Elina Bazheev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Wedding and Latest News 2021



Elina Bazheev is a Russian student of Chechen origin. She was born on August 9, 1994 in the family of the famous oil magnate Musa Bazheev, who is the owner of a multidisciplinary concern "Alliance" and the owner of a 40% stake in the world leader's mining of the Russian Platinum. Mom Elina, which is the name of Louise, is engaged in household and raising children. In the family of underlying their four: two daughters of Maryam and Elina, as well as their younger brothers Timur and Alim.

Successfully graduating from school, Bazhev was entered into one of the most prestigious universities in Russia - the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. And Elina, and her older sister Maryam, who also studied at this institute, are known as quiet and calm girls who, unlike many other oligarchs, never got into scandalous stories.

The more surprising was the situation in which Ealina was at the end of October 2016. On his page on the social network Ask.fm when communicating with one of its subscribers, the girl allowed himself a rather sharp statement to the native country and the capital of Russia. Her phrases "Everywhere is better than in a rashka" and "with one thought about Moscow I feel bad" sounded very ambiguous. The fact is that Elina at that moment was on vacation in the United States of America and, according to her assurances, they meant exclusively cloudy and cold weather during the period of the Russian Autumn, as well as permanent metropolitan traffic jams on motorways.

Elina Bazheev about Russia

Whatever it was, the page on the network Ask.fm Bazheev deleted, and access to a personal page in Instagram closed for outsiders. Now her photos can be seen only the subscribers who approve the girl itself. But the resonance of the above-signed phrases turned out to be huge. To comment on the situation, even the rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov, who promised to conduct a subject conversation with his student after her return to his homeland, as well as a deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Milonov. Politician is confident that if Elina wants to make a career in a diplomatic service after graduation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will have to consider the candidacy of the grandfather, since such ambiguous sayings are unacceptable for one citizen of Russia.

Personal life

Not once familiar Elina Bazhaeva ranked a girl to the category of the most beautiful Chechens. Of course, she had a lot of fans, but a serious relationship was for the first time rid of beauty with Beckhan Mamakayev. Young people met in February 2016. As was customary from representatives of the Caucasian peoples, Beckhan enlisted Musa Gubzayev to communicate with his daughter, after which a 25-year-old man began to carefully care for Elina.

Elina Bazheev and her husband Beckhan Mamakayev

By the way, Beckhan and himself falls the son of a fairly wealthy businessman, the owner of the Dorchester Finance company Alikhan Mamakaev. The young man graduated from the University of London, freely speaks six foreign languages ​​and is a co-owner of the Father in several of his enterprises. Mamakaev, younger, after two months of communication with Elina, understood that in love with real. He made a proposal of his hand and hearts to which the girl answered agree.


Interestingly, the older sister of Elina, Maryam Bazheev, only in April 2016 married. So the billionaire Musa Bazhaev had to organize the second wedding for six months. On the eve of the celebration of the bride, the little girl arranged, at which her with friends were entertained by popular artists: the singer in the style of R'n'B Cristina Si, Russian hip Hoper Egor Cre and Rapper L'One.

And the wedding itself took place on September 24 in Monte Carlo, in the restaurant "Salle Empire" at the hotel luxury hotel "Hotel de Paris". The bride put on a wedding dress of the work of the Lebanese designer Zukhair Murad, who had made no less gorgeous outfit for Maryam. By the way, the bazaeva-younger robe cost her father in 20 million rubles. For a beautiful dress, Elina thanked the couturier on his page in instagram. She wrote that, among other things, thanks to the designer from Lebanon, I remembered this holiday day as a special and beautiful.

Parents of the bride, Musa and Louise Bazhaev, according to Chechen traditions at the wedding were absent. However, it was the only folk rite that was observed Ealina Badzhaev and her husband Beckhan Mamakayev: the bride sat at the same table with the fiance, although traditionally she had to be all day on her legs, and guests were no more than a hundred, and not about semi-wild usually. By the way, even the princess of Qatar Sheikha Sava was among the invited friends.

After the wedding evening, young spouses went to a wedding trip through American states. Honeymoon they decided to spend on the warm beaches of Miami and in the lights of colorful Las Vegas.

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