 ° near Moscow." In addition, the showman himself became the hero of many programs, including participated in the TV project "Star in Cuba".

Kushanashvili marked on the radio. At various times, he worked as leading gears on "Europe Plus" and "Radio" Komsomolskaya Pravda ". He wrote the author's speakers for the newspaper "Arguments and True", "Ohm" magazines, "Secret & Mystery" and Fly & Drive. The articles of the journalist were regularly published in the "Evening Moscow", "Moscow Komsomol" and "Moscow Pravda".

Since October 2015, the creative biography of Otar Kusnashvili has been enriched with new pages. Until March 2016, he led the Morning Radoshou "100% in the morning" on "Sport FM". In the same year, the journalist tried to take a vacancy vacancy on the Ukrainian "Radio" ", but they refused to take the journalist.

Otar Kushanashvili always takes part in programs dedicated to the iconic events in the field of show business. In 2015, he visited several broadcasts, where the untimely departure of the famous and all beloved Zhanna Friske was illuminated. After the death of Julia, the onset television journalist told the public about the last desire of the singer "Member Merry".

Kusnashvili tried strength and as an actor. The journalist appeared in the comedic project "33 square meters", in the 3rd season of the Detective TV series "Kamenskaya-3" and an action-drama "Club". And he starred in the films "Kaleidoscope", "Life as a movie, or a strict regime show" and "Vladislav Galkin. Get out of the role. "

In October 2016, Otar Kusnashvili became TV presenter of the "Natural Selection" of the TVC channel. The talk show is devoted to the quality of products. The studio of the program comes as affected by substrate products, medium-term citizens and owners with directors of manufacturers who are ready to defend the name of their own product. Disputes allow experts - production technologies, doctors, nutritionists and even lawyers.

Kusanashvili became Kusanashvili, Zinaida Rudenko became. The man called the finding partner for a program that instantly adapts to each topic and is able to transfer the transmission to the desired level of voltage.

At the same time, Kusnashvili himself admitted that she first acts as a similar format. Although the journalist and not the first time playing the role of "defenders of oppressed", Otar Shalvovich is used to do it in a more ironic and creative vein.

The main goal of the transfer TV presenter called the educational function: to teach that and how to buy, how to live qualitatively and safely, to what to watch when choosing new brands, and from what things and products are better to completely refuse.

In 2017, the TV host released a new book called "Not One". The publishing house "Arguments of the Week" was engaged in the print and spread of the book. Earlier, "I and the Path in ... How to defeat the good", "I. The book is revenge. "And" Epoch and I: Chronicles of Hooligan. "

In April 2018, the TV presenter became a guest of the author's transfer of the writer Tatyana Ustinova "My Hero", which comes out on TVC television channel. In this Tok show, Otar Kushanashvili talked with the writer about his biography, spoke about conflicts with people who led Kushanashvili into journalism, on the perturbation of the appearance of the journalist on the part of Tbilisi residents, which arose in the 90s.

Since 2018, on the same channel, Otar produces a culinary show "Save, I do not know how to cook!". In the studio of the TV presenter, many celebrities have already visited, among which Marina Yakovlev, Ekaterina Zulkina, George Martirosyan and others.

Otar Kushanashvili met with a colleague Yury Dud. The TV journalist believes that the blogger demonstrates exactly this style of communication, which was characteristic of journalism of the late 90s. According to Columnist, Yuri resorts to such a vocabulary openly, while Otar with colleagues used it only in the sidelines.

In 2019, Kusnashvili became the guest of the online show "Game in the body", as reported by the "Instagram" page. He continued to work on projects "Save, I do not know how to cook!" and "natural selection", as well as periodically appear in other transmissions. In March 2020, Kusnashvili visited Boris Korchevnikov's studio "The Fate of Man". A little earlier with the participation of Showman on Yutubeuba, the release of the Internet project "Naked True with Leno Lenina" appeared.


Otar Kushanashvili made his name on numerous scandals and provocative speeches. So, in the early 2000s, the TV journalist in the program Andrei Malakhov, dedicated to the topic "Eurovision", moved in conversation for obscene expressions.

The fans of the scandalist remember the case at a concert in Vilnius, when Otar, without having calculated the power of the public, jumped into the crowd, which did not catch him. As a result of the fall, the reporter lost consciousness.

And in 2004, Kusnashvili and had to arrest in Portugal because he ran out on the field during the match between the Russian and Portuguese national teams. Then the degree of the fan was worth the command of the release of the European Championship quarter. The Otar was separated by two years conditionally and a fine of € 2.5 thousand. The news was lit on the ether of Moscow.

Two years later, the fade-famous Georgians in Dmitry Gordon's program made a sensational statement that he was beating unknown to ordered the Primateonna of the Russian pop. According to the TVURNALIST, before that, he dropped a stinging phrase that over the past 48 years (this was the age of Alla Pugacheva at that time) the performer did not sing a single successful song.

These words insulted the artist, after which she filed on a journalist to court. In the same interview, Otar told that one day he was beaten by Drunk Alexander Abdulov in front of Christina Orbakaite.

Later, the audience could watch the scandalous favorite in the Ukrainian TV show "Big Brother", where Otar in one of the releases with joy completely undressed and demonstrated dense vegetation throughout the body.

Often Kusnashvili acts in defense of his friends from show business. In particular, he regretted the alcoholism of Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonov, who began at the star after a painful divorce. Nevertheless, about the acting talent of Goshi Kutsenko and the ability to perform songs Showman expressed to him inherent skepticism.

In his speeches, the TV journalist often contradictively responds about the activities of the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Despite the admiration for the readiness of the head of state, Kusanashvili negatively treated the annexation of the Crimea.

Personal life

Otar Kushanashvili is a happy father of nine children, but his personal life has been difficult. The first daughter of Daria was born in 1996. Her mother became Natalia Melnik, with which Otar met in Moscow Pravda. The relationship between the journalist and his chosen was not easy - for six years a man did not communicate with his daughter.

The sons of George and Nikolos were born on the connection of the journalist with Olga Kurochkin. Chosen Kushanashvili along with children lives in Kiev. Her father is one of the most secured entrepreneurs of Ukraine. After the emergence of the sons of Sons, Otar Shalvovich saw them infrequently, and today it does not meet at all. The son-in-law of the Ukrainian oligarch Georgian journalist did not. The second daughter of Arina was born from a reporter relationship with the elected named Elena. Today she is engaged in poetry.

In a single marriage with Maria Yakimova, Kusanashvili was born Son Fedor. The couple planned a long relationship, but in a heavy moment for a journalist, when he lost his job, the wife decided to part with him. According to the reporter, it still does not understand the reasons for this divorce. Today, Otar does not communicate with Fedor. Later, Yakimova married another person, and the boy changed the surname.

Otar Kusnashvili's personal life after parting with Masha has acquired meaning only when he met Irina Kiselev. The girl either had no relation to the world of television and show business - worked as a bank lawyer. The daughter of Elina was born in this union.

Relationship destroyed the dependence of the journalist from drugs and alcoholism. In an interview, he notes that at that moment was in the hairs of death. When parting, Irina and Otar gave each other a word again never to meet.

The son of Mamuka was born in the Union with a girl Alena. Chosen by Georgian wanted to help him overcome dependence on drugs, but at that time Kushanashvili was not yet ready to return to normal life.

It took the time that the journalist managed to recover. At the new stage of his life, he met with a culinary blogger Olga, from which Daniel's son was born. Now the couple lives together and grow a child. In the House of Showman, Ealina's daughter, older sister Daniel.

In February 2021, it became known that the showman became a father again. On the birth of the 9th child, as well as about the identity of the mother, the journalist spoke on the ether of the "Secret per million" program. There, in the studio, Kusanashvili voiced many unknown facts their professional activities.

Otar Kushanashvili is divided by thoughts not only in the format of officially published books or television shows on federal channels. The journalist is present on social networks and on other platforms to exchange views: its photos appear in VKontakte, Twitter and Instagram.

Showman at a certain point began to experience overweight problems. In 2017, the TV host independently lost, just limiting himself in food. His weight with a height of 173 cm reached 78 kg. Having lost 14 kg, the journalist declared that she plans to make a facelifier and blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids.

Otar Kushanashvili now

Now Otar Shalvovich is mastering new horizons for himself. In November 2020, he visited the studio of the online project "What was next?", Where he made a stedap-comic commissarovko. On the air transfer, Kusnashvili remembered the case from his personal life, which ended with a big scandal for him.

In early 2020, the journalist launched his own Yutiub-channel "What?" Where every week lay out a new issue of transmission about Russian show business and politics. The project Anton Sheacks was sterling. Olga Buzova and Dava Manukyan, Alexey Navalny and his spouse, as well as other media daisons became the heroes of the television journalist.


  • 1995-1998 - "Pen Akula"
  • 1995 - "Muzoboz"
  • 1997 - "Party Zone"
  • 1997 - "OBZZ-show"
  • 2013-2014 - "What?!"
  • 2015-2016 - "100% in the morning"
  • 2016 - "Natural Selection"
  • 2018 - "Save, I do not know how to cook!"
  • 2020 - "What?"


  • 2010 - "I. Book - Revenge »
  • 2011 - "Epoch and I: Chronicles of Hooligan"
  • 2012 - "I and the way in ... how to defeat the good"
  • 2017 - "Not One"

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